require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/base' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/bar_conversion' class Gruff::Bar < Gruff::Base def draw # Labels will be centered over the left of the bar if # there are more labels than columns. This is basically the same # as where it would be for a line graph. @center_labels_over_point = (@labels.keys.length > @column_count ? true : false) super return unless @has_data draw_bars end protected def draw_bars # Setup spacing. # # Columns sit side-by-side. spacing_factor = 0.9 # space between the bars @bar_width = @graph_width / (@column_count * @data.length).to_f padding = (@bar_width * (1 - spacing_factor)) / 2 @d = @d.stroke_opacity 0.0 # Setup the BarConversion Object conversion = conversion.graph_height = @graph_height conversion.graph_top = @graph_top # Set up the right mode [1,2,3] see BarConversion for further explanation if @minimum_value >= 0 then # all bars go from zero to positiv conversion.mode = 1 else # all bars go from 0 to negativ if @maximum_value <= 0 then conversion.mode = 2 else # bars either go from zero to negativ or to positiv conversion.mode = 3 conversion.spread = @spread conversion.minimum_value = @minimum_value = -@minimum_value/@spread end end # iterate over all normalised data @norm_data.each_with_index do |data_row, row_index| data_row[DATA_VALUES_INDEX].each_with_index do |data_point, point_index| # Use incremented x and scaled y # x left_x = @graph_left + (@bar_width * (row_index + point_index + ((@data.length - 1) * point_index))) + padding right_x = left_x + @bar_width * spacing_factor # y conv = [] conversion.getLeftYRightYscaled( data_point, conv ) # create new bar @d = @d.fill data_row[DATA_COLOR_INDEX] @d = @d.rectangle(left_x, conv[0], right_x, conv[1]) # Calculate center based on bar_width and current row label_center = @graph_left + (@data.length * @bar_width * point_index) + (@data.length * @bar_width / 2.0) + padding # Subtract half a bar width to center left if requested draw_label(label_center - (@center_labels_over_point ? @bar_width / 2.0 : 0.0), point_index) end end # Draw the last label if requested draw_label(@graph_right, @column_count) if @center_labels_over_point @d.draw(@base_image) end end