module CamaleonCms::CaptchaHelper # build a captcha image # len: Number or characters to include in captcha (default 5) def cama_captcha_build(len = 5) img =$camaleon_engine_dir.present? ? $camaleon_engine_dir : Rails.root.to_s, "lib", "captcha", "captcha_#{rand(12)}.jpg").to_s) text = cama_rand_str(len) session[:cama_captcha] = [] unless session[:cama_captcha].present? session[:cama_captcha] << text img.combine_options do |c| c.gravity 'Center' c.fill("#FFFFFF") c.draw "text 0,5 #{text}" c.font File.join($camaleon_engine_dir.present? ? $camaleon_engine_dir : Rails.root.to_s, "lib", "captcha", "bumpyroad.ttf") c.pointsize '30' end img end # build a captcha tag (image with captcha) # img_args: attributes for image_tag # input_args: attributes for input field def cama_captcha_tag(len = 5, img_args = {alt: ""}, input_args = {}, bootstrap_group_mode = false) input_args[:placeholder] = I18n.t('camaleon_cms.captcha_placeholder', default: 'Please enter the text of the image') unless input_args[:placeholder].present? img_args["onclick"] = "this.src = \"#{cama_captcha_url(len: len)}\"+\"&t=\"+(new Date().getTime());" img = "" input = "" if bootstrap_group_mode "
" else "
" end end # verify captcha value def cama_captcha_verified? (session[:cama_captcha] || []).include?((params[:cama_captcha] || params[:captcha]).to_s.upcase) end #************************* captcha in attack helpers ***************************# # check if the current visitor was submitted 5+ times # key: a string to represent a url or form view # key must be the same as the form "captcha_tags_if_under_attack(key, ...)" def cama_captcha_under_attack?(key) session["cama_captcha_#{key}"] ||= 0 session["cama_captcha_#{key}"].to_i > current_site.get_option("max_try_attack", 5).to_i end # verify captcha values if this key is under attack # key: a string to represent a url or form view def captcha_verify_if_under_attack(key) res = cama_captcha_under_attack?(key) ? cama_captcha_verified? : true session["cama_captcha_#{key}"] = 0 if cama_captcha_verified? res end # increment attempts for key by 1 def cama_captcha_increment_attack(key) session["cama_captcha_#{key}"] ||= 0 session["cama_captcha_#{key}"] = session["cama_captcha_#{key}"].to_i + 1 end # reset the attacks counter for key # key: a string to represent a url or form view def cama_captcha_reset_attack(key) session["cama_captcha_#{key}"] = 0 end # return a number of attempts for key # key: a string to represent a url or form view def cama_captcha_total_attacks(key) session["cama_captcha_#{key}"] ||= 0 end # show captcha if under attack # key: a string to represent a url or form view def cama_captcha_tags_if_under_attack(key, captcha_parmas = [5, {}, {class: "form-control required"}]) cama_captcha_tag(*captcha_parmas) if cama_captcha_under_attack?(key) end private # generate random string for captcha # len: length of characters, default 6 def cama_rand_str(len=6) alphabets = [('A'..'Z').to_a].flatten! alphanumerics = [('A'..'Z').to_a,('1'..'9').to_a].flatten! str = alphabets[rand(alphabets.size)] (len.to_i - 1).times do str << alphanumerics[rand(alphanumerics.size)] end str end end