Availables Commands --- * `codeguard help` - show help message * `codeguard install` - install config for current project * `codeguard setup` - sets local configuration - this cmd should be run in every local environment * `codeguard diff` - check if the files were not modified Installed Configuration --- * coffeelint (http://www.coffeelint.org/) * js_hint (https://github.com/damian/jshint) * rubocop (https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop) * scss_lint (https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint) * pre_commit (https://github.com/jish/pre-commit) Local Setup --- * `.gitmessage` file will be added as a template in .git/config * `pre-commit install` will be run - which will register pre-commit hook * `git config pre-commit.ruby` will be added for rvm users. If ruby version/gemset is changed then you should run `codeguard install` again.