module KingList module Builder class Table attr_accessor :mode, :current_record, :current_column_number, :number_of_columns, :sorting def initialize(template, collection, &block) @template = template @collection = collection end def start_row(data) self.current_column_number = 0 self.current_record = data end # Build a column for a table # # ==== Parameter # field_name:: Name of the object attribute (db column) to show in this column # optionsString}>:: A bunch of options to customize the th, td or content of the column # # ==== Options hash: # :object => The record to use. If not set, the current_object is used # :value => cell content (if not set, it will be determined by calling field_name on object/current_record) => # :link => if set, the value is wrapped in a link_to with the given link (if TRUE, the current object is used) # :row_link => if set, the value is wrapped in a link_to with the given link (if TRUE, the current object is used) # :title => text for column title. If not set, the title is created automaticaly # :sort_fields => optional fields for order_by (if the column field does not exist in the database) # :sorting => false to prevent sorting on this column # :th_options{Symbol=>String}:: options for the # :class:: the class to set on the th # :td_options{Symbol=>String}:: options for the # :class:: the class to set on the th # :class => class as Symbol or String used on TH and TD used f.ex. for alignment. def column(field_name, options = {}) options = options.deep_clone # for not changing outer variable th_options = options[:th_options] || {} td_options = options[:td_options] || {} # Use given object from options (or current_record as default) object = options.has_key?(:object) ? options.delete(:object) : current_record # :class given so add to TH and TD f.ex cell alignment :class=>'rgt' if css_class = options.delete(:class) (th_options[:class] ||= '') << " #{css_class}" (td_options[:class] ||= '') << " #{css_class}" end self.current_column_number += 1 case mode when :counter self.number_of_columns ||= 0 self.number_of_columns += 1 nil when :header # Take option or translate column title title_text = options[:title] || object.class.human_attribute_name(field_name.to_s) # whole table has sorting enabled and current column has NOT :sorting=>false # => put sorting link into header if sorting && (options.delete(:sorting) != false) # Use given sort_fields or try to detect them automatic sort_fields = options.delete(:sort_fields) || object.class.table_name + '.' + field_name.to_s # Convert to comma separated string if it is an array sort_fields = sort_fields.join(',') if sort_fields.is_a?(Array) # Swap ASC/DESC on every click of the same column title sort = (@template.params[:sort] == "ASC") ? 'DESC' : 'ASC' # Now build the title title = @template.link_to(title_text, @template.change_params(:sort_by => sort_fields, :sort => sort)) # if current sorting use class for css up/down image if @template.params[:sort_by] == sort_fields (th_options[:class] ||= '') << ( sort=='DESC' ? ' sortup' : ' sortdown') end else # otherwise just plain text (no sorting link) title = title_text end # mark the first and last columns with css classes if self.current_column_number == 1 (th_options[:class] ||= '') << ' first' elsif self.current_column_number == self.number_of_columns (th_options[:class] ||= '') << ' last' end @template.capture_haml do @template.haml_tag(:th, title.to_s, th_options) end when :content # Use given value (or formatted value as default) value = options.delete(:value) || @template.strfval(object, field_name, value) # If link option is set, then link to this # === Example # # :link => true : uses current object show link # :link => nil or blank no linking if link = options.delete(:link) # link to current_oject if true given link = object if link == true # link and linked text is present else leave col text empty value = (!value.blank? && !link.blank?) ? @template.link_to(value, link) : '' end # If row_link option is set, then link to the current object if row_link = options.delete(:row_link) row_link = object if row_link == true value = @template.link_to(value, row_link) unless value.blank? # Set a css class for the , so it can be found via JavaScript # and an onclick-event can be installed (TODO) td_options.merge!(:class => 'row_link') end @template.capture_haml do @template.haml_tag(:td, value.to_s, td_options) end end # case mode end #build a table column which holds action links (edit/del/show/..) for each record #is used for table listings ex. on index pages #get a block containing multiple #action_ # ===Example haml # - t.action_column do # = action_icon :edit, edit_path(person) # = action_icon :delete, destroy_path(person) def action_column(options={}, &block) self.current_column_number += 1 case mode when :counter self.number_of_columns ||= 0 self.number_of_columns += 1 nil when :header options = { :align => :left } if self.current_column_number == 1 options[:class] = 'first' elsif self.current_column_number == self.number_of_columns options[:class] = 'last' end @template.haml_tag :th, options do @template.haml_concat I18n.t(:'link.actions') end when :content @template.haml_tag :td, :class => 'actions' do @template.haml_tag :ul, :class => 'actions' do @template.haml_concat @template.capture_haml(&block) end end end end end #TableBuilder end # module end # module