module Formtastic module Inputs module Base module Timeish def to_html input_wrapping do fragments_wrapping do fragments_label << template.content_tag(:ol, do |fragment| fragment_wrapping do fragment_label_html(fragment) << fragment_input_html(fragment) end end.join.html_safe, # TODO is this safe? { :class => 'fragments-group' } # TODO refactor to fragments_group_wrapping ) end end end def fragments date_fragments + time_fragments end def time_fragments options[:include_seconds] ? [:hour, :minute, :second] : [:hour, :minute] end def date_fragments options[:order] || i18n_date_fragments || default_date_fragments end def default_date_fragments [:year, :month, :day] end def fragment_wrapping(&block) template.content_tag(:li, template.capture(&block), fragment_wrapping_html_options) end def fragment_wrapping_html_options { :class => 'fragment' } end def fragment_label(fragment) labels_from_options = options[:labels] || {} if labels_from_options.key?(fragment) labels_from_options[fragment] else ::I18n.t(fragment.to_s, :default => fragment.to_s.humanize, :scope => [:datetime, :prompts]) end end def fragment_id(fragment) "#{input_html_options[:id]}_#{position(fragment)}i" end def fragment_name(fragment) "#{method}(#{position(fragment)}i)" end def fragment_label_html(fragment) text = fragment_label(fragment) text.blank? ? "" : template.content_tag(:label, text, :for => fragment_id(fragment)) end def value object.send(method) if object && object.respond_to?(method) end def fragment_input_html(fragment) opts = input_options.merge(:prefix => object_name, :field_name => fragment_name(fragment), :default => value, :include_blank => include_blank?) template.send(:"select_#{fragment}", value, opts, input_html_options.merge(:id => fragment_id(fragment))) end # TODO extract to BlankOptions or similar -- Select uses similar code def include_blank? options.key?(:include_blank) ? options[:include_blank] : builder.include_blank_for_select_by_default end def positions { :year => 1, :month => 2, :day => 3, :hour => 4, :minute => 5, :second => 6 } end def position(fragment) positions[fragment] end def i18n_date_fragments order = ::I18n.t(:order, :scope => [:date]) order = nil unless order.is_a?(Array) order end def fragments_wrapping(&block) template.content_tag(:fieldset, template.capture(&block).html_safe, fragments_wrapping_html_options ) end def fragments_wrapping_html_options { :class => "fragments" } end def fragments_label if render_label? template.content_tag(:legend, builder.label(method, label_text, :for => "#{input_html_options[:id]}_1i"), :class => "label" ) else "" end end def fragments_inner_wrapping(&block) template.content_tag(:ol, template.capture(&block) ) end end end end end