# encoding: utf-8

module Policy

  module Base

    # Composition of two policies
    # The policy is valid if one of its parts is valid, while another is not.
    # {#valid?} method picks errors from its parts in case both are invalid.
    # @example (see #valid?)
    # @api private
    class Xor < Node

      # Checks if there is both valid and invalid parts are present
      # Mutates the policy by adding {#errors} if all parts are invalid.
      # Doesn't add {#errors} if any part is valid.
      # @example
      #   first.valid?  # => false
      #   second.valid? # => false
      #   composition = Policy::Base::Xor.new(first, second)
      #   composition.valid?        # => false
      #   composition.errors.empty? # => false
      # @return [Boolean]
      def valid?
        super { return true if any_valid? && any_invalid? }

    end # class Xor

  end # module Base

end # module Policy