module Blog class Entries < Controller map '/entry' provide(:rss, :type => 'application/rss+xml', :engine => :Nagoro) provide(:atom, :type => 'application/atom+xml', :engine => :Nagoro) def index(slug) @entry = Entry.from_slug(slug) redirect Blog::Main.r('/') unless @entry @tabindex = 10 # outsmart the sidebar tabindex for login end # just making the work in the template easier def show @id = @href = @entry.href @comment_href = @entry.comment_href @respond_href = @entry.respond_href @trackback_href = @entry.trackback_href @title = h(@entry.title) @pub_iso = @entry.published.iso8601 @pub_formatted = @entry.published.strftime(Blog.options.time_format) @comment_count = number_counter(@entry.comments.count, 'comment') end def feed end def edit(slug) login_required @entry = Entry.from_slug(slug) @tags = fetch_tags end def save login_required @entry = Entry[request[:id]] @entry.update(request) redirect @entry.href end def new login_required @entry = @tags = fetch_tags end def create login_required @entry = @entry.update(request) redirect @entry.href end def delete(slug) login_required Entry.from_slug(slug).destroy end private def fetch_tags if tags = request[:tags] tags.scan(/\S+/).join(' ') elsif and tags = @entry.tags tags.join(' ') else '' end end end end