# encoding: utf-8 # This writer writes changes directly to the open database. # Use the direct writer only for single process environments # (one single rails app server, e.g. one mongrel). # For multi process environemnts you should use a writer that # processes index changes through a queue. # @author Gernot Kogler module XapianDb module IndexWriters class DirectWriter BATCH_SIZE = 500 class << self # Update an object in the index # @param [Object] obj An instance of a class with a blueprint configuration def index(obj, commit=true) blueprint = XapianDb::DocumentBlueprint.blueprint_for(obj.class.name) indexer = XapianDb::Indexer.new(XapianDb.database, blueprint) doc = indexer.build_document_for(obj) XapianDb.database.store_doc(doc) XapianDb.database.commit if commit end # Remove an object from the index # @param [String] xapian_id The document id of an object def delete_doc_with(xapian_id, commit=true) XapianDb.database.delete_doc_with_unique_term xapian_id XapianDb.database.commit if commit end # Update or delete a xapian document belonging to an object depending on the ignore_if logic(if present) # @param [Object] object An instance of a class with a blueprint configuration def reindex(object, commit=true) blueprint = XapianDb::DocumentBlueprint.blueprint_for object.class.name if blueprint.should_index?(object) index object, commit else delete_doc_with object.xapian_id, commit end end # Reindex all objects of a given class # @param [Class] klass The class to reindex # @param [Hash] options Options for reindexing # @option options [Boolean] :verbose (false) Should the reindexing give status informations? def reindex_class(klass, options={}) opts = {:verbose => false}.merge(options) blueprint = XapianDb::DocumentBlueprint.blueprint_for klass.name primary_key = blueprint._adapter.primary_key_for(klass) XapianDb.database.delete_docs_of_class(klass) indexer = XapianDb::Indexer.new(XapianDb.database, blueprint) if blueprint.lazy_base_query base_query = blueprint.lazy_base_query.call else base_query = klass end show_progressbar = false obj_count = base_query.count if opts[:verbose] show_progressbar = defined?(ProgressBar) puts "reindexing #{obj_count} objects of #{klass}..." pbar = ProgressBar.new("Status", obj_count) if show_progressbar end # Process the objects in batches to reduce the memory footprint nr_of_batches = (obj_count / BATCH_SIZE) + 1 nr_of_batches.times do |batch| base_query.all(:offset => batch * BATCH_SIZE, :limit => BATCH_SIZE, :order => klass.order_condition(primary_key)).each do |obj| reindex obj, false pbar.inc if show_progressbar end end XapianDb.database.commit true end end end end end