class SmartIoC::BeanDefinitionsStorage include SmartIoC::Errors def initialize @collection = [] end # @param bean_definition [BeanDefinition] def push(bean_definition) existing_bd = @collection.detect do |bd| bd == bean_definition end if existing_bd error_msg = %Q(Not able to add bean to definitions storage. Bean definition already exists. New bean details: #{bean_definition.inspect} Existing bean details: #{existing_bd.inspect}) raise ArgumentError, error_msg end @collection.push(bean_definition) end def delete_by_class(klass) klass_str = klass.to_s bean = @collection.detect {|bd| bd.klass.to_s == klass_str} if bean @collection.delete(bean) end end # @param klass [Class] bean class # @return bean definition [BeanDefinition] or nil def find_by_class(klass) klass_str = klass.to_s @collection.detect {|bd| bd.klass.to_s == klass_str} end def filter_by(bean_name, package = nil, context = nil) bean_definitions = do |bd| == bean_name end if package bean_definitions = do |bd| bd.package == package end end if context bean_definitions = do |bd| bd.context == context end end bean_definitions end # @bean_name [Symbol] bean name # @package [Symbol, nil] package name # @context [Symbol, nil] context # @raises AmbiguousBeanDefinition if multiple bean definitions are found def find(bean_name, package = nil, context = nil) bds = filter_by_with_drop_to_default_context(bean_name, package, context) if bds.size > 1 raise, bds) elsif bds.size == 0 raise end bds.first end # @bean_name [Symbol] bean name # @package [Symbol, nil] package name # @context [Symbol, nil] context def filter_by_with_drop_to_default_context(bean_name, package = nil, context = nil) bean_definitions = do |bd| == bean_name end if package bean_definitions = do |bd| bd.package == package end end if context context_bean_definitions = do |bd| bd.context == context end if !context_bean_definitions.empty? bean_definitions = context_bean_definitions end end bean_definitions end end