# NeuroHmmerApp [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/wurmlab/neurohmmerapp.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/wurmlab/neurohmmerapp) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/neurohmmerapp.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/neurohmmerapp) [![Scrutinizer Code Quality](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/wurmlab/neurohmmerapp/badges/quality-score.png?b=master)](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/wurmlab/neurohmmerapp/?branch=master) ## Introduction This is a online web application for [Neurohmmer](https://github.com/wurmlab/neurohmmer). This app is currently hosted at: ... If you use Neurohmmer in your work, please cite us as follows: > "Moghul MI, Elphick M & Wurm Y (in prep.) NeuroHmmer: identify Neuropeptide Precursors" - ## Installation ### Installation Requirements * Ruby (>= 2.0.0) * HMMer (>=3.0) ### Installation Simply run the following command in the terminal. ```bash gem install neurohmmerapp ``` If that doesn't work, try `sudo gem install neurohmmerapp` instead. ##### Running From Source (Not Recommended) It is also possible to run from source. However, this is not recommended. ```bash # Clone the repository. git clone https://github.com/wurmlab/neurohmmerapp.git # Move into GeneValidatorApp source directory. cd neurohmmerapp # Install bundler gem install bundler # Use bundler to install dependencies bundle install # Optional: run tests and build the gem from source bundle exec rake # Run NeuroHmmer. bundle exec neurohmmerapp -h # note that `bundle exec` executes NeuroHmmerApp in the context of the bundle # Alternativaly, install NeuroHmmerApp as a gem bundle exec rake install neurohmmerapp -h ``` ## Launch NeuroHmmer To configure and launch NeuroHmmerApp, run the following from a command line. ```bash neurohmmerapp ``` NeuroHmmerApp will automatically guide you through an interactive setup process to help locate BLAST+ binaries and ask for the location of BLAST+ databases. That's it! Open http://localhost:4567/ and start using NeuroHmmer! ## Advanced Usage See `$ neurohmmerapp -h` for more information on all the options available when running NeuroHmmerApp.
This program was developed at [Wurm Lab](https://wurmlab.github.io), [QMUL](http://sbcs.qmul.ac.uk).