= resque-status
resque-status is an extension to the resque queue system that provides simple trackable jobs.
== About
resque-status provides a set of simple classes that extend resque's default
functionality (with 0% monkey patching) to give apps a way to track specific
job instances and their status. It achieves this by giving job instances UUID's
and allowing the job instances to report their status from within their iterations.
== Installation
resque-status *requires Redis >= 1.1* (though I recommend getting the latest stable version).
You can download Redis here: http://code.google.com/p/redis/ or install it
using homebrew (brew install redis).
Install the resque-status gem (which will pull in the dependencies).
gem install resque-status
To use with Rails, you can install as a plugin or add the gem to you're config:
# environment.rb
config.gem 'resque-status', :lib => 'resque/status'
Then in an initializer:
# config/initializers/resque.rb
require 'resque/job_with_status'
Resque.redis = "your/redis/socket" # default localhost:6379
Resque::Status.expire_in = (24 * 60 * 60) # 24hrs in seconds
== Usage
The most direct way to use resque-status is to create your jobs using the
Resque::JobWithStatus class. An example job would look something like:
class SleepJob < Resque::JobWithStatus
def perform
total = options['length'].to_i || 1000
num = 0
while num < total
at(num, total, "At #{num} of #{total}")
num += 1
Instead of normal Resque job classes, we inherit from the JobWithStatus class.
Another major difference is that intead of implementing perform as a
class method, we do our job implementation within instances of the job class.
In order to queue a SleepJob up, we also won't use Resque.enqueue, instead
we'll use the create class method which will wrap enqueue and
creating a unique id (UUID) for us to track the job with.
job_id = SleepJob.create(:length => 100)
This will create a UUID enqueue the job and pass the :length option on the SleepJob
instance as options['length'] (as you can see above).
Now that we have a UUID its really easy to get the status:
status = Resque::Status.get(job_id)
This returns a Resque::Status object, which is a Hash (with benefits).
status.pct_complete #=> 0
status.status #=> 'queued'
status.queued? #=> true
status.working? #=> false
status.time #=> Time object
status.message #=> "Created at ..."
Once the worker reserves the job, the instance of SleepJob updates the status at
each iteration using at()
status = Resque::Status.get(job_id)
status.working? #=> true
status.num #=> 5
status.total => 100
status.pct_complete => 5
If an error occurs within the job instance, the status is set to 'failed' and then
the error is re-raised so that Resque can capture it.
Its also possible to get a list of current/recent job statuses:
Resque::Status.statuses #=> [#, ...]
=== Kill! Kill! Kill!
Because we're tracking UUIDs per instance, and we're checking in/updating the status
on each iteration (using at or tick) we can kill specific jobs
by UUID.
The next time the job at job_id calls at or tick, it will raise a Killed
error and set the status to killed.
=== Expiration
Since Redis is RAM based, we probably don't want to keep these statuses around forever
(at least until @antirez releases the VM feature). By setting expire_in, all statuses
and thier related keys will expire in expire_in seconds from the last time theyre updated:
Resque::Status.expire_in = (60 * 60) # 1 hour
=== resque-web
Though the main purpose of these trackable jobs is to allow you to surface the status
of user created jobs through you're apps' own UI, I've added a simple example UI
as a plugin to resque-web.
To use, you need to setup a resque-web config file:
# ~/resque_conf.rb
require 'resque/status_server'
Then start resque-web with your config:
resque-web ~/resque_conf.rb
This should launch resque-web in your browser and you should see a 'Statuses' tab.
== More
Source: http://github.com/quirkey/resque-status
API Docs: http://rdoc.info/projects/quirkey/resque-status
Examples: http://github.com/quirkey/resque-status/tree/master/examples
Resque: http://github.com/defunkt/resque
== Thanks
Resque is awesome, @defunkt needs a shout-out.
== Note on Patches/Pull Requests
* Fork the project.
* Make your feature addition or bug fix.
* Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a
future version unintentionally.
* Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history.
(if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
* Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2010 Aaron Quint. See LICENSE for details.