### 2.0.0
* Set default ruby to 2.4
* Moved from Unicorn to Puma
* Supports Rails 5
* Use letsencrypt for HTTPS configuration
* `tape ansible everything` is now `tape ansible deploy`
* Configure NGINX to use GZip

### 1.8.2 (also 1.8.1)
* Updates ANXS PG Galaxy role
* Install postgres 9.4 by default
* Kernel level mem leak issues for Redis fixed
* Node 6 installed by default

### 1.8.0
* Major readme cleanup
* I'm actually writing a changlog now :snowman:
* Updates to multiple Ansible galaxy roles
* Support for deploying a specific branch
* Adds support for the ruby gem whenever
* Remove all Ansible tags from roles
* Removes imagemagick as a default install on all rails servers
* Move deployment keys setup into a separate role that can be run on every deploy
* Only create dhparam if it does not already exist

### 1.6.0
* Added Hound
* Documentation Updates
* Added option to ask for ansible vault password so that we can use ansible vaults
* Added postgresql backup functionality
* Move ruby installation out of zzet ansible galaxy role
* Added travis automated testing with Docker
* Added an overwrite command so that users can overwrite a role

### 1.5.0
* Self-signed SSL is now on by default
* Port 80 redirects to 443
* You can now build custom playbooks with then `tape ansible playbook -b playbook.yml` command
* Dev Keys folder is working again!

### 1.4.3
* Update nodesource ansible galaxy role
* Install latest version of node 4.x

### 1.4.2
* Remove Mosh

### 1.4.1
* Blocks all ports on your server except 22, 80, 443
* Installs node via nodesource

### 1.4.0
* Install nvm which installed node
* Update postgres role
* Update rbenv role
* New memcached role that supports ansible 2.0
* Update unattended-upgrades role

### 1.3.6
* Added support for ansible 2.0

### 1.3.5
* Fix issue with missing opts for slack notifier failing ansible commands
### 1.3.3
* Added slack notifications
* Added fe build command to tape_vars.yml template
* Fixed issues where test for bower.json was returning 1 exit code

### 1.3.2
* Fixes ssh_args to actually enable agent forwarding for everyone

### 1.3.0
* Puts all tape focused files for a repo into a taperole/ directory
* Installs mosh
* Installs htop
* Removes vagrant runner
* Auto-detect dev_keys
* Only try to fe_deploy if fe_app_repo is defined
* Control nginx with monit
* Updates Readme
* Disable retry files
* tape will not check that requires vars are defined before proceeding with provisioning

### 1.2.3
* Fixed issue where users who were using vagrant could not ssh into the deployer user
* Fixed issue where vagrant boxes init script was failing because .ssh dir already existed