goog.provide('webfont.EventDispatcher'); goog.require('webfont.CssClassName'); /** * A class to dispatch events and manage the event class names on an html * element that represent the current state of fonts on the page. Active class * names always overwrite inactive class names of the same type, while loading * class names may be present whenever a font is loading (regardless of if an * associated active or inactive class name is also present). * @param {webfont.DomHelper} domHelper * @param {HTMLElement} htmlElement * @param {Object} callbacks * @param {string=} opt_namespace * @constructor */ webfont.EventDispatcher = function(domHelper, htmlElement, callbacks, opt_namespace) { this.domHelper_ = domHelper; this.htmlElement_ = htmlElement; this.callbacks_ = callbacks; this.namespace_ = opt_namespace || webfont.EventDispatcher.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE; this.cssClassName_ = new webfont.CssClassName('-'); }; /** * @const * @type {string} */ webfont.EventDispatcher.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = 'wf'; /** * @const * @type {string} */ webfont.EventDispatcher.LOADING = 'loading'; /** * @const * @type {string} */ webfont.EventDispatcher.ACTIVE = 'active'; /** * @const * @type {string} */ webfont.EventDispatcher.INACTIVE = 'inactive'; /** * @const * @type {string} */ webfont.EventDispatcher.FONT = 'font'; goog.scope(function () { var EventDispatcher = webfont.EventDispatcher; /** * Dispatch the loading event and append the loading class name. */ EventDispatcher.prototype.dispatchLoading = function() { this.domHelper_.appendClassName(this.htmlElement_, this.namespace_, webfont.EventDispatcher.LOADING)); this.dispatch_(webfont.EventDispatcher.LOADING); }; /** * Dispatch the font loading event and append the font loading class name. * @param {webfont.Font} font */ EventDispatcher.prototype.dispatchFontLoading = function(font) { this.domHelper_.appendClassName(this.htmlElement_, this.namespace_, font.getName(), font.getVariation().toString(), webfont.EventDispatcher.LOADING)); this.dispatch_( webfont.EventDispatcher.FONT + webfont.EventDispatcher.LOADING, font); }; /** * Dispatch the font active event, remove the font loading class name, remove * the font inactive class name, and append the font active class name. * @param {webfont.Font} font */ EventDispatcher.prototype.dispatchFontActive = function(font) { this.domHelper_.removeClassName(this.htmlElement_, this.namespace_, font.getName(), font.getVariation().toString(), webfont.EventDispatcher.LOADING)); this.domHelper_.removeClassName(this.htmlElement_, this.namespace_, font.getName(), font.getVariation().toString(), webfont.EventDispatcher.INACTIVE)); this.domHelper_.appendClassName(this.htmlElement_, this.namespace_, font.getName(), font.getVariation().toString(), webfont.EventDispatcher.ACTIVE)); this.dispatch_( webfont.EventDispatcher.FONT + webfont.EventDispatcher.ACTIVE, font); }; /** * Dispatch the font inactive event, remove the font loading class name, and * append the font inactive class name (unless the font active class name is * already present). * @param {webfont.Font} font */ EventDispatcher.prototype.dispatchFontInactive = function(font) { this.domHelper_.removeClassName(this.htmlElement_, this.namespace_, font.getName(), font.getVariation().toString(), webfont.EventDispatcher.LOADING)); var hasFontActive = this.domHelper_.hasClassName(this.htmlElement_, this.namespace_, font.getName(), font.getVariation().toString(), webfont.EventDispatcher.ACTIVE)); if (!hasFontActive) { this.domHelper_.appendClassName(this.htmlElement_, this.namespace_, font.getName(), font.getVariation().toString(), webfont.EventDispatcher.INACTIVE)); } this.dispatch_( webfont.EventDispatcher.FONT + webfont.EventDispatcher.INACTIVE, font); }; /** * Dispatch the inactive event, remove the loading class name, and append the * inactive class name (unless the active class name is already present). */ EventDispatcher.prototype.dispatchInactive = function() { this.domHelper_.removeClassName(this.htmlElement_, this.namespace_, webfont.EventDispatcher.LOADING)); var hasActive = this.domHelper_.hasClassName(this.htmlElement_, this.namespace_, webfont.EventDispatcher.ACTIVE)); if (!hasActive) { this.domHelper_.appendClassName(this.htmlElement_, this.namespace_, webfont.EventDispatcher.INACTIVE)); } this.dispatch_(webfont.EventDispatcher.INACTIVE); }; /** * Dispatch the active event, remove the loading class name, remove the inactive * class name, and append the active class name. */ EventDispatcher.prototype.dispatchActive = function() { this.domHelper_.removeClassName(this.htmlElement_, this.namespace_, webfont.EventDispatcher.LOADING)); this.domHelper_.removeClassName(this.htmlElement_, this.namespace_, webfont.EventDispatcher.INACTIVE)); this.domHelper_.appendClassName(this.htmlElement_, this.namespace_, webfont.EventDispatcher.ACTIVE)); this.dispatch_(webfont.EventDispatcher.ACTIVE); }; /** * @param {string} event * @param {webfont.Font=} opt_font */ EventDispatcher.prototype.dispatch_ = function(event, opt_font) { if (this.callbacks_[event]) { if (opt_font) { this.callbacks_[event](opt_font.getName(), opt_font.getVariation()); } else { this.callbacks_[event](); } } }; });