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      "log": 2,
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      "TSStringTableSize": 2,
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      "make_proc_label": 1,
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      "proc_info_interface_code_model": 2,
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      "UseFloatRegs": 6,
      "yes": 144,
      "FloatRegType": 3,
      "reg_f": 1,
      ";": 996,
      "no": 364,
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      "_": 171,
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      "DisableTrailOps": 2,
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      "do_not_add_trail_ops": 1,
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      "do_not_add_region_ops": 1,
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      "]": 251,
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      "gcc_non_local_gotos": 3,
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      "NLG": 3,
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      "do_not_have_non_local_gotos": 1,
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      "do_not_have_asm_labels": 1,
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      "do_not_have_static_ground_cells": 1,
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      "MaxRegF": 4,
      "cip_max_reg_f_used.": 1,
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      "Code0": 2,
      ".CI": 29,
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      "+": 133,
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      "hlds_type_defn.": 1,
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      "maybe_cheaper_tag_test.": 1,
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      "var_locn_get_follow_var_map": 1,
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      "var_locn_get_next_non_reserved": 1,
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      "goal_info_get_instmap_delta": 1,
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      "TypeCtor": 2,
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      "TypeTable": 2,
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      "no_cheaper_tag_test": 1,
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      "code_info.get_var_types": 1,
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      "ResumeMapVarList": 2,
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      "Immed": 3,
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      "ClosureLayouts": 2,
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      "SlotNum": 2,
      "Size0": 3,
      "RevTable0": 2,
      "Size": 4,
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      "RevTable.": 1,
      "TableSize": 2,
      "cip_ts_string_table_size.": 1,
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      "Rvals": 2,
      "Types": 6,
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      "AllocSites0": 2,
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      "ite_hijack_info.": 1,
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      "MaxfrCode": 7,
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      "use_and_maybe_pop_region_frame": 1,
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      "make_fake_resume_map": 5,
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      "CommitGoalInfo": 4,
      "DetCommitInfo": 4,
      "SaveMaxfrCode": 3,
      "save_maxfr": 3,
      "MaybeMaxfrSlot": 6,
      "maybe_save_trail_info": 2,
      "MaybeTrailSlots": 8,
      "SaveTrailCode": 4,
      "maybe_save_region_commit_frame": 4,
      "MaybeRegionCommitFrameInfo": 8,
      "SaveRegionCommitFrameCode": 2,
      "SaveRegionCommitFrameCode.": 2,
      "RestoreMaxfrCode": 3,
      "restore_maxfr": 3,
      "release_temp_slot": 1,
      "maybe_restore_trail_info": 2,
      "CommitTrailCode": 4,
      "SuccessRegionCode": 3,
      "_FailureRegionCode": 1,
      "SuccessRegionCode.": 1,
      "commit_hijack_info": 2,
      "commit_temp_frame": 3,
      "commit_quarter_hijack": 3,
      "commit_half_hijack": 3,
      "commit_full_hijack": 3,
      "SemiCommitInfo": 4,
      "clone_resume_point": 1,
      "NewResumePoint": 4,
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      "StackLabelConst": 7,
      "use_minimal_model_stack_copy_cut": 3,
      "UseMinimalModelStackCopyCut": 4,
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      "foreign_proc_raw_code": 4,
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      "proc_affects_liveness": 2,
      "live_lvals_info": 4,
      "proc_does_not_affect_liveness": 2,
      "MD": 4,
      "proc_may_duplicate": 2,
      "MarkCode": 3,
      "foreign_proc_code": 2,
      "proc_will_not_call_mercury": 2,
      "HijackCode": 5,
      "UseMinimalModel": 3,
      "CutCode": 4,
      "SuccessUndoCode": 5,
      "FailureUndoCode": 5,
      "AfterCommit": 2,
      "ResumePointCode": 2,
      "FailCode": 2,
      "RestoreTrailCode": 2,
      "FailureRegionCode": 2,
      "SuccLabel": 3,
      "GotoSuccLabel": 2,
      "SuccLabelCode": 1,
      "SuccessCode": 2,
      "FailureCode": 2,
      "SuccLabelCode.": 1,
      "_ForwardLiveVarsBefo": 1,
      "hello.": 1,
      "main": 15,
      "io": 5,
      "di": 81,
      "uo": 74,
      "IO": 4,
      "io.write_string": 1,
      "switch_detection_bug.": 1,
      "note": 36,
      "rank": 2,
      "modifier": 2,
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      "c": 4,
      "d": 6,
      "e": 17,
      "f": 5,
      "g": 5,
      "a": 8,
      "b": 5,
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      "sharp": 1,
      "flat": 6,
      "qualifier": 2,
      "maj": 6,
      "min": 6,
      "next_topnote": 18,
      "mode": 9,
      "multi.": 2,
      "Oct": 32,
      "rot13_verbose.": 1,
      "io__state": 4,
      "char": 10,
      "rot13a": 55,
      "rot13": 9,
      "Char": 12,
      "RotChar": 8,
      "if": 13,
      "TmpChar": 2,
      "then": 4,
      "else": 9,
      "io__read_char": 1,
      "Res": 8,
      "{": 62,
      "ok": 3,
      "}": 66,
      "io__write_char": 1,
      "eof": 6,
      "error": 7,
      "ErrorCode": 4,
      "io__error_message": 2,
      "ErrorMessage": 4,
      "io__stderr_stream": 1,
      "StdErr": 8,
      "io__write_string": 2,
      "io__nl": 1,
      "rot13_concise.": 1,
      "state": 2,
      "alphabet": 3,
      "cycle": 4,
      "rot_n": 2,
      "char_to_string": 1,
      "CharString": 2,
      "sub_string_search": 1,
      "Index": 3,
      "NewIndex": 2,
      "mod": 1,
      "*": 31,
      "//": 4,
      "index_det": 1,
      "read_char": 1,
      "print": 3,
      "error_message": 1,
      "stderr_stream": 1,
      "nl": 1,
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      "typeclass": 1,
      "store": 39,
      "T": 49,
      "where": 8,
      "S": 142,
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      "io.state": 4,
      "some": 3,
      "store.init": 2,
      "generic_mutvar": 15,
      "io_mutvar": 1,
      "store_mutvar": 1,
      "store.new_mutvar": 1,
      "det": 20,
      "<": 17,
      "store.copy_mutvar": 1,
      "store.get_mutvar": 1,
      "store.set_mutvar": 2,
      "store.new_cyclic_mutvar": 2,
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      "store.arg_ref": 3,
      "ArgT": 4,
      "store.new_arg_ref": 3,
      "store.set_ref": 1,
      "store.set_ref_value": 1,
      "store.copy_ref_value": 1,
      "store.extract_ref_value": 1,
      "store.unsafe_arg_ref": 1,
      "store.unsafe_new_arg_ref": 1,
      "deconstruct.": 1,
      "pragma": 60,
      "foreign_type": 10,
      "can_pass_as_mercury_type": 5,
      "equality": 5,
      "store_equal": 7,
      "comparison": 5,
      "store_compare.": 5,
      "store_compare": 2,
      "comparison_result": 1,
      "mutvar": 3,
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      "ref": 1,
      "store.do_init": 6,
      "foreign_proc": 47,
      "_S0": 27,
      "will_not_call_mercury": 47,
      "promise_pure": 49,
      "will_not_modify_trail": 7,
      "TypeInfo_for_S": 4,
      "null": 8,
      "new_mutvar": 5,
      "Val": 68,
      "Mutvar": 34,
      "S0": 34,
      "MR_offset_incr_hp_msg": 6,
      "MR_SIZE_SLOT_SIZE": 12,
      "MR_ALLOC_ID": 6,
      "store.mutvar/2": 2,
      "MR_define_size_slot": 6,
      "MR_Word": 26,
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      "set_mutvar": 4,
      "_S": 26,
      "new": 27,
      "object": 17,
      "mutvar.Mutvar": 2,
      "Mutvar.object": 2,
      "ets": 7,
      "public": 18,
      "insert": 3,
      "lookup": 2,
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      "Copy": 2,
      "Value": 4,
      "unsafe_new_uninitialized_mutvar": 3,
      "Func": 2,
      "MutVar": 4,
      "Store": 5,
      "apply": 1,
      "foreign_code": 2,
      "class": 4,
      "Ref": 48,
      "obj": 6,
      "System.Reflection.FieldInfo": 1,
      "field": 12,
      "init": 8,
      "num": 11,
      "setField": 4,
      "void": 4,
      "obj.GetType": 1,
      ".GetFields": 1,
      "getValue": 2,
      "return": 4,
      "field.GetValue": 1,
      "setValue": 2,
      "field.SetValue": 1,
      "java": 7,
      "static": 1,
      "java.lang.Object": 5,
      "java.lang.reflect.Field": 1,
      "try": 3,
      "object.getClass": 1,
      ".getDeclaredFields": 1,
      "catch": 11,
      "java.lang.SecurityException": 1,
      "se": 1,
      "throw": 11,
      "java.lang.RuntimeException": 11,
      "Security": 1,
      "manager": 1,
      "denied": 1,
      "access": 3,
      "to": 5,
      "fields": 1,
      "No": 1,
      "such": 1,
      "java.lang.Exception": 3,
      "Unable": 3,
      "e.getMessage": 3,
      "field.get": 1,
      "java.lang.IllegalAccessException": 2,
      "Field": 4,
      "inaccessible": 2,
      "mismatch": 2,
      "java.lang.NullPointerException": 2,
      "Object": 2,
      "field.set": 1,
      "new_ref": 4,
      "store.ref/2": 4,
      "store.Ref": 10,
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      "unsafe_ref_value": 6,
      "store.unsafe_ref_value": 1,
      "Ref.getValue": 8,
      "ref_functor": 1,
      "Functor": 6,
      "Arity": 5,
      "functor": 1,
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      "foreign_decl": 1,
      "#include": 4,
      "mercury_type_info.h": 1,
      "mercury_heap.h": 1,
      "mercury_misc.h": 1,
      "mercury_deconstruct.h": 1,
      "arg_ref": 10,
      "ArgNum": 12,
      "ArgRef": 33,
      "may_not_duplicate": 2,
      "MR_TypeInfo": 10,
      "type_info": 8,
      "arg_type_info": 6,
      "exp_arg_type_info": 6,
      "*arg_ref": 2,
      "MR_DuArgLocn": 2,
      "*arg_locn": 2,
      "TypeInfo_for_T": 2,
      "TypeInfo_for_ArgT": 2,
      "MR_save_transient_registers": 2,
      "MR_arg": 2,
      "&": 10,
      "arg_locn": 8,
      "MR_fatal_error": 4,
      "argument": 4,
      "number": 2,
      "of": 2,
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      "MR_COMPARE_EQUAL": 2,
      "has": 2,
      "wrong": 2,
      "MR_restore_transient_registers": 2,
      "NULL": 2,
      "&&": 2,
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      "ValRef": 4,
      "Ref.setValue": 3,
      "ValRef.getValue": 2,
      "set_ref_value": 2,
      "extract_ref_value": 3,
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      "Arg": 12,
      "*Ptr": 2,
      "Ptr": 4,
      "MR_strip_tag": 2,
      "unsafe_new_arg_ref": 3,
      "expr.": 1,
      "token": 5,
      "parse": 1,
      "exprn/1": 1,
      "xx": 1,
      "scan": 16,
      "rule": 3,
      "exprn": 7,
      "Num": 18,
      "A": 11,
      "term": 10,
      "B": 8,
      "factor": 6,
      "/": 1,
      "Chars": 2,
      "Toks": 13,
      "Toks0": 11,
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      "Cs": 9,
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      "Digits": 2,
      "Rest": 2,
      "string__from_char_list": 1,
      "NumStr": 2,
      "string__det_to_int": 1,
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      "io__read_byte": 1,
      "Result": 4,
      "X": 8,
      "io__write_byte": 1,
      "ErrNo": 2,
      "z": 1,
      "Rot13": 3,
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      "option": 9,
      "long_option": 241,
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      "option_data": 2,
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      "option_table": 5,
      "maybe_option_table": 3,
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      "options_help": 1,
      "option_table.": 2,
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      "inhibit_accumulator_warnings": 3,
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      "halt_at_syntax_errors": 3,
      "halt_at_auto_parallel_failure": 3,
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      "warn_overlapping_scopes": 3,
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      "warn_non_contiguous_clauses": 3,
      "warn_non_stratification": 3,
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      "warn_wrong_module_name": 3,
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      "warn_unknown_format_calls": 3,
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      "inform_inferred_types": 3,
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      "debug_modes_verbose": 3,
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      "debug_dep_par_conj": 3,
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      "debug_opt_pred_name": 3,
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      "IL": 1,
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      "asm": 1,
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      "debug_mm_tabling_analysis": 3,
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      "output_csharp_compiler_type": 3,
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      "output_library_link_flags": 3,
      "output_grade_defines": 3,
      "output_c_include_directory_flags": 4,
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      "trace_table_io_only_retry": 3,
      "trace_table_io_states": 3,
      "trace_table_io_require": 3,
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      "dump_hlds_pred_name": 3,
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      "mode_inference_iteration_limit": 3,
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      "java_only": 4,
      "csharp": 6,
      "csharp_only": 4,
      "x86_64": 6,
      "x86_64_only": 4,
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      "deep_profiling": 3,
      "profile_deep": 4,
      "profile_memory": 3,
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      "use_lots_of_ho_specialization": 2,
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      "record_term_sizes_as_cells": 2,
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      "use_regions_profiling": 2,
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      "num_reserved_objects": 2,
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      "bytes_per_word": 2,
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      "agc_stack_layout": 2,
      "procid_stack_layout": 2,
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      "allow_defn_of_builtins": 2,
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      "size_region_ite_protect": 2,
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      "size_region_semi_disj_protect": 2,
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      "reclaim_heap_on_nondet_failure": 2,
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      "num_real_f_regs": 2,
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      "num_real_f_temps": 2,
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      "fact_table_hash_percent_full": 2,
      "gcc_local_labels": 2,
      "prefer_switch": 2,
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      "opt_level_number": 2,
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      "Default": 3,
      "optimize": 3,
      "time.": 1,
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      "use_opt_files": 2,
      "use_trans_opt_files": 2,
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      "inline_vars_threshold": 2,
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      "shlib_linker_link_lib_suffix": 2,
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      "shlib_linker_rpath_separator": 2,
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      "shlib_linker_install_name_flag": 2,
      "shlib_linker_install_name_path": 2,
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      "target_env_type": 2,
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      "typecheck_ambiguity_error_limit": 2,
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      "dir.": 1,
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      "warning_option": 2,
      "verbosity_option": 2,
      "output_option": 2,
      "aux_output_option": 2,
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      "hlds.": 1,
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      "type_ctor_info.": 1,
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      "check_hlds.mode_util.": 1,
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      "hlds.const_struct.": 1,
      "hlds.goal_util.": 1,
      "hlds.hlds_args.": 1,
      "hlds.hlds_clauses.": 1,
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      "ExtraArgTypes": 2,
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      "constraints": 4,
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      "ExistConstrainedTVars": 2,
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      "PredMarkers": 2,
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      "marker_class_method": 1,
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      "do_not_record_type_info_locns": 1,
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      "HeadTypeVars": 2,
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      "UnconstrainedTVars0": 2,
      "UnconstrainedTVars1": 2,
      "UnconstrainedTVars2": 2,
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      "UnconstrainedUnivTVars": 7,
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      "HeadVars1": 2,
      "HeadVars2": 2,
      "HeadVars3": 2,
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      "out_mode": 2,
      "Out": 6,
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      "NumUnconstrainedExistTVars": 2,
      "NumUnivClassInfoVars": 2,
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      "ExistTypeInfoModes": 2,
      "UnivTypeClassInfoModes": 2,
      "ExistTypeClassInfoModes": 2,
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      "TheVar": 2,
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      "rtti_det_insert_type_info_locn": 3,
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      ".RttiVarMaps": 1,
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      "KindMap": 2,
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      "ExistQVarsForCall": 2,
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      "ExtraTypeClassGoals": 5,
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      "ExistTypeClassVars": 3,
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      "ExtraTypeClassUnifyGoals": 2,
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      "PredToActualTypeSubst": 4,
      "ActualArgTypes": 8,
      "ArgTypeSubst": 2,
      "apply_subst_to_tvar_list": 1,
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