/* Public Domain Curses */ #include "pdcsdl.h" #include /*man-start************************************************************** clipboard --------- ### Synopsis int PDC_getclipboard(char **contents, long *length); int PDC_setclipboard(const char *contents, long length); int PDC_freeclipboard(char *contents); int PDC_clearclipboard(void); ### Description PDC_getclipboard() gets the textual contents of the system's clipboard. This function returns the contents of the clipboard in the contents argument. It is the responsibilitiy of the caller to free the memory returned, via PDC_freeclipboard(). The length of the clipboard contents is returned in the length argument. PDC_setclipboard copies the supplied text into the system's clipboard, emptying the clipboard prior to the copy. PDC_clearclipboard() clears the internal clipboard. ### Return Values indicator of success/failure of call. PDC_CLIP_SUCCESS the call was successful PDC_CLIP_MEMORY_ERROR unable to allocate sufficient memory for the clipboard contents PDC_CLIP_EMPTY the clipboard contains no text PDC_CLIP_ACCESS_ERROR no clipboard support ### Portability X/Open BSD SYS V PDC_getclipboard - - - PDC_setclipboard - - - PDC_freeclipboard - - - PDC_clearclipboard - - - **man-end****************************************************************/ /* global clipboard contents, should be NULL if none set */ static char *pdc_SDL_clipboard = NULL; int PDC_getclipboard(char **contents, long *length) { int len; PDC_LOG(("PDC_getclipboard() - called\n")); if (!pdc_SDL_clipboard) return PDC_CLIP_EMPTY; len = strlen(pdc_SDL_clipboard); if ((*contents = malloc(len + 1)) == NULL) return PDC_CLIP_MEMORY_ERROR; strcpy(*contents, pdc_SDL_clipboard); *length = len; return PDC_CLIP_SUCCESS; } int PDC_setclipboard(const char *contents, long length) { PDC_LOG(("PDC_setclipboard() - called\n")); if (pdc_SDL_clipboard) { free(pdc_SDL_clipboard); pdc_SDL_clipboard = NULL; } if (contents) { if ((pdc_SDL_clipboard = malloc(length + 1)) == NULL) return PDC_CLIP_MEMORY_ERROR; strcpy(pdc_SDL_clipboard, contents); } return PDC_CLIP_SUCCESS; } int PDC_freeclipboard(char *contents) { PDC_LOG(("PDC_freeclipboard() - called\n")); /* should we also free empty the system clipboard? probably not */ if (contents) { /* NOTE: We free the memory, but we can not set caller's pointer to NULL, so if caller calls again then will try to access free'd memory. We 1st overwrite memory with a string so if caller tries to use free memory they won't get what they expect & hopefully notice. */ /* memset(contents, 0xFD, strlen(contents)); */ if (strlen(contents) >= strlen("PDCURSES")) strcpy(contents, "PDCURSES"); free(contents); } return PDC_CLIP_SUCCESS; } int PDC_clearclipboard(void) { PDC_LOG(("PDC_clearclipboard() - called\n")); if (pdc_SDL_clipboard) { free(pdc_SDL_clipboard); pdc_SDL_clipboard = NULL; } return PDC_CLIP_SUCCESS; }