require File.expand_path( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. lib germinate])) module Germinate describe ShellPublisher do before :each do @name = "frank" @pipeline_output = ["* line 1\n", "* line 2\n"] @pipeline = stub("Pipeline", :call => @pipeline_output) @variables = stub("Variables") @librarian = stub("Librarian", :make_pipeline => @pipeline, :variables => @variables) @command = "cat %f" @options = {:command => @command} @it =, @librarian, @options) end it "should have identifier 'shell'" do ShellPublisher.identifier.should == "shell" end context "on publish" do before :each do @result = ["line 1\n", "line 2\n"] @output = @process = stub("ShellProcess", :call => @result).as_null_object @source = stub("Source").as_null_object @librarian.stub!(:[]).and_return(@source) ShellProcess.stub!(:new).and_return(@process) end it "should create a new process" do ShellProcess.should_receive(:new).with(@name, @command, @variables) @it.publish!(@output) end it "should execute the created process" do @process.should_receive(:call).with(anything).and_return(@result) @it.publish!(@output) end it "should pass the pipeline output to the created process" do @process.should_receive(:call).with(@pipeline_output).and_return(@result) @it.publish!(@output) end it "should ask the librarian for the source file" do @librarian.should_receive(:[]).with("$TEXT|_transform", anything) @it.publish!(@output) end it "should write process output to given output stream" do @it.publish!(@output) @output.rewind == "line 1\nline 2\n" end end end end