h1. Release history This is a record of important changes that have occurred with each release. h2. Version numbering system We _strictly_ follow the RubyGems project's "rational versioning policy":http://www.rubygems.org/read/chapter/7 since release 6.3.0. To summarize[1] this "major.minor.build" numbering policy, * an increase in the _major_ number indicates that _functionally incompatible_ changes have occurred. Thus, what may have worked in the previous version may not work in the new one. * an increase in the _minor_ number indicates that _functionally compatible_ changes have occurred. Thus, what worked in the previous version will work in the new one. * an increase in the _build_ number indicates that the _underlying implementation_ has changed. The functionality has not changed and no features have been added. Thus, what worked in the previous version will work in the new one. fn1. C. Gross, "Explaining Open Source Version Numbers", [Online document], 2005 Nov 28, [cited 2006 Aug 27], Available HTTP: "http://ablog.apress.com/?p=738":http://ablog.apress.com/?p=738 <% @history.each do |entry| %> <%= format_history_entry entry %> <% end %>