class Kaui::PaymentsController < Kaui::EngineController def index end def pagination json = {:sEcho => params[:sEcho], :iTotalRecords => 0, :iTotalDisplayRecords => 0, :aaData => []} search_key = params[:sSearch] if search_key.present? payments = Kaui::Payment::find_in_batches_by_search_key(search_key, params[:iDisplayStart] || 0, params[:iDisplayLength] || 10, options_for_klient) else payments = Kaui::Payment::find_in_batches(params[:iDisplayStart] || 0, params[:iDisplayLength] || 10, options_for_klient) end json[:iTotalDisplayRecords] = payments.pagination_total_nb_records json[:iTotalRecords] = payments.pagination_max_nb_records payments.each do |payment| created_date = nil payment.transactions.each do |transaction| transaction_date = Date.parse(transaction.effective_date) if created_date.nil? or transaction_date < created_date created_date = transaction_date end end json[:aaData] << [ view_context.link_to(view_context.truncate_uuid(payment.account_id), view_context.url_for(:controller => :accounts, :action => :show, :id => payment.account_id)), payment.payment_number, view_context.format_date(created_date), view_context.humanized_money_with_symbol(payment.paid_amount_to_money), view_context.humanized_money_with_symbol(payment.returned_amount_to_money) ] end respond_to do |format| format.json { render :json => json } end end def new account_id = params[:account_id] invoice_id = params[:invoice_id] amount = 0 if invoice_id.nil? flash[:error] = 'No invoice id specified' render :action => :index and return end if account_id.nil? flash[:error] = 'No account id specified' render :action => :index and return end begin @invoice = Kaui::Invoice.find_by_id_or_number(invoice_id, true, 'NONE', options_for_klient) amount = @invoice.balance rescue => e flash[:error] = "Unable to retrieve invoice: #{as_string(e)}" render :action => :index and return end begin @account = Kaui::Account.find_by_id(account_id, false, false, options_for_klient) rescue => e flash[:error] = "Unable to retrieve account: #{as_string(e)}" render :action => :index and return end @payment ='accountId' => account_id, 'targetInvoiceId' => invoice_id, 'purchasedAmount' => amount) end def create payment =[:invoice_payment]) begin payment = payment.create(params[:external] == '1', current_user.kb_username, params[:reason], params[:comment], options_for_klient) flash[:notice] = 'Payment created' rescue => e flash[:error] = "Error while creating a new payment: #{as_string(e)}" render :action => :index and return end redirect_to kaui_engine.account_timeline_path(:id => payment.account_id) end def show begin @payments = [Kaui::InvoicePayment.find_by_id(params[:id], true, options_for_klient)] @account = Kaui::Account.find_by_id(@payments.first.account_id, false, false, options_for_klient) @payment_methods = Kaui::PaymentMethod.payment_methods_for_payments(@payments, options_for_klient) rescue => e[:error] = "Error while looking up payment: #{as_string(e)}" render :action => :index end end end