module Figures class German UNITS = %w{ eins zwei drei vier fünf sechs sieben acht neun }.freeze PREFIXES = { units: %w{ tausend mi bi tri quadri quinti sexti septi okti noni }, union_units: %w{ un duo tre quattuor quinqua se septe okto nove }, union_tens: %w{ dezi viginti triginta quadraginta quinquaginta sexaginta septuaginta oktoginta nonaginta }, union_hundreds: %w{ zenti duzenti trezenti quadringenti quingenti seszenti septingenti oktingenti nongenti } }.freeze EXCEPTIONS = { /^eins(hundert|tausend)/ => 'ein\1', /^eins\s/ => 'eine ', /einsund/ => 'einund', 'einszehn' => 'elf', 'zweizehn' => 'zwölf', 'sechszehn' => 'sechzehn', 'siebenzehn' => 'siebzehn', 'zweizig' => 'zwanzig', 'dreizig' => 'dreißig', 'sechszig' => 'sechzig', 'siebenzig' => 'siebzig' }.freeze attr_reader :number def initialize(number) @number = number.to_i end def parse return 'null' if number == 0 triples = split_into_reverse_triples(number) word = triples.each_with_index.reduce('') do |result, (triple, index)| triple_word = triple_to_word(triple, index) result.prepend(triple_word) end.strip number < 0 ? "minus #{word}" : word end private def triples_count @triples_count ||= split_into_reverse_triples(number).count end def split_into_reverse_triples(number) @reverse_triples ||= number.abs.to_s.reverse.scan(/.{1,3}/).map(&:reverse) end def triple_to_word(triple, triple_index) hundred_digit, ten_digit, unit_digit = split_triple(triple) word = [ hundred(hundred_digit), unit(unit_digit), copula(unit_digit, ten_digit), ten(ten_digit) ].join word = append_exponent_identifier(word, triple_index) apply_exceptions(word) end # splits up a triple into hundreds, tens and unit position def split_triple(triple) triple.match(/\A(\d)??(\d)??(\d)\z/) end # returns the word for the given unit number def unit(digit) return '' if UNITS[digit - 1] end # returns the copula between unit position and tens def copula(unit_digit, ten_digit) 'und' if ten_digit > 1 && ! end # returns the word for the given tens digit def ten(digit) case digit when 0 then '' when 1 then 'zehn' else unit(digit) + 'zig' end end # returns the word for the given hundreds number def hundred(digit) case digit when 0 then '' else unit(digit) + 'hundert' end end # adds the exponent word to the triple word # e.g. tausend for the second triple (index = 1) # Million for the third triple (index = 2) # Milliarde for the fourth triple (index = 3) # # indexes => PREFIXES index # 2,3 => 1; 4,5 => 2; 6,7 => 3; ... : floored division by 2 # etc. def append_exponent_identifier(word, index) return word if word.empty? || || triples_count == 1 if index == 1 word + PREFIXES[:units][0] elsif index.even? pluralize_if_plural(word + ' ' + (PREFIXES[:units][index / 2] + "llion ").capitalize) elsif index.odd? pluralize_if_plural(word + ' ' + (PREFIXES[:units][index / 2] + "lliarde ").capitalize) end end # pluralizes exponent identifiers def pluralize_if_plural(word) word =~ /^eins / ? word : word.sub(/e? $/, 'en ') end # replaces all exceptions in the number word def apply_exceptions(word) EXCEPTIONS.each do |exception, replacement| word.sub!(exception, replacement) end word end end end