module Fog module Storage module IAAttributes # you can add other x-archive-metadata-* values, but these are standard IA_STANDARD_METADATA_FIELDS = %q[hidden, title, collection, creator, mediatype, description, date, subject, licenseurl, pick, noindex, notes, rights, contributor, language, coverage, credits] # for x-archive-metadata-mediatype, these are the valid values IA_VALID_MEDIA_TYPES = %q[audio, data, etree, image, movies, software, texts, web] module ClassMethods def ia_metadata_attribute(name) attribute(name, :aliases=>['amz','archive'].map{|p|"x-#{p}-#{'_','-')}"}) end end module InstanceMethods # set_metadata_array_headers(:collections, options) def set_metadata_array_headers(array_attribute, options={}) attr_values = Array(self.send(array_attribute)) opt_values = do |key,value| options.delete(key) if (key.to_s =~ /^x-(amz||archive)-meta(\d*)-#{array_attribute.to_s[0..-2]}/) end values = (attr_values + opt_values).compact.sort.uniq # got the values, now add them back to the options if values.size == 1 options["x-archive-meta-#{array_attribute.to_s[0..-2]}"] = values.first elsif values.size > 1 values[0,99].each_with_index do |value, i| options["x-archive-meta#{format("%02d", i+1)}-#{array_attribute.to_s[0..-2]}"] = value end end end end end end end