/*================================================================= Copyright (C) 2013 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =================================================================*/ #pragma hdrstop #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS static const int TYPE_BDF = 0; static const bool AUTO_CREATE_TABLE = true; static const short fn_id = 0; static const short fn_name = 1; static const int trans_bias = PARALLEL_TRN + LOCK_SINGLE_NOWAIT; static const int USE_NORMAL = 0; static const int USE_TRANS = 1; static const int USE_BALKINS = 2; static const int USE_SNAPSHOT = 4; using namespace bzs::rtl; using namespace bzs::db::protocol::tdap; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void showTableError(client::table* tb, const _TCHAR* description) { if (tb->stat() != 0) _tprintf(_T("%s error %s:No.%d\r\n"), description, tb->tableDef()->fileName(), tb->stat()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void showEnginError(client::database* db, const _TCHAR* tableName) { if (db->stat() != 0) _tprintf(_T("%s error No.%d\r\n"), tableName, db->stat()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ client::table* openTable(client::database* db, const _TCHAR* tableName, short mode) { client::table* tb = db->openTable(tableName, mode, AUTO_CREATE_TABLE); if (tb == NULL) showEnginError(db, tableName); return tb; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool createDataBase(client::database* db, const _TCHAR* uri) { db->create(uri); return (db->stat() == 0); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool write(client::table* tb, int start, int end) { tb->setKeyNum(0); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(fn_id, i); tb->setFV(fn_name, i); tb->insert(); if (tb->stat() != 0) { showTableError(tb, _T("write")); return false; } } return true; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool deleteAll(client::database* db, client::table* tb, int start, int end) { db->beginTrn(trans_bias); tb->clearBuffer(); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { tb->setFV(fn_id, i); tb->seek(); if (tb->stat() == 0) { tb->del(); if (tb->stat() != 0) { showTableError(tb, _T("deleteAll")); db->endTrn(); return false; } } } db->endTrn(); return true; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool Inserts(client::database* db, client::table* tb, int start, int end, int mode, int unit) { bool ret = true; int st = start; int en = st; while (en != end) { en = st + unit; if (mode == USE_TRANS) db->beginTrn(trans_bias); if (mode == USE_BALKINS) tb->beginBulkInsert(BULKBUFSIZE); ret = write(tb, st, en); if (mode == USE_BALKINS) tb->commitBulkInsert(); if (mode == USE_TRANS) db->endTrn(); if (ret == false) break; st = en; } return ret; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool Read(client::database* db, client::table* tb, int start, int end, int shapshot) { bool ret = true; tb->clearBuffer(); if (shapshot == USE_SNAPSHOT) db->beginSnapshot(); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { tb->setFV(fn_id, i); tb->seek(); if ((tb->stat() != 0) || (tb->getFVlng(fn_id) != i)) { printf("GetEqual Error stat() = %d Value %d = %d\r\n", tb->stat(), i, tb->getFVlng(fn_id)); ret = false; break; } } if (shapshot == USE_SNAPSHOT) db->endSnapshot(); return ret; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool Reads(client::database* db, client::table* tb, int start, int end, int unit, int shapshot) { bool ret = true; int st = start; int en = st; if (shapshot == USE_SNAPSHOT) db->beginSnapshot(); tb->setKeyNum(0); tb->setFilter(_T("*"), 1, 20); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(fn_id, st); tb->find(client::table::findForword); while (en != end) { en = st + unit; for (int i = st; i < en; i++) { if (tb->getFVlng(fn_id) != i) { printf("findNext Error stat() = %d Value %d = %d\r\n", tb->stat(), i, tb->getFVlng(fn_id)); ret = false; break; } tb->findNext(); } if (ret == false) break; st = en; } if (shapshot == USE_SNAPSHOT) db->endSnapshot(); return ret; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool Updates(client::database* db, client::table* tb, int start, int end, int tran, int unit) { bool ret = true; _TCHAR buf[30]; tb->setKeyNum(0); int st = start; int en = st; while (en != end) { en = st + unit; if (tran == USE_TRANS) db->beginTrn(trans_bias); for (int i = st; i < en; i++) { tb->setFV(fn_id, i); _ltot_s(i + 1 + tran, buf, 30, 10); tb->setFV(fn_name, buf); tb->update(client::nstable::changeInKey); if (tb->stat() != 0) { ret = false; break; } } if (tran == USE_TRANS) db->endTrn(); if (ret == false) break; st = en; } return ret; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool createTestDataBase(client::database* db, const _TCHAR* uri) { db->create(uri); if (db->stat() != 0) { _tprintf(_T("createTestDataBase erorr:No.%d %s\r\n"), db->stat(), uri); return false; } if (db->open(uri, TYPE_BDF, TD_OPEN_NORMAL, _T(""), _T(""))) { client::dbdef* def = db->dbDef(); tabledef td; td.setTableName(_T("user")); td.setFileName(_T("user.dat")); td.id = 1; def->insertTable(&td); fielddef* fd = def->insertField(td.id, 0); fd->setName(_T("id")); fd->type = ft_integer; fd->len = (ushort_td)4; fd = def->insertField(td.id, 1); fd->setName(_T("name")); if (db->isUseTransactd()) fd->type = ft_myvarchar; else fd->type = ft_zstring; fd->setLenByCharnum(49); keydef* kd = def->insertKey(td.id, 0); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 0; kd->segments[0].flags.bit8 = 1; // extend key type kd->segments[0].flags.bit1 = 1; // changeable kd->segmentCount = 1; td.primaryKeyNum = 0; def->updateTableDef(td.id); if (def->stat()) printf("crate daatabse erorr No:%d\r\n", def->stat()); return def->stat() == 0; } else printf("open daatabse erorr No:%d\r\n", db->stat()); return false; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void printDateTime() { time_t timer; #ifdef LINUX time(&timer); #else timer = time(NULL); #endif #pragma warning(disable : 4996) printf("%s", ctime(&timer)); #pragma warning(default : 4996) } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void printHeader(const _TCHAR* uri, int count) { printf("Start Bench mark Insert Items = %d\r\n", count); printDateTime(); _tprintf(_T("%s\r\n"), uri); printf("BOOST_VERSION = %s\r\n", BOOST_LIB_VERSION); printf("----------------------------------------\r\n"); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void printTail() { printf("----------------------------------------\r\n"); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #pragma argsused int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { if (argc < 4) { printf("usage: bench_tdclcpp_bcb32(64) databaseUri processNumber " "functionNumber\n " "\t --- Below is list of functionNumber ---\n" "\t-1: all function\n" "\t 0: Insert\n" "\t 1: Insert in transaction. 20rec x 1000times\n" "\t 2: Insert by bulkmode. 20rec x 1000times\n" "\t 3: read each record\n" "\t 4: read each record with snapshpot\n" "\t 5: read range. 20rec x 1000times\n" "\t 6: read range with snapshpot. 20rec x 1000times\n" "\t 7: update\n" "\t 8: update in transaction. 20rec x 1000times\n" "exsample : bench_tdclcpp_bcb32(64) " "\"tdap://localhost/test?dbfile=test.bdf\" 0 -1\n"); return 0; } const _TCHAR* uri = argv[1]; // "tdap://localhost/test?dbfile=test.bdf"; int procID = _ttol(argv[2]); // 0 int count = 20000; int start = procID * count + 1; int end = start + count; int exeType = _ttol(argv[3]); // -1 bool insertBeforeNoDelete = 0; if (argc > 4) insertBeforeNoDelete = (_ttol(argv[4]) != 0); client::database* db = client::database::create(); if (db->open(uri, TYPE_BDF, TD_OPEN_NORMAL, _T(""), _T("")) == false) { if (!createTestDataBase(db, uri)) { client::database::destroy(db); return 1; } printf("CreateDataBase success.\r\n"); } printHeader(uri, count); if (!db->open(uri, TYPE_BDF, TD_OPEN_NORMAL, _T(""), _T(""))) printf("open database erorr No:%d\r\n", db->stat()); else { client::table* tb = openTable(db, _T("user"), TD_OPEN_NORMAL); if (tb) { if ((exeType == -1) || (exeType == 0)) { if (insertBeforeNoDelete || deleteAll(db, tb, start, end)) benchmark::report( boost::bind(Inserts, db, tb, start, end, USE_NORMAL, 1), ": Insert"); else printf("deleteAll erorr No:%d\r\n", tb->stat()); } if ((exeType == -1) || (exeType == 1)) { if (insertBeforeNoDelete || deleteAll(db, tb, start, end)) benchmark::report( boost::bind(Inserts, db, tb, start, end, USE_TRANS, 20), ": Insert in transaction. 20rec x 1000times."); else printf("deleteAll erorr No:%d\r\n", tb->stat()); } if ((exeType == -1) || (exeType == 2)) { if (insertBeforeNoDelete || deleteAll(db, tb, start, end)) benchmark::report( boost::bind(Inserts, db, tb, start, end, USE_BALKINS, 20), ": Insert by bulkmode. 20rec x 1000times."); else printf("deleteAll erorr No:%d\r\n", tb->stat()); } if ((exeType == -1) || (exeType == 3)) benchmark::report(boost::bind(Read, db, tb, start, end, USE_NORMAL), ": read each record."); if ((exeType == -1) || (exeType == 4)) benchmark::report( boost::bind(Read, db, tb, start, end, USE_SNAPSHOT), ": read each record with snapshpot."); if ((exeType == -1) || (exeType == 5)) benchmark::report( boost::bind(Reads, db, tb, start, end, 20, USE_NORMAL), ": read range. 20rec x 1000times."); if ((exeType == -1) || (exeType == 6)) benchmark::report( boost::bind(Reads, db, tb, start, end, 20, USE_SNAPSHOT), ": read range with snapshpot. 20rec x 1000times."); if ((exeType == -1) || (exeType == 7)) benchmark::report( boost::bind(Updates, db, tb, start, end, USE_NORMAL, 1), ": update."); if ((exeType == -1) || (exeType == 8)) benchmark::report( boost::bind(Updates, db, tb, start, end, USE_TRANS, 20), ": update in transaction. 20rec x 1000times."); }else printf("open table erorr No:%d\r\n", db->stat()); } client::database::destroy(db); printTail(); return 0; }