require_relative '../test_helper'

class TestBERIntegration < LDAPIntegrationTestCase
  # Test whether the TRUE boolean value is encoded correctly by performing a
  # search operation.
  def test_true_ber_encoding
    # request these attrs to simplify test; use symbols to match Entry#attribute_names
    attrs = [:dn, :uid, :cn, :mail]

    assert types_entry =
      base: "dc=example,dc=org",
      filter: "(uid=user1)",
      size: 1,
      attributes: attrs,
      attributes_only: true,

    # matches attributes we requested
    assert_equal attrs, types_entry.attribute_names

    # assert values are empty
    types_entry.each do |name, values|
      next if name == :dn
      assert values.empty?

    assert_includes Net::LDAP::ResultCodesSearchSuccess,
      @ldap.get_operation_result.code, "should be a successful search operation"