= Packable --- History
== Version 1.17.0 - May 17th, 2010
* Added some features of 1.9.2:
* Array#repeated_combination, #repeated_permutation
== Version 1.16.2 - April 11th, 2010
* Added some features of 1.9.2:
* Array#uniq, #uniq! (with block)
* Array#product (with block)
* Dir.home
* Hash#keep_if, select!
* Random (new class)
== Version 1.15.0 - March 23rd, 2010
* Added a features of 1.9.2:
* Object#singleton_class
== Version 1.14.0 - March 3rd, 2010
* Added some features of 1.9.2:
* Array#rotate, rotate!
* Array#keep_if, select!
* Array#sort_by!
* Enumerable#join
* Enumerable#slice_before
* MatchData#==
== Version 1.13.0 - January 20th, 2010
* Missing for 1.8.7 were
* Array#permutation
* Hash#hash (was only inherited)
* Hash#eql? (was only inherited)
== Version 1.12.0 - December 4th, 2009
* Finer grain includes (see README)
require "backports/1.9" # requires all ruby backports
require "backports/1.9.1" # requires all ruby backports up to 1.9.1 (but not 1.9.2)
* Backported all builtin methods of 1.8.8 (most of which where moved from the 1.9 backports)
* Refreshed README
== Version 1.11.0 - November 4th, 2009
* Added Enumerable#flat_map / collect_concat (Ruby 1.9)
* Added Object#public_send (Ruby 1.9)
* Added Object#public_method (Ruby 1.9)
* bug fixes
== Version 1.10.0 - September 29th, 2009
* Added Enumerable#chunk (Ruby 1.9)
* Added Kernel#respond_to_missing? (Ruby 1.9)
* Completed Process.exec (Ruby 1.8.7)
== Version 1.9.0 - September 4th, 2009
* In Ruby 1.9, most class methods of File accept filenames as String, or convertible via #to_str or #to_path.
File#to_path is also an alias to File#path. These have been backported.
* File.binread (actually IO.binread)
* BasicObject available via "require 'backports/basic_object"
== Version 1.8.4 - September 3rd, 2009
Added Dir.mktmpdir for older version of 1.8.6
== Version 1.8.1 - September 1st, 2009
Added the alias String#lines (Ruby 1.8.7)
== Version 1.8 - August 30, 2009
Backports can be required selectively:
* backports/1.8.7
* backports/1.9 (which include 1.8.7)
* rails
== Version 1.8 - August 30, 2009
Backports can be required selectively:
* backports/1.8.7
* backports/1.9 (which include 1.8.7)
* rails
== Version 1.7.1 - August 20, 2009
Enumerable#take and Enumerable#first(n) are now returning as soon as possible. Previously, #each was yielding one element too many. See redmine issue #1554.
== Version 1.7 - May 27, 2009
Porting all 1.8.7 features to rubinius was quite enlightening (http://blog.marc-andre.ca/2009/05/schizo-ruby-puzzle.html ).
Many improvements were made to be consistent with MRI, e.g. converting arguments using to_int if needed, etc...
The changes are now reflected in 'backports'.
Some IO and ARGF methods were missing and are now complete.
== Version 1.6.6 - April 30, 2009
Important bug fix. String#gsub is left alone until I find a good way to modify it.
== Version 1.6 - April 29, 2009
Completed backport to 1.8.7.
* Array
* extract_options!
* Binding
* +eval+
* Dir
* +each+, +foreach+
* Enumerator
* +new+
* +with_object+
* +next+, +rewind+
* Hash
* Optional block for delete_if, each, each_key, each_pair, each_value, reject!, select (and ENV)
* Integer
* moved stuff out of Fixnum
* Optional block for +downto+, +times+, +upto+
* IO
* Optional block for +each+, +each_line+, +each_byte+, +foreach+ (and ARGF)
* Kernel
* +loop+, +StopIteration+
* +__method__+, +__callee__+
* Method
* +name+, +owner+, +receiver+
* Module
* +class_exec+, +module_exec+
* Numeric
* +step+
* Object
* +define_singleton_method+
* +instance_exec+
* ObjectSpace
* +each_object+
* Range
* Optional block for +each+, +step+
* Regexp
* +union+
* String
* +try_convert+
* ascii_only?
* +bytesize+
* +chr+
* +clear+
* +codepoints+, +each_codepoint+
* +stringify_keys+, +stringify_keys!+
* +each+, +each_line+, +each_byte+
* +gsub+
* +upto+
* Struct
* +each+, +each_pair+
* Symbol
* <=>, +casecmp+
* +capitalize+, +downcase+, +next+, +succ+, +swapcase+, +upcase+
* =~, [], empty?, length, match, size
* UnboundMethod
* +name+, +owner+
== Version 1.5 - April 24, 2009
* Array (completed)
* +combination+
* +try_convert+
* Optional block for collect!, :map!, :each, :each_index, :reject, :reject!, :delete_if
* +pop+, +shift+
* +product+
* Fixnum (completed)
* +div+, +fdiv+
* +succ+
* +magnitude+
* Enumerable (completed)
* +each_with_object+
* +inject+
* +max_by+, +min_by+, +minmax+, +minmax_by+
* +reduce+
* +to_a+
== Version 1.4 - April 21, 2009
* String
* +rpartition+
* Proc
* +yield+
== Version 1.3 - April 17, 2009
* Enumerable
* none?
* Array
* +sample+, +shuffle+, +shuffle!+
* String
* +each_char+, +chars+
* +partition+
Tests and fixes for String#start_with? and String#end_with?
== Version 1.2 - April 12, 2009
* Array
* +reverse_each+
* +cycle+
* Enumerable
* +reverse_each+
* +each_slice+, +each_cons+
* +count+
* +cycle+
* +group_by+
* Hash
* default_proc=
== Version 1.1 - April 11, 2009
* Array
* +flatten+, flatten!
* +find_index+, +index+
* Hash
* +reverse_merge+, reverse_merge!
== Version 1.0 - April 2nd, 2009
=== Initial release.