(0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) BEGIN BitCore::ContentModule Load (5.7ms) SELECT "bit_core_content_modules".* FROM "bit_core_content_modules" WHERE "bit_core_content_modules"."bit_core_tool_id" = $1 AND "bit_core_content_modules"."position" = $2 ORDER BY "bit_core_content_modules"."id" ASC LIMIT $3 [["bit_core_tool_id", 1], ["position", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.3ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) ROLLBACK  (0.3ms) BEGIN BitCore::ContentModule Load (1.7ms) SELECT "bit_core_content_modules".* FROM "bit_core_content_modules" WHERE "bit_core_content_modules"."bit_core_tool_id" = $1 AND "bit_core_content_modules"."position" = $2 ORDER BY "bit_core_content_modules"."id" ASC LIMIT $3 [["bit_core_tool_id", 1], ["position", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.3ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.4ms) ROLLBACK  (0.3ms) BEGIN BitCore::ContentModule Load (1.6ms) SELECT "bit_core_content_modules".* FROM "bit_core_content_modules" WHERE "bit_core_content_modules"."bit_core_tool_id" = $1 AND "bit_core_content_modules"."position" = $2 ORDER BY "bit_core_content_modules"."id" ASC LIMIT $3 [["bit_core_tool_id", 1], ["position", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.3ms) ROLLBACK ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (7.8ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations"  (2.9ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata"."value" FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = $1 [["key", :environment]] ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations"  (0.4ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata"."value" FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = $1 [["key", :environment]] ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.5ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations"  (0.5ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata"."value" FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = $1 [["key", :environment]]  (138.1ms) DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS "dummy_test"  (0.3ms) DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS "dummy_test"  (530.7ms) CREATE DATABASE "dummy_test" ENCODING = 'unicode'  (30.3ms) CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" character varying PRIMARY KEY)  (9.1ms) CREATE TABLE "ar_internal_metadata" ("key" character varying PRIMARY KEY, "value" character varying, "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL)  (0.7ms) SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(2735718569030447490); ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (1.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" Migrating to CreateBitPlayerContentModules (20140305200438)  (1.7ms) BEGIN  (14.2ms) CREATE TABLE "bit_player_content_modules" ("id" serial primary key, "title" character varying NOT NULL, "context" character varying NOT NULL, "position" integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, "created_at" timestamp, "updated_at" timestamp) SQL (3.8ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "version" [["version", "20140305200438"]]  (1.0ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreateBitPlayerContentProviders (20140305201300)  (0.5ms) BEGIN  (12.6ms) CREATE TABLE "bit_player_content_providers" ("id" serial primary key, "type" character varying NOT NULL, "source_content_type" character varying, "source_content_id" integer, "bit_player_content_module_id" integer NOT NULL, "position" integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, "created_at" timestamp, "updated_at" timestamp)  (2.2ms) CREATE INDEX "content_module_index" ON "bit_player_content_providers" ("bit_player_content_module_id")  (25.5ms)  ALTER TABLE bit_player_content_providers ADD CONSTRAINT fk_content_providers_modules FOREIGN KEY (bit_player_content_module_id) REFERENCES bit_player_content_modules(id)  SQL (1.4ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "version" [["version", "20140305201300"]]  (2.0ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreateBitPlayerParticipantStatuses (20140305232705)  (1.1ms) BEGIN  (19.3ms) CREATE TABLE "bit_player_participant_statuses" ("id" serial primary key, "context" character varying, "module_position" integer, "provider_position" integer, "content_position" integer, "participant_id" integer NOT NULL, "created_at" timestamp, "updated_at" timestamp)  (3.7ms) CREATE INDEX "index_participant_statuses_on_participant_id" ON "bit_player_participant_statuses" ("participant_id") SQL (4.5ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "version" [["version", "20140305232705"]]  (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreateBitPlayerSlideshows (20140305232706)  (0.5ms) BEGIN  (16.4ms) CREATE TABLE "bit_player_slideshows" ("id" serial primary key, "title" character varying NOT NULL, "created_at" timestamp, "updated_at" timestamp) SQL (0.8ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "version" [["version", "20140305232706"]]  (1.0ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreateBitPlayerSlides (20140305234327)  (1.2ms) BEGIN  (22.5ms) CREATE TABLE "bit_player_slides" ("id" serial primary key, "title" character varying, "body" text NOT NULL, "position" integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, "bit_player_slideshow_id" integer NOT NULL, "type" character varying, "options" text, "is_title_visible" boolean DEFAULT 't' NOT NULL, "created_at" timestamp, "updated_at" timestamp)  (7.0ms) CREATE INDEX "index_bit_player_slides_on_bit_player_slideshow_id" ON "bit_player_slides" ("bit_player_slideshow_id")  (2.4ms)  ALTER TABLE bit_player_slides ADD CONSTRAINT fk_slides_slideshows FOREIGN KEY (bit_player_slideshow_id) REFERENCES bit_player_slideshows(id)   (5.3ms)  ALTER TABLE bit_player_slides ADD CONSTRAINT bit_player_slide_position UNIQUE (bit_player_slideshow_id, position) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE  SQL (1.6ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "version" [["version", "20140305234327"]]  (1.0ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreateBitPlayerTools (20140402224913)  (1.0ms) BEGIN  (25.4ms) CREATE TABLE "bit_player_tools" ("id" serial primary key, "title" character varying NOT NULL, "position" integer, "is_home" boolean DEFAULT 'f' NOT NULL, "created_at" timestamp, "updated_at" timestamp)  (2.3ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_bit_player_tools_on_title" ON "bit_player_tools" ("title")  (6.8ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_bit_player_tools_on_position" ON "bit_player_tools" ("position") SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "version" [["version", "20140402224913"]]  (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to ConvertSlidesSlideshowsToBitCore (20140620182756)  (0.7ms) BEGIN BitPlayer::Slideshow Load (1.3ms) SELECT "bit_player_slideshows".* FROM "bit_player_slideshows" BitPlayer::Slide Load (4.1ms) SELECT "bit_player_slides".* FROM "bit_player_slides"  (10.2ms)  ALTER TABLE bit_player_slides DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS fk_slides_slideshows   (3.2ms)  ALTER TABLE bit_player_slides DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS bit_player_slide_position   (5.4ms) DROP TABLE "bit_player_slides"  (2.6ms) DROP TABLE "bit_player_slideshows" SQL (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "version" [["version", "20140620182756"]]  (9.6ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreateBitCoreTools (20140620222614)  (0.4ms) BEGIN  (19.1ms) CREATE TABLE "bit_core_tools" ("id" serial primary key, "title" character varying NOT NULL, "position" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "created_at" timestamp, "updated_at" timestamp)  (7.9ms)  ALTER TABLE bit_core_tools ADD CONSTRAINT bit_core_tool_position UNIQUE (position) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE  SQL (4.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "version" [["version", "20140620222614"]]  (1.0ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreateBitCoreContentModules (20140620222615)  (0.9ms) BEGIN  (21.0ms) CREATE TABLE "bit_core_content_modules" ("id" serial primary key, "title" character varying NOT NULL, "position" integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, "bit_core_tool_id" integer NOT NULL, "created_at" timestamp, "updated_at" timestamp)  (2.9ms)  ALTER TABLE bit_core_content_modules ADD CONSTRAINT bit_core_content_module_position UNIQUE (bit_core_tool_id, position) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE   (11.5ms)  ALTER TABLE bit_core_content_modules ADD CONSTRAINT fk_content_modules_tools FOREIGN KEY (bit_core_tool_id) REFERENCES bit_core_tools(id)  SQL (1.8ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "version" [["version", "20140620222615"]]  (3.8ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreateBitCoreContentProviders (20140620222616)  (7.1ms) BEGIN  (53.8ms) CREATE TABLE "bit_core_content_providers" ("id" serial primary key, "type" character varying NOT NULL, "source_content_type" character varying, "source_content_id" integer, "bit_core_content_module_id" integer NOT NULL, "position" integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, "created_at" timestamp, "updated_at" timestamp)  (10.4ms)  ALTER TABLE bit_core_content_providers ADD CONSTRAINT bit_core_content_provider_position UNIQUE (bit_core_content_module_id, position) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE   (40.8ms)  ALTER TABLE bit_core_content_providers ADD CONSTRAINT fk_content_providers_modules FOREIGN KEY (bit_core_content_module_id) REFERENCES bit_core_content_modules(id)  SQL (0.9ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "version" [["version", "20140620222616"]]  (1.1ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreateBitCoreSlideshows (20140620222617)  (1.5ms) BEGIN  (24.9ms) CREATE TABLE "bit_core_slideshows" ("id" serial primary key, "title" character varying NOT NULL, "created_at" timestamp, "updated_at" timestamp) SQL (0.8ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "version" [["version", "20140620222617"]]  (1.1ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreateBitCoreSlides (20140620222618)  (0.7ms) BEGIN  (14.5ms) CREATE TABLE "bit_core_slides" ("id" serial primary key, "title" character varying NOT NULL, "body" text NOT NULL, "position" integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, "bit_core_slideshow_id" integer NOT NULL, "type" character varying, "is_title_visible" boolean DEFAULT 't' NOT NULL, "created_at" timestamp, "updated_at" timestamp)  (2.7ms)  ALTER TABLE bit_core_slides ADD CONSTRAINT bit_core_slide_position UNIQUE (bit_core_slideshow_id, position) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE   (26.1ms)  ALTER TABLE bit_core_slides ADD CONSTRAINT fk_slideshows_slides FOREIGN KEY (bit_core_slideshow_id) REFERENCES bit_core_slideshows(id)  SQL (1.4ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "version" [["version", "20140620222618"]]  (1.9ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddOptionsToSlides (20140620222619)  (1.3ms) BEGIN  (2.2ms) ALTER TABLE "bit_core_slides" ADD "options" text SQL (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "version" [["version", "20140620222619"]]  (0.6ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddConfigFieldsToProviders (20140620222620)  (0.3ms) BEGIN  (1.8ms) ALTER TABLE "bit_core_content_providers" ADD "template_path" character varying  (0.5ms) ALTER TABLE "bit_core_content_providers" ADD "data_class_name" character varying  (0.6ms) ALTER TABLE "bit_core_content_providers" ADD "data_attributes" text  (0.5ms) ALTER TABLE "bit_core_content_providers" ADD "show_next_nav" boolean  (0.5ms) ALTER TABLE "bit_core_content_providers" ADD "locals" text SQL (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "version" [["version", "20140620222620"]]  (0.5ms) COMMIT Migrating to ConvertToolsModulesPresentersToBitCore (20140620222851)  (0.4ms) BEGIN BitPlayer::Tool Load (1.2ms) SELECT "bit_player_tools".* FROM "bit_player_tools" BitPlayer::ContentModule Load (1.2ms) SELECT "bit_player_content_modules".* FROM "bit_player_content_modules" BitPlayer::ContentProvider Load (1.5ms) SELECT "bit_player_content_providers".* FROM "bit_player_content_providers"  (0.5ms)  ALTER TABLE bit_player_content_modules DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS fk_content_modules_tools   (1.9ms)  ALTER TABLE bit_player_content_providers DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS fk_content_providers_modules   (3.3ms) DROP TABLE "bit_player_tools"  (5.7ms) DROP TABLE "bit_player_content_modules"  (7.2ms) DROP TABLE "bit_player_content_providers" SQL (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "version" [["version", "20140620222851"]]  (6.3ms) COMMIT ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Load (2.2ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata".* FROM "ar_internal_metadata" ORDER BY "ar_internal_metadata"."key" ASC LIMIT $1 [["LIMIT", 1]]  (7.0ms) BEGIN SQL (4.3ms) INSERT INTO "ar_internal_metadata" ("key", "value", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING "key" [["key", "environment"], ["value", "test"], ["created_at", 2016-05-09 13:42:22 UTC], ["updated_at", 2016-05-09 13:42:22 UTC]]  (0.9ms) COMMIT  (0.6ms) SELECT pg_advisory_unlock(2735718569030447490) ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.8ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations"  (10.3ms) SELECT t2.oid::regclass::text AS to_table, a1.attname AS column, a2.attname AS primary_key, c.conname AS name, c.confupdtype AS on_update, c.confdeltype AS on_delete FROM pg_constraint c JOIN pg_class t1 ON c.conrelid = t1.oid JOIN pg_class t2 ON c.confrelid = t2.oid JOIN pg_attribute a1 ON a1.attnum = c.conkey[1] AND a1.attrelid = t1.oid JOIN pg_attribute a2 ON a2.attnum = c.confkey[1] AND a2.attrelid = t2.oid JOIN pg_namespace t3 ON c.connamespace = t3.oid WHERE c.contype = 'f' AND t1.relname = 'bit_core_content_modules' AND t3.nspname = ANY (current_schemas(false)) ORDER BY c.conname   (4.3ms) SELECT t2.oid::regclass::text AS to_table, a1.attname AS column, a2.attname AS primary_key, c.conname AS name, c.confupdtype AS on_update, c.confdeltype AS on_delete FROM pg_constraint c JOIN pg_class t1 ON c.conrelid = t1.oid JOIN pg_class t2 ON c.confrelid = t2.oid JOIN pg_attribute a1 ON a1.attnum = c.conkey[1] AND a1.attrelid = t1.oid JOIN pg_attribute a2 ON a2.attnum = c.confkey[1] AND a2.attrelid = t2.oid JOIN pg_namespace t3 ON c.connamespace = t3.oid WHERE c.contype = 'f' AND t1.relname = 'bit_core_content_providers' AND t3.nspname = ANY (current_schemas(false)) ORDER BY c.conname   (5.2ms) SELECT t2.oid::regclass::text AS to_table, a1.attname AS column, a2.attname AS primary_key, c.conname AS name, c.confupdtype AS on_update, c.confdeltype AS on_delete FROM pg_constraint c JOIN pg_class t1 ON c.conrelid = t1.oid JOIN pg_class t2 ON c.confrelid = t2.oid JOIN pg_attribute a1 ON a1.attnum = c.conkey[1] AND a1.attrelid = t1.oid JOIN pg_attribute a2 ON a2.attnum = c.confkey[1] AND a2.attrelid = t2.oid JOIN pg_namespace t3 ON c.connamespace = t3.oid WHERE c.contype = 'f' AND t1.relname = 'bit_core_slides' AND t3.nspname = ANY (current_schemas(false)) ORDER BY c.conname   (5.8ms) SELECT t2.oid::regclass::text AS to_table, a1.attname AS column, a2.attname AS primary_key, c.conname AS name, c.confupdtype AS on_update, c.confdeltype AS on_delete FROM pg_constraint c JOIN pg_class t1 ON c.conrelid = t1.oid JOIN pg_class t2 ON c.confrelid = t2.oid JOIN pg_attribute a1 ON a1.attnum = c.conkey[1] AND a1.attrelid = t1.oid JOIN pg_attribute a2 ON a2.attnum = c.confkey[1] AND a2.attrelid = t2.oid JOIN pg_namespace t3 ON c.connamespace = t3.oid WHERE c.contype = 'f' AND t1.relname = 'bit_core_slideshows' AND t3.nspname = ANY (current_schemas(false)) ORDER BY c.conname   (4.4ms) SELECT t2.oid::regclass::text AS to_table, a1.attname AS column, a2.attname AS primary_key, c.conname AS name, c.confupdtype AS on_update, c.confdeltype AS on_delete FROM pg_constraint c JOIN pg_class t1 ON c.conrelid = t1.oid JOIN pg_class t2 ON c.confrelid = t2.oid JOIN pg_attribute a1 ON a1.attnum = c.conkey[1] AND a1.attrelid = t1.oid JOIN pg_attribute a2 ON a2.attnum = c.confkey[1] AND a2.attrelid = t2.oid JOIN pg_namespace t3 ON c.connamespace = t3.oid WHERE c.contype = 'f' AND t1.relname = 'bit_core_tools' AND t3.nspname = ANY (current_schemas(false)) ORDER BY c.conname   (5.8ms) SELECT t2.oid::regclass::text AS to_table, a1.attname AS column, a2.attname AS primary_key, c.conname AS name, c.confupdtype AS on_update, c.confdeltype AS on_delete FROM pg_constraint c JOIN pg_class t1 ON c.conrelid = t1.oid JOIN pg_class t2 ON c.confrelid = t2.oid JOIN pg_attribute a1 ON a1.attnum = c.conkey[1] AND a1.attrelid = t1.oid JOIN pg_attribute a2 ON a2.attnum = c.confkey[1] AND a2.attrelid = t2.oid JOIN pg_namespace t3 ON c.connamespace = t3.oid WHERE c.contype = 'f' AND t1.relname = 'bit_player_participant_statuses' AND t3.nspname = ANY (current_schemas(false)) ORDER BY c.conname   (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) BEGIN BitCore::ContentModule Load (1.8ms) SELECT "bit_core_content_modules".* FROM "bit_core_content_modules" WHERE "bit_core_content_modules"."bit_core_tool_id" = $1 AND "bit_core_content_modules"."position" = $2 ORDER BY "bit_core_content_modules"."id" ASC LIMIT $3 [["bit_core_tool_id", 1], ["position", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.3ms) ROLLBACK