class NewRelic::Config::Rails < NewRelic::Config def app; :rails; end def env @env ||= RAILS_ENV end def root RAILS_ROOT end def log_path path = ::RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.instance_eval do File.dirname(@log.path) rescue File.dirname(@logdev.filename) end rescue "#{root}/log" File.expand_path(path) end def start_plugin(rails_config=nil) if !tracers_enabled? require 'new_relic/shim_agent' return end app_config_info start_agent install_developer_mode rails_config if developer_mode? end def install_developer_mode(rails_config) controller_path = File.join(newrelic_root, 'ui', 'controllers') helper_path = File.join(newrelic_root, 'ui', 'helpers') $LOAD_PATH << controller_path $LOAD_PATH << helper_path if defined? ActiveSupport::Dependencies ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_paths << controller_path ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_paths << helper_path elsif defined? Dependencies.load_paths Dependencies.load_paths << controller_path Dependencies.load_paths << helper_path else to_stderr "ERROR: Rails version #{(RAILS_GEM_VERSION) ? RAILS_GEM_VERSION : ''} too old for developer mode to work." return end install_devmode_route # If we have the config object then add the controller path to the list. # Otherwise we have to assume the controller paths have already been # set and we can just append newrelic. if rails_config rails_config.controller_paths << controller_path else current_paths = ActionController::Routing.controller_paths if current_paths.nil? || current_paths.empty? to_stderr "WARNING: Unable to modify the routes in this version of Rails. Developer mode not available." end current_paths << controller_path end #ActionController::Routing::Routes.reload! unless NewRelic::Config.instance['skip_developer_route'] # inform user that the dev edition is available if we are running inside # a webserver process if local_env.identifier port = local_env.identifier.to_s =~ /^\d+/ ? ":#{local_env.identifier}" : ":port" to_stderr "NewRelic Agent Developer Mode enabled." to_stderr "To view performance information, go to http://localhost#{port}/newrelic" end end protected def install_devmode_route # This is a monkey patch to inject the developer tool route into the # parent app without requiring users to modify their routes. Of course this # has the effect of adding a route indiscriminately which is frowned upon by # some: ActionController::Routing::RouteSet.class_eval do return false if self.instance_methods.include? 'draw_with_newrelic_map' def draw_with_newrelic_map draw_without_newrelic_map do | map | map.named_route 'newrelic_developer', '/newrelic/:action/:id', :controller => 'newrelic' unless NewRelic::Config.instance['skip_developer_route'] yield map end end alias_method_chain :draw, :newrelic_map end return true end # Collect the Rails::Info into an associative array as well as the list of plugins def gather_info i = [[:app, app]] begin begin require 'rails/info' rescue LoadError require 'builtin/rails_info/rails/info' end i += rescue SecurityError, ScriptError, StandardError => e log.debug "Unable to get the Rails info: #{e.inspect}" end # Would like to get this from config, but how? plugins = Dir[File.join(File.expand_path(__FILE__+"/../../../../.."),"/*")].collect { |p| File.basename p } i << ['Plugin List', plugins] # Look for a capistrano file indicating the current revision: rev_file = File.expand_path(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "REVISION")) if File.readable?(rev_file) && File.size(rev_file) < 64 { | file | i << ['Revision',] } rescue nil end i end end