class BranchGraph constructor: -> @initializeD3() @getGraphData() @initializeControls() @commitGraph = new Visualisation.CommitGraph() # @commitGraph.load("git-vis-2") initializeD3: -> # set up SVG for D3 @width = $("#branches-display").width(); @height = $("#branches-display").height(); @body ="body") @svg ="#branches-display") .append("svg") .attr("width", @width) .attr("height", @height) @lastKeyDown = -1; getGraphData: -> # set up initial nodes and links # - nodes are known by 'id', not by index in array. # - links are always source < target; edge directions are set by 'left' and 'right'. $.get "/branches.json", (data) -> branch_data = data $.get "/merged_branches.json", (merge_data) -> Visualisation.branchGraph.initGraphData(branch_data, merge_data) initializeControls: -> $("#apply-filters-btn").click () => @apply_filters() false initGraphData: (branch_data, merge_data) => @branches = branch_data.branches; @diff_lines = branch_data.diff; @master = undefined #remove the master branch from branches array @branches = $.grep(@branches, (el, i) => if is "master" @master = el return false true ) percent_diff = 0.0 total_diff = @diff_lines.add + @diff_lines.del average_diff = total_diff / @branches.length @nodes = [] @links = [] @branch_names = {} @nodes.push id: 0 branch: @master size: 5.0 reflexive: false fixed: true x: @width / 2 y: @height / 2 @branch_names["master"] = 0 $.each @branches, (i, obj) => #calculate the percentage diff for this branch percent_diff = (obj.diff.add + obj.diff.del) / average_diff @nodes.push id: i + 1, branch: obj, size: percent_diff, reflexive: false, hidden: false @branch_names[] = i + 1 #check for merges/edges for each branch/node @linked_nodes = {} $.each merge_data, (base_key, base) => $.each base, (branch_key, merged_branch) => if merged_branch.left || merged_branch.right @linked_nodes[@branch_names[base_key] + ", " + @branch_names[branch_key]] = 1 @links.push source: @branch_names[base_key] target: @branch_names[branch_key] left: merged_branch.left right: merged_branch.right hidden: false #store original state @all_nodes = @nodes @all_links = @links @all_branches = @branches @all_branch_names = @branch_names @initGraph(false) initGraph: (redraw) -> if redraw is true"svg").remove() @svg ="#vis-display") .append("svg") .attr("width", @width) .attr("height", @height) @recalculate_node_sizes() lastNodeId = @nodes.length - 1 # init D3 force layout @force = d3.layout.force() .nodes(@nodes) .links(@links) .size([@width, @height]) .linkDistance(150) .charge(-500) .on("tick", @tick) # define arrow markers for graph links @svg.append('svg:defs').append('svg:marker') .attr('id', 'end-arrow') .attr('viewBox', '0 -5 10 10') .attr('refX', 6) .attr('markerWidth', 3) .attr('markerHeight', 3) .attr('orient', 'auto') .append('svg:path') .attr('d', 'M0,-5L10,0L0,5') .attr('fill', '#999'); @svg.append('svg:defs').append('svg:marker') .attr('id', 'start-arrow') .attr('viewBox', '0 -5 10 10') .attr('refX', 4) .attr('markerWidth', 3) .attr('markerHeight', 3) .attr('orient', 'auto') .append('svg:path') .attr('d', 'M10,-5L0,0L10,5') .attr('fill', '#999'); # handles to link and node element groups @path = @svg.append('svg:g').selectAll('path') @circle = @svg.append('svg:g').selectAll('g'); # mouse event vars @selected_node = null @selected_link = null @mousedown_link = null @mousedown_node = null @mouseup_node = null #remove the loading div here $("#vis-loading").hide(); @restart() resetMouseVars: -> @mousedown_node = null @mouseup_node = null @mousedown_link = null # update force layout (called automatically each iteration) tick: -> # draw directed edges with proper padding from node centers Visualisation.branchGraph.path.attr "d", (d) -> deltaX = - d.source.x deltaY = - d.source.y dist = Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) normX = deltaX / dist normY = deltaY / dist sourcePadding = node_size(d.source) + 7 targetPadding = node_size( + 7 sourceX = d.source.x + (sourcePadding * normX) sourceY = d.source.y + (sourcePadding * normY) targetX = - (targetPadding * normX) targetY = - (targetPadding * normY) "M" + sourceX + "," + sourceY + "L" + targetX + "," + targetY "transform", (d) -> "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")" # update graph (called when needed) restart: -> # path (link) group @path = # update existing links @path.classed("selected", (d) -> d is @selected_link ).style("marker-start", (d) -> (if d.left then "url(#start-arrow)" else "") ).style "marker-end", (d) -> (if d.right then "url(#end-arrow)" else "") # add new links @path.enter().append("svg:path").attr("class", "link").classed("selected", (d) -> d is @selected_link ).style("marker-start", (d) -> (if d.left then "url(#start-arrow)" else "") ).style("marker-end", (d) -> (if d.right then "url(#end-arrow)" else "") ) # remove old links @path.exit().remove() # circle (node) group # NB: the function arg is crucial here! nodes are known by id, not by index! @circle =, (d) -> ) #hide filtered nodes @circle.selectAll("circle").select((d) -> d.branch.hidden == false ? this : null ) # update existing nodes (reflexive & selected visual states) @circle.selectAll("circle").style("fill", (d) -> (if (d is @selected_node) then d3.rgb(branch_color(d)).brighter().toString() else d3.rgb(branch_color(d))) ).classed "reflexive", (d) -> d.reflexive @circle.selectAll("text") .attr("x", (d) -> node_size(d)+5) .attr("y", (d) -> node_size(d)/2) # add new nodes g = @circle.enter().append("svg:g") # reposition drag line vis = @ g.append("svg:circle").attr("class", "node") .attr("branch", (d) -> .attr("r", (d) -> node_size(d)) .style("fill", (d) -> (d3.rgb(branch_color(d)))) .style("stroke", (d) -> d3.rgb(branch_color(d)).darker().toString()) .classed("reflexive", (d) -> d.reflexive) .on("mouseover", (d) -> d3.selectAll("circle").filter((d2) -> d != d2).transition().style "opacity", "0.25" d3.selectAll("text").filter((d2) -> d != d2).transition().style "opacity", "0.10" d3.selectAll("").filter((d2) -> d != d2).transition().style "opacity", "0.10" vis.getAuthorStats( .on("mouseout", (d) -> d3.selectAll("circle").transition().style "opacity", "1" d3.selectAll("text").transition().style "opacity", "1" d3.selectAll("path").transition().style "opacity", "1" vis.clearAuthorStats()) .on("mousedown", (d) -> vis.mousedown_node = d d3.selectAll("circle").filter((d2) -> vis.neighbouring(vis.dom_node(d)[0], vis.dom_node(d2)[0] ).transition().style "opacity", "1" d3.selectAll("text").filter((d2) -> vis.neighbouring(vis.dom_node(d)[0], vis.dom_node(d2)[0] ).transition().style "opacity", "1" d3.selectAll("").filter((d2) -> return false if d2 is undefined return true if d2.source == vis.mousedown_node || == vis.mousedown_node ).transition().style "opacity", "1") .on("dblclick", (d) -> vis.commitGraph.load( ) .call(@force.drag()) # show node IDs g.append("svg:text") .attr("x", (d) -> node_size(d)+5) .attr("y", (d) -> node_size(d)/2) .attr("class", "name").text (d) -> + " " + d.branch.diff.add + " / " + d.branch.diff.del # remove old nodes @circle.exit().remove() # set the graph in motion @force.start() clear_filters : () -> @nodes = @all_nodes @links = @all_links @branches = @all_branches @branch_names = @all_branch_names apply_filters: () -> @clear_filters() #filter branches merged with master if $("#filter_merged_checkbox").is(":checked") @filter_merged_with_master() #filter branches merged with master if $("#filter_remotes_checkbox").is(":checked") @filter_remotes() #filter branches by name filter_name_query = $("#filter_names_input").val() @filter_branch_names(filter_name_query) if filter_name_query.length > 0 additional_requests = false #filter branches containing commit show_commit_sha = $("#show_commit_input").val() exclude_commit_sha = $("#exclude_commit_input").val() if show_commit_sha.length > 0 || exclude_commit_sha.length > 0 additional_requests = true @filter_branch_commits(show_commit_sha, exclude_commit_sha) # if we arent making any more requests for this data then # restart, otherwise the additional requests callback will make restart call if !additional_requests @restart() dom_node: (data) -> return if !data.branch $("circle[branch=" + "'#{}'" + "]") filter_merged_with_master: () -> @nodes = $.grep @nodes, (node, i) => if node.branch.merged_with_master is true return true if == "master" @links = $.grep @links, (link, i) -> return false if link.source == node or == node true @branches = $.grep @branches, (branch, i) -> return false if branch == node.branch true @branch_names = $.grep @branch_names, (name, i) -> return false if name == true return false true filter_remotes: () -> @nodes = $.grep @nodes, (node, i) => if node.branch.remote is true return true if == "master" @links = $.grep @links, (link, i) -> return false if link.source == node or == node true @branches = $.grep @branches, (branch, i) -> return false if branch == node.branch true @branch_names = $.grep @branch_names, (name, i) -> return false if name == true return false true filter_branch_names: (query) -> @nodes = $.grep @nodes, (node, i) => if == -1 return true if == "master" @links = $.grep @links, (link, i) -> return false if link.source == node or == node true @branches = $.grep @branches, (branch, i) -> return false if branch == node.branch true @branch_names = $.grep @branch_names, (name, i) -> return false if name == true return false true filter_branch_commits: (include_commit_sha, exclude_commit_sha) -> json_data = {include: include_commit_sha, exclude: exclude_commit_sha} $.get "/filter_branch_commits.json", json_data, (data) => branch_names = data @nodes = $.grep @nodes, (node, i) => if $.inArray(, branch_names) is -1 return true if == "master" @links = $.grep @links, (link, i) -> return false if link.source == node or == node true @branches = $.grep @branches, (branch, i) -> return false if branch == node.branch true @branch_names = $.grep @branch_names, (name, i) -> return false if name == true return false true @restart() branch_color = (node) -> return "#1f77b4" if is "master" return "#9CDECD" if node.branch.merged_with_master #color based on additions and deletions branch_diff = node.branch.diff.add - node.branch.diff.del if branch_diff > 100 "#6ACD72" else if branch_diff > 0 && branch_diff <= 100 "#FFF48F" else "#C3554B" node_size = (node_data) -> rad = 5 * node_data.size rad = 5 if rad < 5 rad = 20 if rad > 20 return rad recalculate_node_sizes: () -> percent_diff = 0.0 total_diff = 0.0 # recalculate total diff of all filtered branches $.each @branches, (i, branch) -> total_diff += branch.diff.add + branch.diff.del average_diff = total_diff / @branches.length # recalculate size for each node based on new average $.each @nodes, (i, node) -> if != "master" node.size = (node.branch.diff.add + node.branch.diff.del) / average_diff neighbouring: (node_id, other_id) -> @linked_nodes[node_id + ", " + other_id] == 1 || @linked_nodes[other_id + ", " + node_id] == 1 || node_id == other_id getAuthorStats: (branch_name) -> $.get "/author_stats.json", {ref: branch_name}, (data) -> $("#authors-list").html(data) clearAuthorStats: -> $("#authors-list").empty() Visualisation.BranchGraph = BranchGraph Visualisation.branchGraph = new BranchGraph()