// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #include #include "tester.h" namespace { using namespace test; using namespace dlib; using namespace std; logger dlog("test.active_learning"); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef matrix sample_type; typedef radial_basis_kernel kernel_type; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void make_dataset ( std::vector& samples, std::vector& labels ) { for (int r = -10; r <= 10; ++r) { for (int c = -10; c <= 10; ++c) { sample_type samp(2); samp(0) = r; samp(1) = c; samples.push_back(samp); // if this point is less than 10 from the origin if (sqrt((double)r*r + c*c) <= 8) labels.push_back(+1); else labels.push_back(-1); } } vector_normalizer normalizer; normalizer.train(samples); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i) samples[i] = normalizer(samples[i]); randomize_samples(samples, labels); /* cout << "samples.size(): " << samples.size() << endl; cout << "num +1 samples: "<< sum(mat(labels) > 0) << endl; cout << "num -1 samples: "<< sum(mat(labels) < 0) << endl; */ empirical_kernel_map ekm; ekm.load(kernel_type(0.15), samples); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i) samples[i] = ekm.project(samples[i]); //cout << "dims: "<< ekm.out_vector_size() << endl; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- double test_rank_unlabeled_training_samples ( const std::vector& samples, const std::vector& labels, active_learning_mode mode, int iterations, bool pick_front ) { matrix s; s = sum(mat(labels) > 0), sum(mat(labels) < 0); s /= labels.size(); svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer > trainer; trainer.set_c(25); const unsigned long initial_size = 1; std::vector tsamples(samples.begin(), samples.begin()+initial_size); std::vector tlabels(labels.begin(), labels.begin()+initial_size); decision_function > df; double random_score = 0; double active_learning_score = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { print_spinner(); random_subset_selector sss = randomly_subsample(samples,50,i); random_subset_selector ssl = randomly_subsample(labels,50,i); std::vector results; results = rank_unlabeled_training_samples(trainer, tsamples, tlabels, sss, mode); const unsigned long idx = pick_front ? results.front() : results.back(); tsamples.push_back(sss[idx]); tlabels.push_back(ssl[idx]); df = trainer.train(tsamples, tlabels); //cout << "tsamples.size(): " << tsamples.size() << endl; const unsigned long num = tsamples.size(); const double active = test_binary_decision_function(df, samples, labels)*s; //cout << "test: "<< active; df = trainer.train(randomly_subsample(samples,num,i), randomly_subsample(labels,num,i)); const double random = test_binary_decision_function(df, samples, labels)*s; //cout << "test: "<< random << endl; active_learning_score += active; random_score += random; //cout << "\n\n***********\n\n" << flush; } dlog << LINFO << "pick_front: " << pick_front << " mode: "<< mode; dlog << LINFO << "active_learning_score: "<< active_learning_score; dlog << LINFO << "random_score: "<< random_score; return active_learning_score / random_score; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class test_active_learning : public tester { public: test_active_learning ( ) : tester ("test_active_learning", "Runs tests on the active learning components.") {} void perform_test ( ) { std::vector samples; std::vector labels; print_spinner(); make_dataset(samples, labels); dlog << LINFO << "samples.size(): "<< samples.size(); // When we pick the best/front ranked element then the active learning method // shouldn't do much worse than random selection (and often much better). DLIB_TEST(test_rank_unlabeled_training_samples(samples, labels, max_min_margin, 25, true) >= 0.97); DLIB_TEST(test_rank_unlabeled_training_samples(samples, labels, ratio_margin, 25, true) >= 0.96); // However, picking the worst ranked element should do way worse than random // selection. DLIB_TEST(test_rank_unlabeled_training_samples(samples, labels, max_min_margin, 25, false) < 0.8); DLIB_TEST(test_rank_unlabeled_training_samples(samples, labels, ratio_margin, 25, false) < 0.8); } } a; }