# ronin-vulns-lfi 1 "May 2022" Ronin "User Manuals" ## SYNOPSIS `ronin-vulns lfi` [*options*] {*URL* ... \| `--input` *FILE*} ## DESCRIPTION Scans URL(s) for Server Side Template Injection (SSTI) vulnerabilities. The URLs to scan can be given as additional arguments or read from a file using the `--input` option. ## ARGUMENTS *URL* A URL to scan. ## OPTIONS `--first` Only find the first vulnerability for each URL. `-A`, `--all` Find all vulnerabilities for each URL. `-H`, `--header` "*Name*: *value*" Sets an additional header using the given *Name* and *value*. `-C`, `--cookie` *COOKIE* Sets the raw `Cookie` header. `-c`, `--cookie-param` *NAME*`=`*VALUE* Sets an additional `Cookie` param using the given *NAME* and *VALUE*. `-R`, `--referer` *URL* Sets the `Referer` header. `-F`, `--form-param` *NAME*`=`*VALUE* Sets an additional form param using the given *NAME* and *VALUE*. `--test-query-param` *NAME* Tests the URL query param name. `--test-all-query-params` Test all URL query param names. `--test-header-name` *NAME* Tests the HTTP Header name. `--test-cookie-param` *NAME* Tests the HTTP Cookie name. `--test-all-cookie-params` Test all Cookie param names. `--test-form-param` *NAME* Tests the form param name. `-i`, `--input` *FILE* Reads URLs from the given *FILE*. `-T`, `--test-expr` {*X\*Y* \| *X/Z* \| *X+Y* \| *X-Y*} Optional numeric test to use. `-h`, `--help` Print help information. ## AUTHOR Postmodern ## SEE ALSO ronin-vulns-scan(1)