module Neo4j::ActiveNode module Property extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActiveAttr::Attributes include ActiveAttr::MassAssignment include ActiveAttr::TypecastedAttributes include ActiveAttr::AttributeDefaults include ActiveAttr::QueryAttributes include ActiveModel::Dirty class UndefinedPropertyError < RuntimeError end def initialize(attributes={}, options={}) relationship_props = self.class.extract_relationship_attributes!(attributes) writer_method_props = extract_writer_methods!(attributes) validate_attributes!(attributes) writer_method_props.each do |key, value| self.send("#{key}=", value) end super(attributes, options) end def save_properties @previously_changed = changes changed_attributes.clear end # Returning nil when we get ActiveAttr::UnknownAttributeError from ActiveAttr def read_attribute(name) super(name) rescue ActiveAttr::UnknownAttributeError nil end alias_method :[], :read_attribute private # Changes attributes hash to remove relationship keys # Raises an error if there are any keys left which haven't been defined as properties on the model def validate_attributes!(attributes) invalid_properties = - self.attributes.keys raise UndefinedPropertyError, "Undefined properties: #{invalid_properties.join(',')}" if invalid_properties.size > 0 end def extract_writer_methods!(attributes) attributes.keys.inject({}) do |writer_method_props, key| writer_method_props[key] = attributes.delete(key) if self.respond_to?("#{key}=") writer_method_props end end module ClassMethods def property(name, options={}) # Magic properties options[:type] = DateTime if name.to_sym == :created_at || name.to_sym == :updated_at attribute(name, options) end def attribute!(name, options={}) super(name, options) define_method("#{name}=") do |value| typecast_value = typecast_attribute(typecaster_for(self.class._attribute_type(name)), value) send("#{name}_will_change!") unless typecast_value == read_attribute(name) super(value) end end # Extracts keys from attributes hash which are relationships of the model # TODO: Validate separately that relationships are getting the right values? Perhaps also store the values and persist relationships on save? def extract_relationship_attributes!(attributes) attributes.keys.inject({}) do |relationship_props, key| relationship_props[key] = attributes.delete(key) if self.has_relationship?(key) relationship_props end end end end end