# v0.12.3 - 2015-08-09 * Get rid of Ext's viewport warning * Uglify components' JS when not in the test/development env * Fix stack overflow issue in certain cases * Implement inline nesting of components * xtype of Netzke components receives additional "netzke" prefix (may potentially break things if you explicitely refer to xtypes) # v0.12.2 - 2015-06-06 * Fix loading multi-instance components # v0.12.1 - 2015-05-31 * Add `Base#client_config` shortcut to `config.client_config`, make it ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions * Rename `clientConfig` to `netzkeClientConfig` on client # v0.12.0 - 2015-03-16 * ExtJS 5.1 * More reliable implementation of netzkeGetParentComponent() * Callback passed to netzkeLoadComponent() will receive a second parameter with config object passed to netzkeLoadComponent() # v0.11.0 - 2015-02-05 * Rails 4.2 # v0.10.1 - 2014-05-24 * Fix an IE8 issue (@AlexKovynev) * Fix issue with multi-instance loading # v0.10.0 - 2014-04-02 * Rails 4 # v0.9.0 - 2014-02-08 * Introduce `Base#validate_config` that can be overridden to validate a component's configuration * Fix icon detection * Back to Rails 3 (use 0.10.x with Rails 4) # v0.9.0.rc1 - 2013-12-01 * Rails 4 * Ext JS 4.2 * Ext JS Neptune scheme is default # v0.8.4 - 2013-05-22 * bug fix * Re-enable session expiration detection * Do not crash on a rare situation when an endpoint is being called on an non-existing child component * improvements * Add `serverexception` event on `Netzke.directProvider`, subscribe to it to handle server exceptions * Endpoint calls will now pass Ext.direct.Exception to the provided callback function in case of server exception * A component will clean-up the loading mask when a server exception occurs during dynamic component loading * `netzkeFeedback` now shows multiple messages in a single slide banner * Implement multi-instance child component loading with different configuration (see MultiInstanceLoading in the test app) # v0.8.3 - 2013-03-22 * support Rails 3.2.13 # v0.8.2 - 2013-03-12 * bug fix * RuntimeError "can't add a new key into hash during iteration" in Composition in some scenarious (thanks @wupdiwup) * netzkeReload works again * improvements * minimize core Ruby class extensions * tests can now be run by simply executing `rake` from the gem's root (thanks @allomov) * feedback delay is now globally configurable * netzkeFeedback now understands {delay: seconds} as second parameter * add support for arbitrary controllers replacing NetzkeController * add support for HAML templates * some code refactoring * tests are rewritten with Mocha.js and CoffeeScript # v0.8.1 - 2012-12-15 * bug fix * in production, JS comment stripping could cause modification of form_authenticity_token (issue #43) (thanks @scho) # v0.8.0 - 2012-12-09 ## Misc * many backward-incompatible API changes, see below * major code clean-up and refactor * introduce `Netzke::Core::Panel` - a simple panel with defaults, that can be immediately rendered * Netzke child components can now be referred anywhere (e.g. dockedItems), not only in items * drop support for Ruby 1.8.7 * rename `netzke_init` view helper method to `load_netzke` * `before_load` is gone; if necessary, do preload stuff in the overridden `Base#js_configure` * rename `global_id` to `js_id` * `load_nezke` (previously `netzke_init`) now understands the `minified` option * implement referring to config methods declared in JavaScript from Ruby by using :symbols (see `Netzke::Base`) * i18n of actions takes into account ancestor classes * child component and action config now understand `excluded` option (handy for authorization) * `Base#update_state` and `#clear_state` are gone. Use `state` directly. ## Component self-configuration Often when extending an existing component (e.g. from `Netzke::Basepack`), there's a need to tune its behaviour by modifying its configuration. There are 2 methods that can be overridden in order to achieve that: `Base#configure` and `Base#js_configure`. The former is used to configure a component as whole. The latter - exclusively the component's JavaScript class instance. `js_configure` is being called only when the component is being rendered in the browser, and not when a component is instantiated, for example, for invoking its endpoint. Both methods receive as the only argument a `ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions`, which allows for syntax like this: def configure(c) c.some_config_option = 42 c.merge!(option_one: 1, option_two: 2) super end Calling `super` is essential for the super-component to do its own configuration (for example, `Netzke::Base#configure` would mix in the passed config options). The `Base#default_config` method and any other `Base#*_config` methods are gone and should be replaced with `Base#configure` or `Base#js_configure` - depending on the goal. ### Base#configure The `configure` method must be used to override the configuration of a component as whole (influencing component's both Ruby and JavaScript behaviour). For example, if the super component implements the `persistence` option, we may want to enable it in our component like this: def configure(c) c.persistence = true super end The place to call `super` is important. In the provided example, the `persistence` option can be overridden by this component's user. However, if we put it after `super`, it will override the user's setting. Another example of overriding a user's setting might be, for example, extending a component bottom bar depending on the `mode` config: def configure(c) super c.bbar = [*c.bbar, '-', :admin] if c.mode == :admin end The `configure` method is useful for (dynamically) defining toolbars, titles, and other properties of a component's instance. ### Access to component's config The result of `Base#configure` can be accessed through `Base#config` method from anywhere in the class. ### Base#js_configure The `js_configure' method should be used to override the JS-side component configuration. It is called by the framework when the configuration for the JS instantiating of the component should be retrieved. Thus, it's *not* being called when a component is being instantiated to process an endpoint call. Override it when you need to extend/modify the config for the JS component intance. The execution of `js_configure` does not influence the content of the `Base#config` method. ## JavaScript class configuration The following DSL methods are gone: `js_include`, `js_mixin`, `js_base_class`, `js_method`, `js_property`, `js_properties`. Instead, use the `js_configure` class method (not to be confused with the previously mentioned *intstance* method `Base#js_configure`): class MyComponent < Netzke::Base js_configure do |c| c.mixin # replaces js_mixin preserving the signature c.require # replaces js_include preserving the signature c.extend = "Ext.tab.Panel" # replaces js_base_class c.title = "My Component" # use instead of js_property :title, "My Component" c.on_my_action = <<-JS # use instead of js_method :on_my_action, ... function(){ // ... } JS end # ... end As you see, assignement must be used to define the JS class's properties, including functions. ## Actions The `action` DSL method does not accept a hash as an optional second parameter any longer, but rather a block, which receives a configuration object: action :destroy do |c| c.text = "Destroy!" c.tooltip = "Destroying it all" c.icon = :delete end The following is still valid: action :my_action # it will use default (eventually localized) values for text and tooltip ### Overriding actions in inherited classes Overriding an action while extending a component is possible by using the same `acton` method. To receive the action config from the superclass, use the `super` method, passing to it the block parameter: action :destroy do |c| super(c) # do the config from the superclass c.text = "Destroy if you dare" # overriding the text end ### Referring to actions in toolbars/menus `Symbol#action` is no longer defined. Refer to actions in toolbars/menus by simply using symbols: def configure(c) super c.bbar = [:my_action, :destroy] end Another way (useful when re-configuring the toolbars of a child component) is by using hashes that have the `netzke_action` key: def configure(c) super c.bbar = [ { netzke_action: :my_action, title: "My cool action" }, { netzke_action: :destroy, title: "Destroy!" } ] end Referring to actions on the class level (e.g. with `js_property :bbar`) will no longer work. Define the toolbars inside the `configure` method. ### I18n of actions +text+, +tooltip+ and +icon+ for an action will be picked up from a locale file (if located there) whenever they are not specified in the config. E.g., an action `some_action` defined in the component +MyComponents::CoolComponent+, will look for its text in: I18n.t('my_components.cool_component.actions.some_action.text') for its tooltip in: I18n.t('my_components.cool_component.actions.some_action.tooltip') and for its icon in: I18n.t('my_components.cool_component.actions.some_action.icon') ## Child components ### Defining child components A child component gets defined with the `component` method receiving a block: component :east_center_panel do |c| c.klass = SimpleComponent c.title = "A panel" c.border = false end Child component's class is now specified as the `klass` option and is actually a Class, not a String. When no `klass` or no block is given, the component's class will be derived from its name, e.g.: component :simple_component is equivalent to: component :simple_component do |c| c.klass = SimpleComponent end Defining a component in a block gives an advantage of accessing the `config` method of the parent component, e.g.: component :east_center_panel do |c| c.klass = SimpleComponent c.title = config.east_center_panel_title # something that could be passed as a config option to the parent component end If no `klass` is specified, `Netzke::Core::Panel` is assumed. ### Overriding child components Overriding a child component while extending a component is possible by using the same `component` method. To receive the child component config from the superclass, use the `super` method, passing to it the block parameter: component :simple_component do |c| super(c) # do the config from the superclass c.klass = LessSimpleComponent # use a different class end ### Lazy vs eager component loading All child components now by default are being lazily loaded on request from the parent, unless they are referred in the layout (see the **Layout** section). You can override this behavior by setting `eager_loading` to `true`, so that the child component's config and class are instantly available at the parent. ## Layout ### Referring to Netzke components The `Symbol#component` method is no longer defined. The preferred way of referring to child components in (docked) items is by using symbols: # provided child_one and child_two components are defined in the class def configure(c) super c.items = [:child_one, :child_two] end Another way (useful when re-configuring the layout of a child component) is by using hashes that have the `component` key: def configure(c) super c.items = [ { xtype: :panel, title: "Simple Ext panel" }, { component: :child_one, title: "First child" }, { component: :child_two, title: "Second child" } ] end ### Implicitly defined components in items Previously there was a way to specify a component class directly in items (by using the `class_name` option), which would implicitly define a child component. This is no longer possible. The layout can now only refer to explicitly defined components. ### Specifying items in config It is possible to specify the items in the config in the same format as it is done in the `items` method. If `config.items` is provided, it takes precedence over the `items` method. This can be useful for modifying the default layout of a child component by means of configuring it. It's advised to override the `items` method when a component needs to define it's layout, and not use the `configure` method for that (see the **Self-configuration** section). ### DSL-delegated methods are gone No more `title` and `items` are defined as DSL methods. Include `Netzke::ConfigToDslDelegator` and use `delegate_to_dsl` method if you need that functionality in a component. Thus, `Netzke::ConfigToDslDelegator` is not included in Netzke::Base anymore. ## Defining client class Client class (JavaScript part of the component) has been refactored. ### Methods renamed The following public method name changes took place for the sake of consistence: * localId => netzkeLocalId * setResult => netzkeSetResult * endpointUrl => netzkeEndpointUrl * loadNetzkeComponent => netzkeLoadComponent (signature changed, see "javascripts/ext.js") * componentDelivered => netzkeComponentDelivered * componentDeliveryFailed => netzkeComponentDeliveryFailed * getParentNetzkeComponent => netzkeGetParentComponent * reload => netzkeReload * instantiateChildNetzkeComponent => netzkeInstantiateComponent * getChildNetzkeComponent => netzkeGetComponent # v0.7.7 - 2012-10-21 * Ext JS required version bump (4.1.x) # v0.7.6 - 2012-07-27 * Rails 3.2 # v0.7.5 - 2012-03-05 * API changes * The `:class_name` option must *always* include the full class name now. So, `Basepack::GridPanel` won't work, instead do `Netzke::Basepack::GridPanel` * enhancements * Set default Ext.Direct retry attempts to 0, as more than 0 may only be needed in special cases. # v0.7.4 - 2011-10-20 * enhancements * Less aggressive rescuing at constantizing a string, to let more descriptive exceptions get through. * New `delegates_to_dsl` class method to degelate default config options to class level. See the `ConfigToDslDelegator` module. # v0.7.3 - 2011-09-04 * Rails 3.1 compatibility. Really. Hopefully. # v0.7.2 - 2011-08-31 * Rails 3.1 * bug fix * When a component is dynamically loaded in a container, the load mask is now limited to that container * enhancements * New u config option for loadNetzkeComponent, which prevents emptying the container when inserting the newly loaded component; can be used for loading components into layouts different from 'fit' # v0.7.1 - 2011-08-17 * bug fix * Multiple compound Netzke components in the same Rails view were causing JS errors # v0.7.0 - 2011-08-09 * Ext JS 4 compatibility * API changes * New `ext_uri` config option (defaults to "extjs") - relative URI to the Ext JS library on the server. * New `ext3_compat_uri` config option (defaults to `nil`) - relative URI to the Ext 3 compatibility layer. When nil, no compatibility layer is loaded. * New `current_user_method` config option (defaults to :current_user) to let Netzke::Core know which method to call on Rails controller to retrieve the current user. * New `Netzke::Core.current_user` method to retrieve the current user. * Passing instructions from server back to the client now is only meant for single-argument methods on client; arrays are not expanded into arguments any longer. * New `instantiateChildNetzkeComponent` method to instantiate a Netzke component by name. * Default component height (400) and border (false) are no longer set. * broken API * The `ext_location` config option renamed to `ext_path` * loadNetzkeComponent (ex loadComponent) won't automatically show a component with xtype 'window' any longer; use the callback to do that manually * enhancements * `js_mixin` without parameters will assume :component_class_name_underscored * Ext locale file is automatically included when I18n.locale is not :en * Child components now have `itemId` set to component's name, so that `getComponent(component_name)` can be used to retrieve immediate child components * `loadNetzkeComponent` that should be used instead of loadComponent won't render the loaded component unless the container is specified (which can be an id or an instance) * JS: `componentDeliveryFailed` method added that is called by the `deliver_component` endpoint * bug fix * Tolerate relative_url_root when calculating the URI to icons in actions * deprecations * instantiateAndRenderComponent * getParent in favor of getParentNetzkeComponent * getChildComponent in favor of getChildNetzkeComponent * loadComponent in favor of loadNetzkeComponent * feedback in favor of netzkeFeedback * Ext.container.Container#instantiateChild should not be used # v0.6.7 - 2011-08-16 * enhancements * No more using `method_missing` for invoking endpoints. * New "cache" option for `netzke_init` which gets passed to `javascript_include_tag` (no support for css caching of this type yet) * Netzke dynamic js and css-files such as ext.js, touch.css, now get generated at the application start, and put into "public/netzke". Solves a long standing problem with serving those files by HTTP servers in some cases. Enables caching naturally. * Moved features and specs to test/core_test_app (tests should be run from that folder from now on) * Introduced plugin functionality. We can create Netzke components that are pluggable into other components as Ext JS plugins. # v0.6.6 - 2011-02-26 * enhancements * Client-server communication is updated to use Ext.Direct (many thanks to @pschyska) * Introduced `js_translate` class method that allows specifying i18n properties used in the JavaScript class * Better handling of actions i18n * New `Netzke::Base.class_config_option` method to specify a class-level configuration options for a component, e.g. (in GridPanel): `class_config_option :column_filters_available, true`. This option then can be set in Rails application configuration, e.g.: `config.netzke.basepack.grid_panel.column_filters_available = false`, or directly on `Netzke::Core.config`, e.g.: `Netzke::Core.config.netzke.basepack.grid_panel.column_filters_available = false`. # v0.6.5 - 2011-01-14 * enhancements * Various fixes for IE * Support for Sencha Touch * An endpoint can now "call" JavaScript functions that accept multiple parameters, by specifying an array, e.g.: {:some_js_function => [arg1, arg2]} * New API: `js_mixin` method to "mixin" JavaScript objects from external files (see RDocs). * New JS class `componentLoadMask` property to configure a mask when a component gets dynamically loaded with `loadComponent`. Accepts the same configuration as Ext.LoadMask. * `js_include` and `css_include` accept both symbols and strings, where strings would contain full paths to the included file, whereas symbols get expanded to full paths following simple conventions (see RDocs for details). * Make some of `Netzke::Core` setup happen earlier in the loading process, so that we can safely use it while defining components. * Performance improvements by memoizing `Base.constantize_class_name`. * I18n for actions, see `Netzke::Actions`. * bug fix * The "componentload" event now gets fired after a component is dynamically loaded. The handler receives the instance of the loaded component. * Feedback does not insert a new div every time being called * JS class caching was broken for name-scoped classes * When a component was dynamically loaded into a hidden container, it wasn't shown when the container got shown next time # v0.6.4 - 2010-11-05 * enhancements * Implemented Netzke.isLoading(), useful for testing * Persistence support * API change * `endpoint` DSL call now results in a method called _endpoint, _not_ just (beware when overriding endpoint definitions, or calling endpoint methods on child components) * Using `api` for endpoint declaration is gone # v0.6.3 - 2010-11-02 * The `ext_config` option is back, deprecated. # v0.6.2 - 2010-10-27 * Introduced the Symbol#component method to declare components in the config (instead of now deprecated js_component). # v0.6.1 - 2010-10-26 * Disabled buggy implementation of rendering on-page JS classes in netzke.js instead of main page. # v0.6.0 - 2010-10-24 * Rails3 compatibility, thorough rewrite * Much more thorough testing * API backward incompatibility * `ext_config` config level is removed; put all that configuration in the top level * mentioning actions in the `bbar`, `tbar`, etc, should be explicit, e.g.: :bbar => [:apply.action, :delete.action] * `late_aggregatee` is now `lazy_loading` * `aggregatees` are now `components` * `widgets` are now `components`, too * `api` is now `endpoint` * `persistent_config_enabled?` is now `persistence_enabled?` * Using the `js_extend_properties` class method in your components in deprecated (and maybe even broken). Use `js_property` (or `js_properties`) and `js_method` instead (see multiple examples in test/core_test_app) * the `load_component_with_cache` endpoint renamed to `deliver_component` * New * `ext` helper in the views to embed any (pure) Ext component into a view * `component` DSL method to declare child components * `config` DSL method to set the configuration of an instance * `action` DSL method to configure actions * `js_method` DSL method to define (public) methods in JS class * `js_property` DSL method to define (public) properties in JS class * `endpoint` DSL method to define server endpoints * Different deprecations throughout the code # v0.5.3 - 2010-06-14 * Fix: Getting rid of deprecation warnings about tasks not sitting in lib. # v0.5.2 - 2010-06-11 * Ext 3.2.1 * Fix: Netzke::Base.before_load is now also called for the widgets embedded directly into a view. * New: support for external stylesheets. * Fix: the "value" column type has been changed to text to prevent migration problems is some cases * New: global_persistent_config method allows accessing persistent storage with no owner (widget) assigned * New: any widget can now implement before_api_call interceptor. If it returns anything but empty hash, it'll be used as the result of *any* API call to this widget. The interceptor receives as parameter the name of the API call issued and the arguments. Use it to implement authorization. * Fix: got the Ext's state provider out of the way (thank you for all the confusion) # v0.5.1 - 2010-02-26 * Compatibility with Ext 3.1.1 * New: Netzke.page object now contains all the widgets declared on the page * Code: replaced (references to) deprecated function names # v0.5.0 - 2010-01-10 * Compatibility with Ext 3.1.0 * API change: Netzke widget's now should be declared directly in the views instead of controllers. * API change: all ExtJS and Netzke JavaScript and styles are now loaded with the help of netzke_init helper. * API change: persistence_key option replaces persistent_config_id option. * Impr: headers in panels in the "config" mode now show the widget's global ID. * New: required ExtJS version check introduced at initial Netzke load. * Depr: :widget_class_name option is deprecated, use :class_name. * DRY: now there's no need to always define "actions" method, use it to override the defaults, which are automatically calculated based on configuration for toolbars/menu. * Impr: each generated JS class now has its unique xtype, e.g. "netzkegridpanel". * Fix: FeedbackGhost moved over from netzke-basepack. # v0.4.5.2 - 2009-11-09 * Fix: Hash#convert_keys and Array#convert_keys in core extensions are now renamed into deep_convert_keys, and now always plainly do what they're expected to do: recursively convert keys according to given block. # v0.4.5.1 - 2009-11-09 * Regression: fixing inheritance and caching. * FeedbackGhost is too simple to be a Netzke widget (having no server part), so, moved to static JavaScript. # v0.4.5 - 2009-11-08 * API change: Netzke::Base: id_name accessor renamed to global_id * Code: several internal code changes * Code: lightly better test coverage * New: Netzke::Base#global_id_by_reference method * Compatibility: resolving conflicts with the api property in some Ext v3.0 components * Fix: deliver_component was throwing exception when the requested component wasn't defined * New: persistent_config_id configuration option allows specifying an id by which persistent configuration is identified for the widget. Handy if different homogeneous widgets need to share the same persistent configuration. * New: Netzke::Base#persistent_config method now accepts an optional boolean parameter signalizing that the configuration is global (not bound to a widget) * Impr: cleaner handling of actions and toolbars; fbar configuration introduced. * Impr: calling an API method now provides for the result value (if return by the server) in the callback. * Impr: allows name spaced creation of Netzke widgets, e.g. widgets can now be defined under any module under Netzke, not only *directly* under Netzke. * New: support for Ext.Window-based widgets (it'll call show() on them when the "*_widget_render" helper is used). # v0.4.4 - 2009-10-12 * API change: default handlers for actions and tools are now supposed to be prefixed with "on". E.g.: if you declare an action named clear_table, the handler must be called (in Ruby) on_clear_table (mapped to onClearTable in JavaScript). * Internal: the JavaScript instance now knows if persistent config is enabled (by checking this.persistentConfig). * Fix: solving the "Node cannot be inserted at the specified point in the hierarchy" problem by being more strict with duplicated IDs for elements on the same page. * Fix: Ext 3.0 compatibility. * Impr: getChildComponent now allows referring to a widget like this: "parent__parent__some_widget__some_nested_widget" # v0.4.3 * Fix: reworking loadComponent()-related code, closing a security flaw when a malicious browser could send any configuration options to instantiate the widget being loaded. # v0.4.2 - 2009-09-11 * Fix: the API call (at the JavaScript side) was ignoring the callback parameter. * Impr: if the array of API points is empty, it's not added into js_config anymore. * New: new testing widgets in netzke_controller. * Fix: extra CSS includes now take effect. * New: Support for masquerading as "World". In this mode all the "touched" persistent preferences will be overwritten for all roles and users. # v0.4.1 - 2009-09-06 * Version bumb to force github rebuild the gem (Manifest is now included) # v0.4.0 - 2009-09-05 * Major refactoring. # v0.3.2 - 2009-06-05 * Netzke doesn't overwrite session[:user] anymore to not cause authentication-related problems. # v0.3.1 - 2009-05-07 * Fix: persistent_config_manager can now be set to nil, and it will work fine # v0.3.0 - 2009-05-07 * Refactor: got rid of NetzkeLayout model, now all layouts are stored in netzke_preferences * New: persistent_config now has a method for_widget that accepts a block * autotest compatibility * New: String#to_b converts a string to true/false * New: Netzke::Base.session introduced for session data * New: weak_children_config and strong_children_config can now be declared by a widget, which specifies weak and strong configuration that every child of this widget will receive (e.g. display/hide configuration tool) * Fix: (degradation) flash message is now shown again in case of erroneous attempt to load a widge * New: widgets now can check session[:netzke_just_logged_in] and session[:netzke_just_logged_out] automatically set by Netzke after login/logout # v0.2.11 * Introduction of getOwnerComponent()-method to Ext.Component. It provides the Netzke widget this Component belongs to. # v0.2.10 * Removed dependency on 'json' gem. * Rails v2.3.2 compatibility. # v0.2.9 * Actions, toolbars and tools reworked for easier configuration. * Menus introduced (based on actions). * Significant code clean-up. * Bug fix (nasty one): Ext.widgetMixIn was getting messed up along with dynamic widget loading. * Must work in IE now. # v0.2.8 * Support for extra javascripts and stylesheets per widget. # v0.2.7 * QuickTips get initialized now, as otherwise Ext 2.2.1 doesn't properly destroy() BoxComponents for me. # v0.2.6 * FeedackGhost is now capable of displaying multiple flash messages. * Dependencies slightly refactored. * An informative exception added to Base#component_instance. * JS-level inheritance enabled. * Work-around for the problem with Ext 2.2.1 in loadComponent. * Events "click" added to the widgets along with the actions. * component_missing method added to Netzke::Base - called when a non-existing aggregate of a widget is tried to be invoked * Code readability improvements. # v0.2.5 * Minor code restructuring. # v0.2.4 * Some minor improvements. # v0.2.3 * FeedbackGhost will show the feedback on the top of the screen independent of the page scrolling. * Ext.Panel#loadComponent will accept null as url to delete the currently loaded widget * Bug fix: persistent_config works again # v0.2.2 * js_ext_config instance method added for overwriting * Multiuser support * Using Rails.logger for logging * "config"-class method for every class inheriting Netzke::Base - for class-level configurations # v0.2.1 * Fixed the path to ext-base-min.js for production mode. * Also works in Safari now. # v0.2.0 * Some re-factoring and redesign. Now simple compound widgets can be created on the fly in the controller * Added ext_widget[:quiet] configuration option to suppress widget's feedback * Support for extra CSS sources, similar to JS * NETZKE_BOOT_CONFIG introduced to specify which Netzke functionality should be disabled to reduce the size of /netzke/netzke.[js|css] * FeedbackGhost widget added - invisible widget providing feedback to the user * netzke_widget controller class-method renamed into netzke * JS-comments now get stripped also from the extra files that get included in the netzke-* gems. * Permissions joined js_config * Bug fixes # v0.1.4 * Helpers added to facilitate ExtJS/netzke.js inclusion * The route defined for netzke_controller * netzke.html.erb-layout is not needed anymore, so not produced by the generator * Now compliant with Rails' forgery protection # v0.1.3 * Generators fixed # v0.1.2 * Fixed the bug with _class_definition returning empty string on sequential loading. # v0.1.1.1 * Meta: moving from GitHub to RubyForge # v0.1.1 * Inter-widget dependencies code reworked * JS-class code generation code slightly reworked # v0.1.0.2 * Meta: fix outdated Manifest # v0.1.0.1 * Meta work: replacing underscore with dash in the name # v0.1.0 - 2008-12-11 * Initial release