# Copyright (c) 2023 M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands # # This software is released under the MIT license. ### # wxRuby3 buildtools configuration ### require_relative './unixish' module WXRuby3 module Config module Platform def self.included(base) base.class_eval do include Config::UnixLike alias :base_ldflags :ldflags def ldflags(target) "-Wl,-soname,#{File.basename(target)} #{base_ldflags(target)}" end def debug_command(*args) args.unshift(FileUtils::RUBY) args.unshift('--args') args.unshift('gdb') args.join(' ') end def check_rpath_patch unless @rpath_patch if system('which patchelf > /dev/null 2>&1') @rpath_patch = 'patchelf --set-rpath' else STDERR.puts 'Installation of binary gem with-wxwin requires an installed version of either the patchelf utility.' return false end end true end def patch_rpath(shlib, *rpath) if check_rpath_patch sh("#{@rpath_patch} '#{rpath.join(':')}' #{shlib}", verbose: false) return true end false end end end def init_platform init_unix_platform @dll_pfx = 'lib' if @wx_version @extra_cflags.concat %w[-Wno-unused-function -Wno-conversion-null -Wno-maybe-uninitialized] @extra_cflags << ' -Wno-deprecated-declarations' unless @no_deprecated @ruby_ldflags << '-s' if @release_build # strip debug symbols for release build # create a .so binary @extra_ldflags << '-shared' unless @wx_path.empty? libdirs = @wx_libs.select {|s| s.start_with?('-L')}.collect {|s| s.sub(/^-L/,'')} @exec_env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = "#{ENV['LD_LIBRARY_PATH']}:#{dest_dir}:#{libdirs.join(':')}" end end end private :init_platform end end end