# To deploy this function, cd into its folder and run: # faastruby deploy-to WORKSPACE_NAME def handler(event : FaaStRuby::Event) : FaaStRuby::Response # event.body : String | Nil # event.headers : Hash(String, String) # event.context : String | Nil # query_params : Hash(String, String) # FUNCTION RESPONSE # # You can render text, json, yaml, html or js. Example: # render html: "
Hello World!
" # render yaml: {"hello" => "world!"} # # Status: # The default status is 200. You can set a custom status like this: # render json: {"error" => "Could not perform the action"}, status: 422 # # Headers: # The 'Content-Type' header is automatically set when you use 'render'. # You can set custom headers using a Hash(String, String). Example: # render text: "It Works!", headers: {"TransactionId" => 23928} # TODO: Write code here! end