name 'sudo' maintainer 'Opscode, Inc.' maintainer_email '' license 'Apache 2.0' description 'Installs sudo and configures /etc/sudoers' version '2.1.5' recipe 'sudo', 'Installs sudo and configures /etc/sudoers' %w{redhat centos fedora ubuntu debian freebsd}.each do |os| supports os end attribute 'authorization', :display_name => 'Authorization', :description => 'Hash of Authorization attributes', :type => 'hash' attribute 'authorization/sudo', :display_name => 'Authorization Sudoers', :description => 'Hash of Authorization/Sudo attributes', :type => 'hash' attribute 'authorization/sudo/users', :display_name => 'Sudo Users', :description => 'Users who are allowed sudo ALL', :type => 'array', :default => '' attribute 'authorization/sudo/groups', :display_name => 'Sudo Groups', :description => 'Groups who are allowed sudo ALL', :type => 'array', :default => '' attribute 'authorization/sudo/passwordless', :display_name => 'Passwordless Sudo', :description => '', :type => 'string', :default => 'false' attribute 'authorization/sudo/include_sudoers_d', :display_name => 'Include sudoers.d', :description => 'Whether to create the sudoers.d includedir', :type => 'string', :default => 'false'