require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'support', 'spec_helper') require 'assemblyinfotester' require 'albacore/assemblyinfo' describe AssemblyInfo, "when generating an assembly info file" do before :all do @tester = asm = strio = asm.log_device = strio @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm @log_data = strio.string end it "should log the name of the output file" do @log_data.should include(@tester.assemblyinfo_file) end end describe AssemblyInfo, "when generating an assembly info file in verbose mode" do before :all do @tester = asm = strio = asm.log_device = strio asm.log_level = :verbose asm.version = @tester.version @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm @log_data = strio.string end it "should log the name of the output file" do @log_data.should include(@tester.assemblyinfo_file) end end describe AssemblyInfo, "when generating an assembly info file without an output file specified" do before :all do @tester = asm = asm.extend(FailPatch) strio = asm.log_device = strio asm.execute @log_data = strio.string end it "should log an error message saying the output file is required" do @log_data.should include("output_file cannot be nil") end end describe AssemblyInfo, "when providing a custom namespace without specifiying the language" do before :all do @tester = asm = asm.namespaces 'My.Name.Space' # Generate the same file twice. @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm @filedata = @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm end it "should default to c# for the generated assemby info" do @filedata.scan('using My.Name.Space;').length.should == 1 end end describe AssemblyInfo, "when providing custom namespaces and specifying C#" do before :all do @tester = @tester.lang_engine = asm = asm.lang_engine = asm.namespaces 'My.Name.Space', 'Another.Namespace.GoesHere' # Generate the same file twice. @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm @filedata = @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm end it "should.execute the namespaces into the using statements" do @filedata.scan('using My.Name.Space;').length.should == 1 @filedata.scan('using Another.Namespace.GoesHere;').length.should == 1 end end describe AssemblyInfo, "when providing custom namespaces and specifying VB.NET" do before :all do @tester = @tester.lang_engine = asm = asm.lang_engine = asm.namespaces 'My.Name.Space', 'Another.Namespace.GoesHere' # Generate the same file twice. @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm @filedata = @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm end it "should.execute the namespaces into the imports statements" do @filedata.scan('Imports My.Name.Space').length.should == 1 @filedata.scan('Imports Another.Namespace.GoesHere').length.should == 1 end end describe AssemblyInfo, "when providing custom attributes without specifying a language" do before :all do @tester = asm = asm.custom_attributes :CustomAttribute => "custom attribute data", :AnotherAttribute => "more data here" # Generate the same file twice. @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm @filedata = @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm end it "should.execute the custom attributes to the assembly info file" do @filedata.scan('[assembly: CustomAttribute("custom attribute data")]').length.should == 1 @filedata.scan('[assembly: AnotherAttribute("more data here")]').length.should == 1 end end describe AssemblyInfo, "when providing custom attributes and specifying C#" do before :all do @tester = @tester.lang_engine = asm = asm.lang_engine = asm.custom_attributes :CustomAttribute => "custom attribute data", :AnotherAttribute => "more data here" # Generate the same file twice. @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm @filedata = @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm end it "should.execute the custom attributes to the assembly info file" do @filedata.scan('[assembly: CustomAttribute("custom attribute data")]').length.should == 1 @filedata.scan('[assembly: AnotherAttribute("more data here")]').length.should == 1 end end describe AssemblyInfo, "when providing custom attributes and specifying VB.NET" do before :all do @tester = @tester.lang_engine = asm = asm.lang_engine = asm.custom_attributes :CustomAttribute => "custom attribute data", :AnotherAttribute => "more data here" # Generate the same file twice. @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm @filedata = @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm end it "should.execute the custom attributes to the assembly info file" do @filedata.scan('').length.should == 1 @filedata.scan('').length.should == 1 end end describe AssemblyInfo, "when specifying a custom attribute with no data" do before :all do @tester = asm = asm.custom_attributes :NoArgsAttribute => nil # Generate the same file twice. @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm @filedata = @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm end it "should.execute the attribute with an empty argument list" do @filedata.scan('[assembly: NoArgsAttribute()]').length.should == 1 end end describe AssemblyInfo, "when specifying an attribute with non-string data" do before :all do @tester = asm = asm.custom_attributes :NonStringAttribute => true # Generate the same file twice. @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm @filedata = @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm end it "should.execute the attribute data without quotes" do @filedata.scan('[assembly: NonStringAttribute(true)]').length.should == 1 end end describe AssemblyInfo, "when generating an assembly info file with the built in attributes and no language specified" do before :all do @tester = asm = asm.company_name = @tester.company_name asm.product_name = @tester.product_name asm.version = @tester.version asm.title = @tester.title asm.description = @tester.description asm.copyright = @tester.copyright asm.com_visible = @tester.com_visible asm.com_guid = @tester.com_guid asm.file_version = @tester.file_version asm.trademark = @tester.trademark # Generate the same file twice. @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm @filedata = @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm end it "should use the system.reflection namespace" do @filedata.scan('using System.Reflection;').length.should == 1 end it "should use the system.runtime.interopservices namespace" do @filedata.scan('using System.Runtime.InteropServices;').length.should == 1 end it "should contain the specified version information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyVersion("#{@tester.version}")]|).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the assembly title" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyTitle("#{@tester.title}")]|).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the assembly description" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyDescription("#{@tester.description}")|).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the copyright information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("#{@tester.copyright}")]|).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the com visible information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: ComVisible(#{@tester.com_visible})]|).length.should == 1 @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: Guid("#{@tester.com_guid}")]|).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the company name information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyCompany("#{@tester.company_name}")]|).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the product information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyProduct("#{@tester.product_name}")]|).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the file version information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("#{@tester.file_version}")]|).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the trademark information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("#{@tester.trademark}")]|).length.should == 1 end end describe AssemblyInfo, "when generating an assembly info file with the built in attributes and C# specified" do before :all do @tester = @tester.lang_engine = asm = asm.lang_engine = asm.company_name = @tester.company_name asm.product_name = @tester.product_name asm.version = @tester.version asm.title = @tester.title asm.description = @tester.description asm.copyright = @tester.copyright asm.com_visible = @tester.com_visible asm.com_guid = @tester.com_guid asm.file_version = @tester.file_version asm.trademark = @tester.trademark # Generate the same file twice. @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm @filedata = @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm end it "should use the system.reflection namespace" do @filedata.scan('using System.Reflection;').length.should == 1 end it "should use the system.runtime.interopservices namespace" do @filedata.scan('using System.Runtime.InteropServices;').length.should == 1 end it "should contain the specified version information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyVersion("#{@tester.version}")]|).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the assembly title" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyTitle("#{@tester.title}")]|).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the assembly description" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyDescription("#{@tester.description}")]|).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the copyright information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("#{@tester.copyright}")]|).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the com visible information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: ComVisible(#{@tester.com_visible})]|).length.should == 1 @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: Guid("#{@tester.com_guid}")]|).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the company name information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyCompany("#{@tester.company_name}")]|).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the product information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyProduct("#{@tester.product_name}")]|).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the file version information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("#{@tester.file_version}")]|).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the trademark information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("#{@tester.trademark}")]|).length.should == 1 end end describe AssemblyInfo, "when generating an assembly info file with the built in attributes and VB.NET specified" do before :all do @tester = @tester.lang_engine = asm = asm.lang_engine = asm.company_name = @tester.company_name asm.product_name = @tester.product_name asm.version = @tester.version asm.title = @tester.title asm.description = @tester.description asm.copyright = @tester.copyright asm.com_visible = @tester.com_visible asm.com_guid = @tester.com_guid asm.file_version = @tester.file_version asm.trademark = @tester.trademark # Generate the same file twice. @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm @filedata = @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm end it "should use the system.reflection namespace" do @filedata.scan('Imports System.Reflection').length.should == 1 end it "should use the system.runtime.interopservices namespace" do @filedata.scan('Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices').length.should == 1 end it "should contain the specified version information" do @filedata.scan(%Q||).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the assembly title" do @filedata.scan(%Q||).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the assembly description" do @filedata.scan(%Q||).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the copyright information" do @filedata.scan(%Q||).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the com visible information" do @filedata.scan(%Q||).length.should == 1 @filedata.scan(%Q||).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the company name information" do @filedata.scan(%Q||).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the product information" do @filedata.scan(%Q||).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the file version information" do @filedata.scan(%Q||).length.should == 1 end it "should contain the trademark information" do @filedata.scan(%Q||).length.should == 1 end end describe AssemblyInfo, "when generating an assembly info file with no attributes provided" do before :all do @tester = asm = # Generate the same file twice. @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm @filedata = @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm end it "should not contain the specified version information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyVersion("#{@tester.version}")]|).should be_empty end it "should not contain the assembly title" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyTitle("#{@tester.title}")]|).should be_empty end it "should not contain the assembly description" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyDescription("#{@tester.description}")]|).should be_empty end it "should not contain the copyright information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("#{@tester.copyright}")]|).should be_empty end it "should not contain the com visible information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: ComVisible(#{@tester.com_visible})]|).should be_empty @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: Guid("#{@tester.com_guid}")]|).should be_empty end it "should not contain the company name information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyCompany("#{@tester.company_name}")]|).should be_empty end it "should not contain the product information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyProduct("#{@tester.product_name}")]|).should be_empty end it "should not contain the file version information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("#{@tester.file_version}")]|).should be_empty end it "should not contain the trademark information" do @filedata.scan(%Q|[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("#{@tester.trademark}")]|).should be_empty end end describe AssemblyInfo, "when configuring the assembly info generator with a yaml file" do before :all do tester = @asm = @asm.configure(tester.yaml_file) end it "should set the values for the provided attributes" do @asm.version.should == "0.0.1" @asm.company_name.should == "some company name" end end describe AssemblyInfo, "when assembly info configuration is provided" do let :asm do Albacore.configure do |config| config.assemblyinfo do |asm| asm.company_name = "foo" asm.version = "bar" end end end it "should use the supplied info" do asm.company_name.should == "foo" asm.version.should == "bar" end end describe AssemblyInfo, "when specifying custom data" do before :all do @tester = asm = asm.custom_data "// foo", "// bar" # Generate the same file twice. @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm @filedata = @tester.build_and_read_assemblyinfo_file asm end it "should write data unmodified to the output" do @filedata.scan('// foo').length.should == 1 @filedata.scan('// bar').length.should == 1 end end