class ::Random module self::Formatter def hex(count = nil) count = ::Random._verify_count(count) %x{ var bytes = #{bytes(count)}; var out = ""; for (var i = 0; i < #{count}; i++) { out += bytes.charCodeAt(i).toString(16).padStart(2, '0'); } return #{`out`.encode('US-ASCII')}; } end def random_bytes(count = nil) bytes(count) end def base64(count = nil) ::Base64.strict_encode64(random_bytes(count)).encode('US-ASCII') end def urlsafe_base64(count = nil, padding = false) ::Base64.urlsafe_encode64(random_bytes(count), padding).encode('US-ASCII') end def uuid str = hex(16).split('') str[12] = '4' str[16] = `(parseInt(#{str[16]}, 16) & 3 | 8).toString(16)` str = [str[0...8], str[8...12], str[12...16], str[16...20], str[20...32]] str = str.join('-') end # Implemented in terms of `#bytes` for SecureRandom, but Random overrides this # method to implement `#bytes` in terms of `#random_float`. Not part of standard # Ruby interface - use random_number for portability. def random_float bs = bytes(4) num = 0 4.times do |i| num <<= 8 num |= bs[i].ord end num.abs / 0x7fffffff end def random_number(limit = undefined) %x{ function randomFloat() { return #{random_float}; } function randomInt(max) { return Math.floor(randomFloat() * max); } function randomRange() { var min = limit.begin, max = limit.end; if (min === nil || max === nil) { return nil; } var length = max - min; if (length < 0) { return nil; } if (length === 0) { return min; } if (max % 1 === 0 && min % 1 === 0 && !limit.excl) { length++; } return randomInt(length) + min; } if (limit == null) { return randomFloat(); } else if (limit.$$is_range) { return randomRange(); } else if (limit.$$is_number) { if (limit <= 0) { #{::Kernel.raise ::ArgumentError, "invalid argument - #{limit}"} } if (limit % 1 === 0) { // integer return randomInt(limit); } else { return randomFloat() * limit; } } else { limit = #{::Opal.coerce_to!(limit, ::Integer, :to_int)}; if (limit <= 0) { #{::Kernel.raise ::ArgumentError, "invalid argument - #{limit}"} } return randomInt(limit); } } end def alphanumeric(count = nil) count = Random._verify_count(count) map = ['0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z'].map(&:to_a).flatten do |i| map[random_number(map.length)] end.join end end include ::Random::Formatter extend ::Random::Formatter end