# encoding: utf-8 # Created V/27/12/2013 # Updated V/02/09/2022 # # Copyright 2008-2024 | Fabrice Creuzot (luigifab) # https://github.com/luigifab/redmine-apijs # # This program is free software, you can redistribute it or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published # by the free software foundation, either version 2 of the license, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but without any warranty, without even the implied warranty of # merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the # GNU General Public License (GPL) for more details. module ApijsAttachment def self.included(base) base.send(:include, InstanceMethods) base.class_eval do unloadable if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 3 include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers before_create :update_date else include ActionController::UrlWriter before_save :update_date end after_destroy :delete_cache end end module InstanceMethods # https://www.redmine.org/issues/19024 def getUrl(action, all=false) if action == 'redmineshow' return self.getSuburi(url_for({only_path: true, controller: 'attachments', action: 'show', id: self.id, filename: self.filename})) elsif all return self.getSuburi(url_for({only_path: true, controller: 'apijs', action: action, id: self.id, filename: self.filename})) else return self.getSuburi(url_for({only_path: true, controller: 'apijs', action: action})) end end def getSuburi(url) if Redmine::VERSION::MAJOR >= 2 baseurl = Redmine::Utils.relative_url_root if not baseurl.blank? and not url.match(/^#{baseurl}/) url = baseurl + url end end return url end # liens def getShowUrl return self.getUrl('show', true) end def getThumbUrl return self.filename =~ /\.svg$/i ? self.getShowUrl : self.getUrl('thumb', true) end def getSrcsetUrl return self.filename =~ /\.svg$/i ? self.getShowUrl : self.getUrl('srcset', true) end def getDownloadUrl return self.getUrl('download', true) end def getDownloadButton return "self.location.href = '" + self.getUrl('download', true) + "';" end def getEditButton(token) return "apijsRedmine.editAttachment(this, " + self.id.to_s + ", '" + self.getUrl('editdesc') + "', '" + token + "');" end def getRenameButton(token) return "apijsRedmine.renameAttachment(this, " + self.id.to_s + ", '" + self.getUrl('editname') + "', '" + token + "');" end def getDeleteButton(token) return "apijsRedmine.removeAttachment(this, " + self.id.to_s + ", '" + self.getUrl('delete') + "', '" + token + "');" end def getShowButton(setting_show_filename, setting_show_exifdate, description) if self.isImage? return "apijs.dialog.dialogPhoto('" + self.getShowUrl + "', '" + (setting_show_filename ? self.filename : 'false') + "', '" + (setting_show_exifdate ? format_time(self.created_on) : 'false') + "', '" + description + "');" elsif self.isVideo? return "apijs.dialog.dialogVideo('" + self.getDownloadUrl + "', '" + (setting_show_filename ? self.filename : 'false') + "', '" + (setting_show_exifdate ? format_time(self.created_on) : 'false') + "', '" + description + "');" elsif self.is_text? return "self.location.href = '" + self.getUrl('redmineshow', false) + "';" end end # chemin def getImgThumb return File.join(APIJS_ROOT, 'thumb', self.created_on.strftime('%Y-%m').to_s, self.id.to_s + self.getExt) end def getImgSrcset return File.join(APIJS_ROOT, 'srcset', self.created_on.strftime('%Y-%m').to_s, self.id.to_s + self.getExt) end def getImgShow return File.join(APIJS_ROOT, 'show', self.created_on.strftime('%Y-%m').to_s, self.id.to_s + self.getExt) end # image, photo, vidéo def isImage? return self.filename =~ /\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|webp|svg)$/i end def isPhoto? types = [] types.push('jpg') if Setting.plugin_redmine_apijs['album_mimetype_jpg'] == '1' types.push('jpeg') if Setting.plugin_redmine_apijs['album_mimetype_jpeg'] == '1' types.push('gif') if Setting.plugin_redmine_apijs['album_mimetype_gif'] == '1' types.push('png') if Setting.plugin_redmine_apijs['album_mimetype_png'] == '1' types.push('tif') if Setting.plugin_redmine_apijs['album_mimetype_tif'] == '1' types.push('tiff') if Setting.plugin_redmine_apijs['album_mimetype_tiff'] == '1' types.push('webp') if Setting.plugin_redmine_apijs['album_mimetype_webp'] == '1' types.push('bmp') if Setting.plugin_redmine_apijs['album_mimetype_bmp'] == '1' types.push('eps') if Setting.plugin_redmine_apijs['album_mimetype_eps'] == '1' types.push('psd') if Setting.plugin_redmine_apijs['album_mimetype_psd'] == '1' types.push('svg') if Setting.plugin_redmine_apijs['album_mimetype_svg'] == '1' return self.filename =~ /\.(#{types.join('|')})$/i end def isVideo? types = [] types.push('ogv') if Setting.plugin_redmine_apijs['album_mimetype_ogv'] == '1' types.push('webm') if Setting.plugin_redmine_apijs['album_mimetype_webm'] == '1' types.push('mp4') if Setting.plugin_redmine_apijs['album_mimetype_mp4'] == '1' return self.filename =~ /\.(#{types.join('|')})$/i end # extension des images générées def getExt ext = File.extname(self.filename).downcase return ext if ext == '.gif' return ext if ext == '.png' return ext if ext == '.webp' return ext if ext == '.svg' return '.jpg' end # commande python def getPython return @cmd if defined? @cmd if Redmine::Platform.mswin? cmd = `python.exe --version` if $? == 0 cmd = 'python.exe' else cmd = `python --version` if $? == 0 cmd = 'python' else cmd = nil end end else cmd = `python3 --version` if $? == 0 cmd = 'python3' else cmd = nil end end @cmd = cmd return cmd end def getCmd(source, target, width, height, fixed=false) cmd = getPython cmd = 'notfound' if not cmd or cmd.length == 0 script = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'image.py') return cmd + ' ' + script.to_s + ' ' + source.to_s + ' ' + target.to_s + ' ' + width.to_s + ' ' + height.to_s + (fixed ? ' 90 fixed' : ' 90') + ' 2>&1' end # exclusion def isExcluded? names = Setting.plugin_redmine_apijs['album_exclude_name'].split(',') descs = Setting.plugin_redmine_apijs['album_exclude_desc'].split(',') unless names.empty? names.each { |token| return true if (!self.filename.blank? && self.filename.index(token) == 0) } end unless descs.empty? descs.each { |token| return true if (!self.description.blank? && self.description.index(token) == 0) } end return false end # supprime les images en cache def delete_cache img_thumb = self.getImgThumb File.delete(img_thumb) if File.file?(img_thumb) img_srcset = self.getImgSrcset File.delete(img_srcset) if File.file?(img_srcset) img_show = self.getImgShow File.delete(img_show) if File.file?(img_show) end # lecture de la date exif et maj de la date de création avec exiftool (libimage-exiftool) def update_date if new_record? && (self.isPhoto? || self.isVideo?) && self.readable? cmd = 'exiftool -FastScan -IgnoreMinorErrors -DateTimeOriginal -S3 ' + self.diskfile + ' 2>&1' result = `#{cmd}`.gsub(/^\s+|\s+$/, '') logger.info 'APIJS::ApijsAttachment#update_date: ' + cmd + ' (' + result + ')' # 2014:06:14 16:43:53 (utilise le fuseau horaire de l'utilisateur) if result =~ /^\d{4}.\d{2}.\d{2} \d{2}.\d{2}.\d{2}/ date = result[0..9].gsub(':', '-') + ' ' + result[11..18] zone = User.current.time_zone date = zone ? zone.parse(date) : date self.created_on = date self.update_filedir! end end end # déplace le nouveau fichier s'il n'est pas dans le bon dossier def update_filedir! return unless defined? self.disk_directory src = self.diskfile time = self.created_on || DateTime.now self.disk_directory = time.strftime("%Y/%m") dest = self.diskfile return if src == dest unless FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(dest)) logger.error 'Could not create directory ' + File.dirname(dest) return end unless FileUtils.mv(src, dest) logger.error 'Could not move attachment from ' + src + ' to ' + dest return end update_column :disk_directory, self.disk_directory unless new_record? logger.info 'APIJS::ApijsAttachment#update_filedir: moving file from ' + src + ' to ' + dest end # informations def getProgramVersions(helpPil, helpSco) cmd = getPython if not cmd or cmd.length == 0 pyt = 'not found' pil = pyt sco = pyt else pyt = `#{cmd} --version 2>&1`.gsub('Python', '').strip! pyt = pyt.split(/\D/).slice(0, 3).join('.') pil = `#{cmd} -c "from PIL import Image; print(Image.__version__)" 2>&1`.strip! if pil.include? "o module named" pil = 'not available' elsif pil.include? "__version__" pil = 'available' else pil = pil.split(/\D/).slice(0, 3).join('.') end sco = `#{cmd} -c "import scour; print(scour.__version__)" 2>&1`.strip! if sco.include? "o module named" sco = 'not available' elsif sco.include? "__version__" sco = 'available' else sco = sco.split(/\D/).slice(0, 3).join('.') end end return sprintf('%s / %s %s / %s %s', pyt, pil, helpPil, sco, helpSco) end end end Attachment.send(:include, ApijsAttachment)