dojo.provide("dojo._base.window"); /*===== dojo.doc = { // summary: // Alias for the current document. 'dojo.doc' can be modified // for temporary context shifting. Also see dojo.withDoc(). // description: // Refer to dojo.doc rather // than referring to 'window.document' to ensure your code runs // correctly in managed contexts. // example: // | n.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement('div')); } =====*/ dojo.doc = window["document"] || null; dojo.body = function(){ // summary: // Return the body element of the document // return the body object associated with dojo.doc // example: // | dojo.body().appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement('div')); // Note: document.body is not defined for a strict xhtml document // Would like to memoize this, but dojo.doc can change vi dojo.withDoc(). return dojo.doc.body || dojo.doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; // Node } dojo.setContext = function(/*Object*/globalObject, /*DocumentElement*/globalDocument){ // summary: // changes the behavior of many core Dojo functions that deal with // namespace and DOM lookup, changing them to work in a new global // context (e.g., an iframe). The varibles and dojo.doc // are modified as a result of calling this function and the result of // `dojo.body()` likewise differs. = globalObject; dojo.doc = globalDocument; }; dojo._fireCallback = function(callback, context, cbArguments){ if(context && dojo.isString(callback)){ callback = context[callback]; } return callback.apply(context, cbArguments || [ ]); } dojo.withGlobal = function( /*Object*/globalObject, /*Function*/callback, /*Object?*/thisObject, /*Array?*/cbArguments){ // summary: // Call callback with globalObject as and // globalObject.document as dojo.doc. If provided, globalObject // will be executed in the context of object thisObject // description: // When callback() returns or throws an error, the // and dojo.doc will be restored to its previous state. var rval; var oldGlob =; var oldDoc = dojo.doc; try{ dojo.setContext(globalObject, globalObject.document); rval = dojo._fireCallback(callback, thisObject, cbArguments); }finally{ dojo.setContext(oldGlob, oldDoc); } return rval; } dojo.withDoc = function( /*Object*/documentObject, /*Function*/callback, /*Object?*/thisObject, /*Array?*/cbArguments){ // summary: // Call callback with documentObject as dojo.doc. If provided, // callback will be executed in the context of object thisObject // description: // When callback() returns or throws an error, the dojo.doc will // be restored to its previous state. var rval; var oldDoc = dojo.doc; try{ dojo.doc = documentObject; rval = dojo._fireCallback(callback, thisObject, cbArguments); }finally{ dojo.doc = oldDoc; } return rval; };