# Klipbook Klipbook takes the highlights and notes that you've created on your Kindle and outputs them into nice html or JSON. ## An example of a html clippings file generated by Klipbook Example
of a clippings file ## What sources does it support? Klipbook can take your highlights from a clippings file off a physical Kindle device or from the [Kindle highlights site](https://kindle.amazon.com/your_highlights) itself. ## When should I use the file and when should I use the site? If your books are purchased from Amazon directly then use the site. The site is the canonical source and will contain all of your notes and highlights from across all of your Kindle devices and applications. Currently the Amazon highlights site only shows clippings for books you've purchased on Amazon. If your books are personal documents and you've read them on your Kindle device itself then you should use the file from that device as a source i.e. your Kindle device only keeps clippings that you made directly on it. ## How does it work? Klipbook supports three commands: `list`, `tohtml`, and `tojson`. ### To HTML `tohtml` retrieves the clippings from your latest annotated books and writes them out into a pretty html file for each book. #### From a file Copy your clippings file (called "My Clippings.txt" on a 3rd generation Kindle) from your Kindle device to your local drive via USB. Then write out a list of your clippings via: ```sh $ klipbook tohtml -i "My Clippings.txt" ``` This command will write the collected clippings for the latest annotated book to a file in the current directory. You can override the output directory with the `--outdir` switch. You can also specify a maximum count of books you'd like collated with the `--number` switch. Klipbook will not overwrite an exiting file by default. You can change this with the `--force` flag. #### From the site Specify your Amazon credentials to klipbook and it will scrape the site and output a clippings file. ```sh $ klipbook tohtml -c my-username@blah.com:my-password ``` The same flags above apply. Note that the scraping requires a network connection (obviously) and can take a while so please be patient. ### Set up defaults If you don't feel like having your Amazon credentials in your shell history you can set your default source in the klipbook rc file: `~/.klipbookrc`. This is simply a YAML file and you can specify default values for the source and the output directory, e.g. ```sh $ cat ~/.klipbookrc :credentials: my-username@blah.com:my-password :outdir: /path/to/my/default/output/directory ``` Command line options override the defaults stored in the rc file. ### List The `list` command lists the books available in the specified source. ```sh $ klipbook list -i "My Clippings.txt" Book list: [1] The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler [2] How to jump out of a plane without a parachute and survive by Rip Rockjaw ``` By default it will only list the latest book. This can be overrided with the `--number` switch. ### To JSON `tojson` pulls together the clippings from your latest annotated books and combines them into a single JSON file. ```sh $ klipbook tojson -i "My Clippings.txt" -o books.json ``` You can rerun collate on an existing JSON file to add new books. By default existing books in the JSON file will not be overwritten. This can be changed with the `--force` flag. ## Installation Klipbook is a Ruby gem. To install simply run: ```sh $ gem install klipbook ``` ## Supported Devices Klipbook has been tested on clippings files from 3rd generation Kindles and the Kindle Touch. ## Tested platforms Klipbook has been tested on Mac OSX Mavericks using MRI 2.0.0 ## Contributing to Klipbook Fork the project on [Github](https://github.com/grassdog/klipbook), add tests for your changes, and submit a well described pull request. ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Ray Grasso. See LICENSE.txt for further details.