require 'erb' Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do namespace :apache do desc "Configure Apache. This uses the :use_sudo variable to determine whether to use sudo or not. By default, :use_sudo is set to true." task :configure, :roles => :web do set_apache_conf run("[ -f #{ apache_conf} ] && echo \"yes\" || echo \"no\"") do |c, s, o| if o =~ /yes?/ backup = "#{ apache_conf}.old.#{'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}" send(run_method, "cp #{ apache_conf} #{backup}") exit if Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask("WARNING: You are about to change your existing Apache configuration. A backup has been created at #{backup}. Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/N]").upcase != "Y" end end server_aliases = [] server_aliases << "www.#{ apache_server_name}" server_aliases.concat apache_server_aliases set :apache_server_aliases_array, server_aliases file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates", app_server.to_s, "httpd.conf") template = buffer = if apache_ssl_enabled file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates", app_server.to_s, "httpd-ssl.conf") template = ssl_buffer = buffer += ssl_buffer end put buffer, "#{shared_path}/httpd.conf", :mode => 0444 send(run_method, "cp #{shared_path}/httpd.conf #{ apache_conf}") send(run_method, "rm -f #{shared_path}/httpd.conf") end desc "Start Apache " task :start, :roles => :web do send(run_method, "#{ apache_ctl} start") end desc "Restart Apache " task :restart, :roles => :web do send(run_method, "#{ apache_ctl} restart") end desc "Stop Apache " task :stop, :roles => :web do send(run_method, "#{ apache_ctl} stop") end desc "Reload Apache " task :reload, :roles => :web do send(run_method, "#{ apache_ctl} reload") end end def set_apache_conf if apache_default_vhost set :apache_conf, "/etc/httpd/conf/default.conf" unless apache_default_vhost_conf else set :apache_conf, "/etc/httpd/conf/apps/#{application}.conf" unless apache_conf end end end