package asunit.runners { import; import asunit.framework.Assert; import asunit.framework.Async; import asunit.framework.CallbackBridge; import asunit.framework.IAsync; import asunit.framework.IResult; import asunit.framework.IRunner; import asunit.framework.IRunnerFactory; import asunit.framework.Method; import asunit.framework.TestFailure; import asunit.framework.TestIterator; import asunit.framework.TestSuccess; import asunit.framework.TestWarning; import asunit.util.ArrayIterator; import asunit.util.Iterator; import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer; import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError; import; import; import; import; import flash.utils.Timer; import flash.utils.clearTimeout; import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName; import flash.utils.getTimer; import flash.utils.setTimeout; import p2.reflect.Reflection; import p2.reflect.ReflectionMember; import p2.reflect.ReflectionMetaData; import p2.reflect.ReflectionVariable; public class TestRunner extends EventDispatcher implements IRunner { public static var ASYNC_NAME:String = 'asunit.framework::Async'; public static var IASYNC_NAME:String = 'asunit.framework::IAsync'; public static var DISPLAY_OBJECT_CONTAINER:String = 'flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer'; /** * This is how the Runner connects to a printer. * The AsUnitCore will inject the requested bridge * based on the concrete data type. * * There should be a similar Injection point on * whatever printers are interested in what this * concrete runner will dispatch. */ [Inject] public var bridge:CallbackBridge; // partially exposed for unit testing internal var currentTest:Object; internal var async:IAsync; protected var asyncMembers:Iterator; protected var currentMethod:Method; protected var currentTestReflection:Reflection; protected var injectableMembers:Iterator; protected var methodIsExecuting:Boolean = false; protected var methodPassed:Boolean = true; protected var methodTimeoutID:Number; protected var methodsToRun:TestIterator; protected var startTime:Number; protected var testMethodNameReceived:Boolean; protected var timer:Timer; protected var visualContext:DisplayObjectContainer; protected var visualInstances:Array; private var _factory:IRunnerFactory; public function TestRunner() { async = new Async(); bridge = new CallbackBridge(); timer = new Timer(0, 1); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, runNextMethod); visualInstances = []; } public function run(testOrSuite:Class, methodName:String=null, visualContext:DisplayObjectContainer=null):void { runMethodByName(testOrSuite, methodName, visualContext); } public function shouldRunTest(testClass:Class):Boolean { return bridge.shouldRunTest(testClass); } // This class doesn't really use the runner factory, // since it represents a leaf node in the test // hierarchy... public function set factory(factory:IRunnerFactory):void { _factory = factory; } public function get factory():IRunnerFactory { return _factory; } public function runMethodByName(test:Class, methodName:String=null, visualContext:DisplayObjectContainer=null):void { currentTestReflection = Reflection.create(test); this.visualContext = visualContext; currentMethod = null; testMethodNameReceived = (methodName != null); try { currentTest = new test(); } catch(e:VerifyError) { warn("Unable to instantiate provided test case with: " +; return; } initializeInjectableMembers(); async.addEventListener(TimeoutCommandEvent.CALLED, onAsyncMethodCalled); async.addEventListener(TimeoutCommandEvent.TIMED_OUT, onAsyncMethodTimedOut); startTime = getTimer(); bridge.onTestStarted(currentTest); methodsToRun = createTestIterator(currentTest, methodName); if(methodsToRun.length == 0) { warn(">> We were unable to find any test methods in " + + ". Did you set the --keep-as3-metadata flag?"); } runNextMethod(); } protected function createTestIterator(test:*, testMethodName:String):TestIterator { return new TestIterator(test, testMethodName); } protected function initializeInjectableMembers():void { injectableMembers = new ArrayIterator(currentTestReflection.getMembersByMetaData('Inject')); } protected function runNextMethod(e:TimerEvent = null):void { if(!testMethodNameReceived && methodsToRun.readyToTearDown) { removeInjectedMembers(); removeInjectedVisualInstances(); } if (testCompleted) { onTestCompleted(); return; } if(methodsToRun.readyToSetUp) { prepareForSetUp(); } runMethod(; } protected function runMethod(method:Method):void { if (!method) return; currentMethod = method; methodPassed = true; // innocent until proven guilty by recordFailure() if (currentMethod.ignore) { bridge.onTestIgnored(currentMethod); onMethodCompleted(); return; } // This is used to prevent async callbacks from triggering onMethodCompleted too early. methodIsExecuting = true; if (currentMethod.expects) { try { var errorClass:Class = getDefinitionByName(currentMethod.expects) as Class; Assert.assertThrows(errorClass, currentMethod.value); } catch(definitionError:ReferenceError) { // NOTE: [luke] Added ReferenceError catch here b/c I had a bad class name in my expects. // Does this look right? recordFailure(new Error('Could not find Reference for: ' + currentMethod.expects)); } catch (error:Error) { recordFailure(error); } } else { try { currentMethod.execute(); } catch (error:Error) { recordFailure(error); } } methodIsExecuting = false; if (async.hasPending) return; onMethodCompleted(); } protected function onMethodCompleted():void { async.cancelPending(); if (currentMethod.isTest && methodPassed && !currentMethod.ignore) { bridge.onTestSuccess(new TestSuccess(currentTest,; } // Calling synchronously is faster but keeps adding to the call stack. //runNextMethod(); // green thread for runNextMethod() // This runs much slower in Flash Player 10.1. timer.reset(); timer.start(); } protected function onAsyncMethodCalled(event:TimeoutCommandEvent):void { try { event.command.execute(); } catch (error:Error) { recordFailure(error); } onAsyncMethodCompleted(event); } protected function onAsyncMethodTimedOut(event:TimeoutCommandEvent):void { var error:IllegalOperationError = new IllegalOperationError("Timeout (" + event.command.duration + "ms) exceeded on an asynchronous operation."); recordFailure(error); onAsyncMethodCompleted(event); } protected function recordFailure(error:Error):void { methodPassed = false; bridge.onTestFailure(new TestFailure(currentTest,, error)); } protected function onAsyncMethodCompleted(event:Event = null):void { if (!methodIsExecuting && !async.hasPending) { onMethodCompleted(); } } protected function onTestCompleted():void { async.removeEventListener(TimeoutCommandEvent.CALLED, onAsyncMethodCalled); async.removeEventListener(TimeoutCommandEvent.TIMED_OUT, onAsyncMethodTimedOut); async.cancelPending(); bridge.onTestCompleted(currentTest); dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); } protected function get testCompleted():Boolean { return (!methodsToRun.hasNext() && !async.hasPending); } protected function removeInjectedMembers():void { var member:ReflectionVariable; while(injectableMembers.hasNext()) { removeInjectedMember(; } injectableMembers.reset(); } protected function removeInjectedVisualInstances():void { var visuals:Iterator = new ArrayIterator(visualInstances); while(visuals.hasNext()) { visualContext.removeChild(; } visualInstances = []; } protected function removeInjectedMember(member:ReflectionVariable):void { if(!member) return; currentTest[] = null; } protected function prepareForSetUp():void { injectMembers(); } protected function injectMembers():void { var member:ReflectionVariable; while(injectableMembers.hasNext()) { injectMember(; } injectableMembers.reset(); } protected function injectMember(member:ReflectionVariable):void { if(!member) return; var definition:Class; try { definition = getDefinitionByName(member.type) as Class; } catch(referenceError:ReferenceError) { warn("Unable to [Inject] with " + member.type + ". Maybe this was an inner class? That makes it unavailable to external code, try putting it in it's own file."); return; } var reflection:Reflection = Reflection.create(definition); try { var instance:* = createInstanceFromReflection(reflection); configureInjectedInstance(member, instance); currentTest[] = instance; } catch(e:VerifyError) { throw new VerifyError("Failed to instantiate " + member.type + " in order to inject public var " +; } } protected function configureInjectedInstance(member:ReflectionVariable, instance:*):void { var injectTag:ReflectionMetaData = member.getMetaDataByName('Inject'); var args:Array = injectTag.args; var arg:Object; var len:int = args.length; for(var i:int; i < len; i++) { arg = args[i]; try { instance[arg.key] = coerceArgumentType(member, arg.value); } catch(e:ReferenceError) { var reflect:Reflection = Reflection.create(instance); warn("Unable to inject attribute " + arg.key + " on " +; } } } protected function coerceArgumentType(member:ReflectionVariable, value:String):* { switch(value) { case "false" : return false; case "true" : return true; } return value; } protected function createInstanceFromReflection(reflection:Reflection):* { // Return the shared async instance if they're expecting the interface // or concrete instance, but NOT if their Inject is merely a subclass... if( == ASYNC_NAME || == IASYNC_NAME) { return async; } var clazz:Class = getClassReferenceFromReflection(reflection); var constructorReflection:Reflection = Reflection.create(clazz); try { var instance:* = new constructorReflection.classReference(); } catch(e:VerifyError) { warn("Unable to instantiate: " + + " for injection"); } if(constructorReflection.isA(DISPLAY_OBJECT_CONTAINER)) { // Add injected DisplayObjectContainers to a collection // for removal, and add them to the visualContext if // one was provided to the run() method. if(visualContext) { visualInstances.push(instance); visualContext.addChild(instance); } else { warn("TestRunner is injecting a DisplayObjectContainer on your Test but wasn't given a visualContext when run was called. This means your visual entity will not be attached to the Display List."); } } return instance; } protected function warn(message:String, method:Method=null):void { bridge.onWarning(new TestWarning(message, method)); } protected function getClassReferenceFromReflection(reflection:Reflection):Class { // This will attempt to deal with I-prefixed interfaces - like IAsync. if(reflection.isInterface) { return attemptToGetClassReferenceFromReflection(reflection); } return reflection.classReference; } protected function attemptToGetClassReferenceFromReflection(reflection:Reflection):Class { var fullName:String =; var parts:Array = fullName.split("::"); var interfaceName:String = parts.pop(); var expr:RegExp = /I([AZ].+)/; var match:Object = expr.exec(interfaceName); if(match) { parts.push(match[1]); var implementationName:String = parts.join("::"); return Class(getDefinitionByName(implementationName)); } throw new VerifyError("Unable to find class instance for interface " + fullName); } // TODO: Implement this method: protected function argumentFreeConstructor(reflection:Reflection):Boolean { return true; } } }