# == Class: redis # # Install and configure a Redis server # # === Parameters # # All the redis.conf parameters can be passed to the class. # Check the README.md file # # === Variables # # Here you should define a list of variables that this module would require. # # === Examples # # class { redis: # $conf_port => '6380', # $conf_bind => '', # } # # === Authors # # Felipe Salum # # === Copyright # # Copyright 2013 Felipe Salum, unless otherwise noted. # class redis ( $package_ensure = 'present', $service_ensure = 'running', $service_enable = true, $conf_daemonize = 'yes', $conf_pidfile = UNSET, $conf_port = '6379', $conf_bind = '', $conf_timeout = '0', $conf_loglevel = 'notice', $conf_logfile = UNSET, $conf_syslog_enabled = UNSET, $conf_syslog_ident = UNSET, $conf_syslog_facility = UNSET, $conf_databases = '16', $conf_save = UNSET, $conf_nosave = UNSET, $conf_rdbcompression = 'yes', $conf_dbfilename = 'dump.rdb', $conf_dir = '/var/lib/redis/', $conf_slaveof = UNSET, $conf_masterauth = UNSET, $conf_slave_server_stale_data = 'yes', $conf_repl_ping_slave_period = '10', $conf_repl_timeout = '60', $conf_requirepass = UNSET, $conf_maxclients = UNSET, $conf_maxmemory = UNSET, $conf_maxmemory_policy = UNSET, $conf_maxmemory_samples = UNSET, $conf_appendonly = 'no', $conf_appendfilename = UNSET, $conf_appendfsync = 'everysec', $conf_no_appendfsync_on_rewrite = 'no', $conf_auto_aof_rewrite_percentage = '100', $conf_auto_aof_rewrite_min_size = '64mb', $conf_slowlog_log_slower_than = '10000', $conf_slowlog_max_len = '1024', $conf_vm_enabled = 'no', $conf_vm_swap_file = '/tmp/redis.swap', $conf_vm_max_memory = '0', $conf_vm_page_size = '32', $conf_vm_pages = '134217728', $conf_vm_max_threads = '4', $conf_hash_max_zipmap_entries = '512', $conf_hash_max_zipmap_value = '64', $conf_list_max_ziplist_entries = '512', $conf_list_max_ziplist_value = '64', $conf_set_max_intset_entries = '512', $conf_zset_max_ziplist_entries = '128', $conf_zset_max_ziplist_value = '64', $conf_activerehashing = 'yes', $conf_include = UNSET, ) { include redis::params $conf_template = $redis::params::conf_template $conf_redis = $redis::params::conf $conf_logrotate = $redis::params::conf_logrotate $package = $redis::params::package $service = $redis::params::service $conf_pidfile_real = $conf_pidfile ? { 'UNSET' => $::redis::params::pidfile, default => $conf_pidfile, } $conf_logfile_real = $conf_logfile ? { 'UNSET' => $::redis::params::logfile, default => $conf_logfile, } package { 'redis': ensure => $package_ensure, name => $package, } service { 'redis': ensure => $service_ensure, name => $service, enable => $service_enable, hasrestart => true, hasstatus => true, require => Package['redis'], } file { $conf_redis: path => $conf_redis, content => template("redis/${conf_template}"), owner => root, group => root, mode => '0644', require => Package['redis'], notify => Service['redis'], } file { $conf_logrotate: path => $conf_logrotate, content => template('redis/redis.logrotate.erb'), owner => root, group => root, mode => '0644', } exec { $conf_dir: path => '/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin', command => "mkdir -p ${conf_dir}", user => root, group => root, creates => $conf_dir, before => Service['redis'], require => Package['redis'], notify => Service['redis'], } file { $conf_dir: ensure => directory, owner => redis, group => redis, before => Service['redis'], require => Exec[$conf_dir], } }