@javascript @delayed-jobs Feature: Updates for Children of watched cards In order to keep track of changes that are important to me As an Editor I want to be notified when someone changes a child of a card I'm watching #should this be in watch? Background: Given I am signed in as Joe User And I create Book card "Ulysses" And Joe Camel is watching "Ulysses+*self" And Joe Admin is watching "Book+*type" Scenario: Watcher should be notified of updates to included plus card When I create card "Ulysses+author" with content "James Joyce" #And He should see "added Ulysses+author" in the email -- FIXME need multiline matching Then Joe Admin should be notified that "Joe User created \"Ulysses\+author\"" And Joe Camel should be notified that "Joe User created \"Ulysses\+author\"" When Joe Admin edits "Ulysses+author" setting content to "Jim" Then Joe Camel should be notified that "Joe Admin updated \"Ulysses\+author\"" #And Joe Admin should be notified that "Joe User updated \"Ulysses\"" Scenario: Should not notify of included but not plussed card When I create card "illustrator" with content "Picasso" Then No notification should be sent Scenario: Should not notify of plussed but not included card When I create card "Ulysses+random" with content "boo" Then No notification should be sent Scenario: Templated cards should only send one email when added or updated When I create Book card "Bros Krmzv" with plusses: |author|illustrator| |Dostoyevsky|Manet| Then Joe Admin should be notified that "Joe User created \"Bros Krmzv\"" When I edit "Bros Krmzv" with plusses: |author|illustrator| |Rumi|Monet| Then Joe Admin should be notified that "Joe User updated \"Bros Krmzv\"" Scenario: Watching a plus card on multiedit; and watching both plus card and including card on multiedit Given I am signed in as Joe Admin And I create Cardtype card "Froot" And I create card "Froot+*type+*structure" with content "{{+color}} {{+flavor}}" And I am signed in as Joe User And I create Froot card "Banana" with plusses: |color|flavor| |yellow|sweet| And Joe Camel is watching "Banana+color+*self" When I edit "Banana" with plusses: |color|flavor| |spotted|mushy| Then Joe Camel should be notified that "Joe User updated \"Banana\"" When Joe Camel is watching "Banana+*self" And I wait a sec And I edit "Banana" with plusses: |color|flavor| |green|mushy| Then Joe Camel should be notified that "Joe User updated \"Banana\"" Given a clear email queue And I edit "Banana" with plusses: |color|flavor| |green|mushy| Then No notification should be sent Scenario: Watching a plus card & including card on regular edit When I create card "Ulysses+author" with content "Joyce" Then Joe Camel should be notified that "Joe User created \"Ulysses\+author\"" When Joe Camel is watching "Ulysses+author+*self" And I edit "Ulysses+author" setting content to "Jim" Then Joe Camel should be notified that "Joe User updated \"Ulysses\+author\""