<p> Dynamically created job to generate apt and yum repos from packages built by jenkins. It uses the git archive from the package:tar cell in the upstream package matrix to determine which repos to create. </p> <p> This job will trigger the downstream job supplied with DOWNSTREAM_JOB if passed to rake in the upstream invocation. </p> 3 -1 -1 -1 false false deb||rpm false false false false false <%= "#{@build.project}-packaging-#{@build.build_date}-#{@build.ref}" %>/command=package_tar **/PROJECT_BUNDLE true true #!/bin/bash ## We have to check if this has been triggered by a successful package build curl -s "http://<%= "#{@build.jenkins_build_host}" %>/job/<%= "#{@build.project}-packaging-#{@build.build_date}-#{@build.ref}" %>/lastBuild/api/json" | grep result\":\"SUCCESS\" > /dev/null PACKAGE_BUILD_RESULT=$? set -e if [ $PACKAGE_BUILD_RESULT -eq 0 ] ; then echo "Detected upstream package build success. Building repos." ### We've retrieved the git bundle from the tarball build, so now we clone it ### and use it to trigger our repo creation # # PROJECT_BUNDLE is a tarball containing a bundle file and git_repo is the # directory that will contain the git repository. First we untar the tarball # and then clone the git_bundle [ -f "PROJECT_BUNDLE" ] || exit 1 [ -d project ] && rm -rf project mkdir project && tar -xzf PROJECT_BUNDLE -C project/ pushd project git clone --recursive $(ls) git_repo pushd git_repo ### Clone the packaging repo rake package:bootstrap --trace ### Run repo creation rake pl:jenkins:rpm_repos --trace rake pl:jenkins:deb_repos --trace popd popd else echo "Detected upstream package build failure. Failing repo creation." exit 1 fi <% if ENV['DOWNSTREAM_JOB'] %> <%= "#{@build.project}-downstream-#{@build.build_date}-#{@build.ref}" %> FAILURE 2 RED <% else %> <% end %> xterm