import FormStorage from "form-storage" $(() => { window.DecidimAwesome = window.DecidimAwesome || {}; if (!window.DecidimAwesome.auto_save_forms) { return; } const questionnaireId = window.DecidimAwesome.current_questionnaire; if (!questionnaireId) { // console.log("Not a questionnaire page") return; } const storeId = `awesome_autosave:${questionnaireId}`; const storeCheckboxesId = `awesome_autosave:checkboxes:${questionnaireId}`; const $form = $("form.answer-questionnaire"); if (!$form.length) { if (window.DecidimAwesome.questionnaire_answered) { // console.log("Questionnaire already answered, remove any data saved"); window.localStorage.removeItem(storeId); window.localStorage.removeItem(storeCheckboxesId); } // console.log("No forms here"); return; } const store = new FormStorage(`#${$form.attr("id")}`, { name: storeId, ignores: [ // '[type="hidden"]', '[name="utf8"]', '[name="authenticity_token"]', "[disabled]", // there are problems with matrix questions '[type="checkbox"]' ] }); const showMsg = (msg, error = false, defaultTime = 700) => { const time = error ? 5000 : defaultTime; // eslint-disable-line no-ternary, multiline-ternary const $div = $(`<div class="awesome_autosave-notice${error ? " error" : ""}">${msg}</div>`).appendTo($form); // eslint-disable-line no-ternary, multiline-ternary setTimeout(() => { $div.fadeOut(500, () => { $div.remove(); }); }, time); }; if (!window.localStorage) { showMsg(window.DecidimAwesome.texts.autosaved_error, true); return; } if (window.localStorage.getItem(storeId)) { showMsg(window.DecidimAwesome.texts.autosaved_retrieved, false, 5000); } // restore if available store.apply(); // eslint-disable-line prefer-reflect // restore checkboxes try { let checkboxes = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(storeCheckboxesId)); for (let id in checkboxes) { // eslint-disable-line guard-for-in $(`#${id}`).prop("checked", checkboxes[id]); } } catch (evt) { console.log("No checkboxes found"); } // this trigger the "change" event, it seems that it is too much // $form.find('input, textarea, select').change(); const save = () => {; // save checkbox manually let checkboxes = {}; $form.find('input[type="checkbox"]').each((index, el) => { checkboxes[] = el.checked; }); window.localStorage.setItem(storeCheckboxesId, JSON.stringify(checkboxes)); showMsg(window.DecidimAwesome.texts.autosaved_success); }; // save changes when modifications $form.find("input, textarea, select").on("change", () => { save(); }); });