// BEM support $CONFIG_BEM_MODIFIER_SEPARATOR: '--' !default; // the separator to denote the BEM modifier (e.g. .my-block--enabled) $CONFIG_BEM_ELEMENT_SEPARATOR: '__' !default; // the separator to denote the BEM element (e.g. .my-block__element) // misc $CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER: '\0020' !default; // content placeholder (ensures block elements display correctly even if they're empty) $CONFIG_DISABLED_CSS: () !default; // a list of CSS3 features to always disable when using output-style() $CONFIG_GENERATED_TAG_PREFIX: x-archetype !default; // the prefix for the tag name to create when using ie-pseudo method $CONFIG_GENERATED_TAG_CSS: false !default; // styles to apply to the generated tag when using ie-pseudo method (use this as a way to reset styles on these tags) $CONFIG_GENERATED_TAG_INLINE: true !default; // if `true` insert the styles inline on the generated tag, otherwise insert the styles in a unique css rule // z-layers $CONFIG_Z_INDEX_BASE: 0 !default; // the default starting layer for z-index calculations $CONFIG_Z_LAYERS_OFFSET: 100 !default; // the offset between z-layers $CONFIG_Z_LAYERS: (default dialog navigation) !default; // the orders for the z-layers // sprites $CONFIG_DISABLE_STYLEGUIDE_SPRITES: false !default; // disable all sprite generation in styleguide // smart content $CONFIG_USE_SMART_CONTENT: false !default; // use @extend when possible to smartly output content // states used when printing out styles $CONFIG_STATE_PREFIX: '' !default; // prefix state classnames @see to-style() $CONFIG_STATE_NO_PREFIX: () !default; // states to never apply prefix to $CONFIG_STATE_BEM: false !default; // use the BEM syntax for printing states [true|false|only] // a mapping for state names to selectors $CORE_STATE_MAPPINGS: ( 'hover' : ( selector : '&.#{$CONFIG_STATE_PREFIX}hover, &:hover, &.#{$CONFIG_STATE_PREFIX}focus, &:focus', states : hover focus ), 'hover-only' : ( selector : '&.#{$CONFIG_STATE_PREFIX}hover, &:hover', states : hover ), 'focus' : ( selector : '&.#{$CONFIG_STATE_PREFIX}focus, &:focus', states : focus ), 'active' : ( selector : '&.#{$CONFIG_STATE_PREFIX}active, &:active', states : active ), 'visited' : ( selector : '&.#{$CONFIG_STATE_PREFIX}visited, &:visited', states : visited ), 'disabled' : ( selector : '&.#{$CONFIG_STATE_PREFIX}disabled, &[disabled]', states : disabled ), 'checked' : ( selector : '&.#{$CONFIG_STATE_PREFIX}checked, &:checked', states : checked ), 'focus-inner' : ( selector : '&::-moz-focus-inner', states : null ) ); $CONFIG_STATE_MAPPINGS: () !default; $CONFIG_STATE_MAPPINGS: map-merge($CORE_STATE_MAPPINGS, $CONFIG_STATE_MAPPINGS);