require 'toml' # Inspired by # and # Example for '~/.pvcglue.toml': # cloud_manager = "nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn" module Pvcglue class Configuration < Thor attr_accessor :cloud_manager attr_accessor :local_cloud_manager attr_accessor :cloud_name attr_accessor :application_name attr_accessor :context def self.file_name ENV['PVCGLUE_FILE_NAME'] || '.pvcglue.toml' end def self.env_prefix ENV['PVCGLUE_ENV_PREFIX'] || 'PVCGLUE' end def self.project_file_name File.join(self.application_dir, file_name) end def self.application_dir Dir.pwd end # silence Thor warnings, as these are not Thor commands. (But we still need 'say' and 'ask' and friends.) no_commands do def initialize if Pvcglue::Manager.local_mode? init(:local_cloud_manager) @cloud_manager = @local_cloud_manager else init(:cloud_manager) || configure_manager end # raise(Thor::Error, "The manager has not been configured. :(") if cloud_manager.nil? raise("The manager has not been configured. :(") if cloud_manager.nil? init_except_manager end def init_except_manager if Pvcglue::Manager.local_mode? @cloud_name = 'local_cloud' else init(:cloud_name, 'cluster_one') end init(:application_name, find_app_name) end def configure_manager say('The manager has not been configured.') manager = ask('What is the IP address or host name of the manager?') default = !no?('Will this be the default manager? (Y/n)') file_name = default ? user_file_name : project_file_name File.write(file_name, %(cloud_manager = "#{manager}"\n)) say("Manager written to #{file_name}.") @conf = nil # clear cache init(:cloud_manager) init_except_manager clear_cloud_cache end def init(option, default=nil) # ENV first, then pvcglue.toml (checking current working directory first, then in user home '~'), then default # NOTE: In the context of Rails, a standard initializer can also be used, and will override all settings here, but that should not really apply for 'pvcglue' # /config/initializers/pvcglue.rb: # Pvcglue.configure do |config| # config.cloud_manager = '' # end value = ENV["#{self.class.env_prefix}_#{option.upcase}"] || get_conf(option) || default #puts "Setting #{option}=#{value}" instance_variable_set("@#{option}", value) end def merge_into_conf(file_name) #puts "*"*80 #puts file_name #puts File.exists?(file_name).inspect if File.exists?(file_name) data = TOML.load_file(file_name) #puts data.inspect @conf.merge!(data) end end def get_conf(option) unless @conf @conf = {} merge_into_conf(user_file_name) merge_into_conf(project_file_name) end @conf[option.to_s] end def project_file_name self.class.project_file_name end def user_file_name File.join(Dir.home, self.class.file_name) end # Thanks to def underscore(camel_cased_word) camel_cased_word.to_s.gsub(/::/, '/'). gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2'). tr("-", "_"). downcase end def find_app_name # try known files...anyone know a better way, without loading Rails? rack_up = File.join(application_dir, '') app_name = underscore($1) if File.exists?(rack_up) && =~ /^run (.*)::/ unless app_name file_name = File.join(application_dir, 'config', 'application.rb') app_name = underscore($1) if File.exists?(file_name) && =~ /^module (.*)/ end app_name end def options Hash[ { |name| [name.to_s[1..-1].to_sym, instance_variable_get(name)] }].reject { |k| k == :conf } end def tmp_dir File.join(application_dir, 'tmp') end def pvcglue_tmp_dir File.join(tmp_dir, 'pvcglue') end def cloud_cache_file_name # Just in case the Rails project hasn't yet been run, make sure the tmp # dir exists. Dir.mkdir(pvcglue_tmp_dir) unless Dir.exist?(pvcglue_tmp_dir) File.join(pvcglue_tmp_dir, "pvcglue_#{cloud_manager}_#{cloud_name}_#{application_name}_cache.toml") end def clear_cloud_cache File.delete(cloud_cache_file_name) if File.exists?(cloud_cache_file_name) end def application_dir self.class.application_dir end def app_maintenance_files_dir File.join(application_dir, 'public', 'maintenance') end def ruby_version_file_name File.join(application_dir, '.ruby-version') end def ruby_version end def web_app_base_dir '/sites' end end end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.configuration @configuration ||= end def self.configuration=(config) @configuration = config end def self.configure yield configuration end end