module HalfPipe module Generators class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base desc "Installs basic Grunt/Bower setup with Sass & requirejs to your Rails project" def self.source_root @_half_pipe_source_root ||= File.expand_path("../templates", __FILE__) end def create_initializer_file template "package.json", "package.json" template "_bowerrc", ".bowerrc" template "bower.json", "bower.json" template "_jshintrc", ".jshintrc" template "Gruntfile.js", "Gruntfile.js" comment_lines "config/application.rb", %r{sprockets/railtie} railties_requires =, "railties.rb")) gsub_file "config/application.rb", %r{require 'rails/all'}, railties_requires gsub_file "app/views/layouts/application.html.erb", %r{\s*<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>$}, '' insert_into_file "app/views/layouts/application.html.erb", %Q{ <%= requirejs_include_tag "/scripts/application.js" %>\n }, before: "" directory "app" empty_directory "app/scripts" inside "app/scripts" do template "main.js", force: true template "application.js", force: true end initializer "sass.rb" do %Q{ require 'sass/importers/bower_importer' Sass.load_paths <<"components") } end run "npm install" ENV["PATH"] = "./node_modules/.bin:#{ENV["PATH"]}" run "bower install" run "grunt build" say "You may now safely migrate your assets to app/scripts and/or app/styles. Feel free to delete app/assets/javascripts and app/assets/stylesheets when you're done." end def main_module_name app_name.underscore.dasherize end def app_name Rails.application.class.parent_name end end end end