module Vagrant module Systems # A general Vagrant system implementation for "freebsd". # # Contributed by Kenneth Vestergaard class FreeBSD < Base # A custom config class which will be made accessible via `config.freebsd` # This is not necessary for all system implementers, of course. However, # generally, Vagrant tries to make almost every aspect of its execution # configurable, and this assists that goal. class FreeBSDConfig < Vagrant::Config::Base configures :freebsd attr_accessor :halt_timeout attr_accessor :halt_check_interval def initialize @halt_timeout = 30 @halt_check_interval = 1 end end # Here for whenever it may be used. class FreeBSDError < Errors::VagrantError error_namespace("") end def halt I18n.t("") vm.ssh.execute do |ssh| ssh.exec!("sudo shutdown -p now") end # Wait until the VM's state is actually powered off. If this doesn't # occur within a reasonable amount of time (15 seconds by default), # then simply return and allow Vagrant to kill the machine. count = 0 while vm.vm.state != :powered_off count += 1 return if count >= vm.env.config.freebsd.halt_timeout sleep vm.env.config.freebsd.halt_check_interval end end # TODO: Error/warning about this. # def mount_shared_folder(ssh, name, guestpath) # ssh.exec!("sudo mkdir -p #{guestpath}") # # Using a custom mount method here; could use improvement. # ssh.exec!("sudo mount -t vboxfs v-root #{guestpath}") # ssh.exec!("sudo chown #{vm.env.config.ssh.username} #{guestpath}") # end def mount_nfs(ip, folders) folders.each do |name, opts| vm.ssh.execute do |ssh| ssh.exec!("sudo mkdir -p #{opts[:guestpath]}") ssh.exec!("sudo mount #{ip}:#{opts[:hostpath]} #{opts[:guestpath]}") end end end def prepare_host_only_network(net_options=nil) # Remove any previous host only network additions to the # interface file. vm.ssh.execute do |ssh| # Clear out any previous entries ssh.exec!("sudo sed -e '/^#VAGRANT-BEGIN/,/^#VAGRANT-END/ d' /etc/rc.conf > /tmp/rc.conf") ssh.exec!("sudo mv /tmp/rc.conf /etc/rc.conf") end end def enable_host_only_network(net_options) entry = "#VAGRANT-BEGIN\nifconfig_em#{net_options[:adapter]}=\"inet #{net_options[:ip]} netmask #{net_options[:netmask]}\"\n#VAGRANT-END\n" vm.ssh.upload!(, "/tmp/vagrant-network-entry") vm.ssh.execute do |ssh| ssh.exec!("sudo su -m root -c 'cat /tmp/vagrant-network-entry >> /etc/rc.conf'") ssh.exec!("sudo ifconfig em#{net_options[:adapter]} inet #{net_options[:ip]} netmask #{net_options[:netmask]}") end end end end end