require 'set' require 'abstractivator/proc_ext' module Enumerable # joins items from left with items from right based on their keys. # get_{left,right}_key are callables which, given an item, return the item's key. # the defaults are used to form a pair for items which have no match. # returns an array of 2-element arrays, each of which is a left/right pair. def self.outer_join(left, right, get_left_key, get_right_key, left_default, right_default) ls = left.inject({}) { |h, x|, x); h } # Avoid #hash_map and Array#to_h rs = right.inject({}) { |h, x|, x); h } # for better performance raise 'duplicate left keys' if ls.size < left.size raise 'duplicate right keys' if rs.size < right.size result = [] ls.each_pair do |k, l| r = rs[k] if r rs.delete(k) else r = get_default(right_default, l) end result.push [l, r] end rs.each_pair do |_, r| result.push [get_default(left_default, r), r] end result end def self.inner_join(left, right, get_left_key, get_right_key) sentinel = result = self.outer_join(left, right, get_left_key, get_right_key, sentinel, sentinel) result.reject { |pair| pair.first == sentinel || pair.last == sentinel } end def self.get_default(default, other_side_value) default.callable? ? : default end def self.proc?(x) x.respond_to?(:call) end def hash_map(get_key=->x{x}, &get_value) Hash[{|x| [Proc.loose_call(get_key, [x]), get_value ? : x]}] end def outer_join(right, get_left_key, get_right_key, default_value) Enumerable.outer_join(self, right, get_left_key, get_right_key, default_value, default_value) end def inner_join(right, get_left_key, get_right_key) Enumerable.inner_join(self, right, get_left_key, get_right_key) end def uniq? seen = each_with_index do |x, i| seen << (block_given? ? yield(x) : x) return false if seen.size < i + 1 end true end orig_detect = instance_method(:detect) define_method :detect do |*args, &block| detect = orig_detect.bind(self) if args.size == 1 && !args.first.callable? && block value = args.first {|x| == value} elsif args.size == 2 && !block attr_name, value = args {|x| x.send(attr_name) == value} else*args, &block) end end def inject_right(*args, &block) self.reverse_each.inject(*args, &block) # reverse_each to avoid duplicating the enumerable, when possible end def pad_right(n, value=nil, &block) block ||= proc { value } self + ([n-self.size, 0].max) end def stable_sort(&compare) compare = compare || ->(a, b){a <=> b} xis ={|x, i| [x, i]} sorted = xis.sort do |(a, ai), (b, bi)| primary =, b) primary != 0 ? primary : (ai <=> bi) end end def select_map(&block) { |x| x } end def single if size != 1 raise ArgumentError, "expected a single element but was: #{inspect}" end self.first end def unique_by(&block) self.group_by(&block).map { |_, vs| vs.first } end def duplicates(&block) group_by(&block) .select { |_, vs| vs.size > 1 } .map { |k, _| k } end # Folds over a cyclic graph. 'self' is the root node set. # Each node is visited once, in an unspecified order. # Node identity is determined by #object_id # @param init [Object] the initial accumulator # @param get_children_proc [Proc] takes a node and returns its children (or neighbors) # @yieldparam acc [Object] the accumulator # @yieldparam node [Object] the current node # @yieldreturn [Object] the accumulator, after visiting all nodes once def cyclic_fold(init, get_children_proc, &block) xs = self.dup seen = acc = init while xs.any? x = xs.shift if seen.include?(x.object_id) next else seen.add(x.object_id) acc =, x) xs.concat( end end acc end end