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P ^ ju} **  #.D*` 7, +&R)l.$'6^#nB(.&- T bZ#3 '>;f!;!';#c!!$(#E!i& >H*s) )- 4B[o~%) %'.V"[~ )"%4Z+m!2#*=5X9 -4=r-,; 9 ESm +Ec>CCGPbv| ""&,3Mh}P   %+0 7E bl ""  KtI.. 4B R `-n   &58 n{ C *G.FvE :EM `j , =G Ze   # 6Cai$!+%%9"_* &)!Ego%= ]jq"" ,7 ?J Q[ bOo##V&} (/7#I4m8  )< CNVj s  &/ 8CLT ] h r}    %.5<OXairy     & 1= CNW` hs x)# D:`( (:L_t:\(*%}KT5c&:avx0' !H+j<H&>C ""09jy ,(E3n?C&+/C[ (!@1R3   (66m r 85 G^T  & 9 EP alt    %3 < J Xd k x    /;C KU epv|  #& : F2Q     $ .9 BNV ^ ht |   ( . : H V d r  "',1 4AHMRW\afk n{~ 1 E R ] jv    &4IPeimrvz~   & 5?O_ hu|   +:IXgv -6 LWiqx 7ZTHC`'_a\~+M@htNLS^N6_d`nC'\? ID!|@ 5R [a+}G2B!E.A;fjyTJ!OH+G:J&of+6t>CDG]loO*VH@wwPQVciVW$)/ `}7nrPrX\"^-(cdu)&z1x1ML3 Stzebg0^[%@E- Ry}xpOsnq~X k "9D<KX]U(Dw)]0)>Ne6iNisq rFzv"K?|7MW/{E/j:evvxH<18y~5 F.*;AJX-< KG'e&/u  E.gUYMQmPqju }2kpl yqJ(4= rt=R b,sZp0=F%P-xBmi^9jzQcn#|;234%4u s3$o86,c$]KZY;2h'*[I #.T_?S#fYg4aWS|o<ghlk_V*!{5ZTY 1CbALIl$d9(U`>?IAfkFm5%\7B:O{dU" 9p>#3LhW= Q :b&8vRma~B{w0[,8 ,"%s" could not be converted to a value of type "%s" for attribute "%s""%s" is not a valid attribute name"%s" is not a valid attribute type"%s" is not a valid value for attribute "%s""Deepness" of the color.%1$s on %2$s%H:%M%s job #%d(None)(disabled)(unknown)--- No Tip ---<%s> element has invalid id "%s"<%s> element has neither a "name" nor an "id" attributeA <%s> element has already been specifiedA element can't occur before a elementA file named "%s" already exists. Do you want to replace it?A_t:About %sAcceleratorDisabledAcceleratorInvalidAdd Cover PageAdd the current folder to the bookmarksAdd the folder '%s' to the bookmarksAdd the selected folder to the BookmarksAdd the selected folders to the bookmarksAdjusts the volumeAdvancedAfterAll sheetsAmharic (EZ+)Amount of blue light in the color.Amount of green light in the color.Amount of red light in the color.Anonymous tag found and tags can not be created.Any PrinterApplicationArtwork byAttribute "%s" is invalid on <%s> element in this contextAttribute "%s" repeated twice on the same <%s> elementAuthenticationAuthentication is required on %sAuthentication is required to get a file from %sAuthentication is required to get attributes of a jobAuthentication is required to get attributes of a printerAuthentication is required to get attributes of job '%s'Authentication is required to get attributes of printer %sAuthentication is required to get default printer of %sAuthentication is required to get printers from %sAuthentication is required to print a document on %sAuthentication is required to print document '%s'Authentication is required to print document '%s' on printer %sAuthentication is required to print this documentAuthentication is required to print this document on printer %sAuto SelectBe_fore:BeforeBilling InfoBookmark '%s' cannot be removedBoth "id" and "name" were found on the <%s> elementBottom to topBottom to top, left to rightBottom to top, right to leftBourne Again ShellBourne ShellBrightness of the color.CLASSCOLORSC_ollateC_reateC_reditsC_urrent PageCache file created successfully. Cannot allocate TGA header memoryCannot allocate colormap entriesCannot allocate memory for IOBuffer dataCannot allocate memory for IOBuffer structCannot allocate memory for TGA context structCannot allocate memory for loading PNM imageCannot allocate memory for loading XPM imageCannot change to folder because it is not localCannot end process with pid %d: %sCannot kill process with pid %d. Operation is not implemented.Cannot open display: %sCannot read XPM colormapCedillaCl_earClassifiedClick the eyedropper, then click a color anywhere on your screen to select that color.Click this palette entry to make it the current color. To change this entry, drag a color swatch here or right-click it and select "Save color here."Co_nnectColorColor SelectionColor WheelColor _name:Command LineComplete, but not uniqueCompleting...ConfidentialConnect _anonymouslyConnect as u_ser:Convert to PS level 1Convert to PS level 2Copie_s:CopiesCopy URLCopy _Link AddressCopy _LocationCould not add a bookmarkCould not allocate memory: %sCould not clear listCould not create stream: %sCould not decode ICNS fileCould not find the icon '%s'. The '%s' theme was not found either, perhaps you need to install it. You can get a copy from: %sCould not get image height (bad TIFF file)Could not get image width (bad TIFF file)Could not get information for file '%s': %sCould not mount %sCould not read from stream: %sCould not read the contents of %sCould not read the contents of the folderCould not remove bookmarkCould not remove itemCould not rename %s back to %s: %s. Could not rename %s to %s: %s Could not rename %s to %s: %s, removing %s then. Could not retrieve information about the fileCould not seek stream: %sCould not select fileCould not send the search requestCould not show linkCould not start the search processCouldn't allocate memory for color profileCouldn't allocate memory for context bufferCouldn't allocate memory for headerCouldn't allocate memory for line dataCouldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG fileCouldn't allocate memory for paletted dataCouldn't allocate memory for saving BMP fileCouldn't allocate memory for streamCouldn't allocate memory to buffer image dataCouldn't convert filenameCouldn't create new pixbufCouldn't decode imageCouldn't load bitmapCouldn't load metafileCouldn't recognize the image file format for file '%s'Couldn't saveCouldn't save the restCouldn't write to BMP fileCouldn't write to TIFF fileCreate Fo_lderCreate in _folder:CreditsCustom %sx%sCustom Size %dCustom sizeCyrillic (Transliterated)DISPLAYDe_lete FileDecreases the volumeDelete FileDesktopDidn't get all lines of PCX imageDimensions of TIFF image too largeDisabledDocumented byDomain:Don't batch GDI requestsDon't check for the existence of index.themeDon't include image data in the cacheDown PathDuplicate object id '%s' on line %d (previously on line %d)Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>Embed GhostScript fonts onlyEmptyError creating folder '%s': %sError creating print previewError deleting file '%s': %sError from StartDocError interpreting JPEG image file (%s)Error launching previewError loading icon: %sError parsing option --gdk-debugError parsing option --gdk-no-debugError printingError reading ICNS image: %sError renaming file "%s" to "%s": %sError renaming file "%s": %sError renaming file to "%s": %sError writing to image file: %sEven sheetsExcess data in fileFLAGSFailed to close '%s' while writing image, all data may not have been saved: %sFailed to create GdkPixbufLoader object.Failed to load RGB data from TIFF fileFailed to load TIFF imageFailed to load animation '%s': reason not known, probably a corrupt animation fileFailed to load iconFailed to load image '%s': %sFailed to load image '%s': reason not known, probably a corrupt image fileFailed to open '%s' for writing: %sFailed to open TIFF imageFailed to open file %s : %s Failed to open file '%s': %sFailed to open temporary fileFailed to read QTIF headerFailed to read from temporary fileFailed to rewrite header Failed to save TIFF imageFailed to write TIFF dataFailed to write cache file: %s Failed to write folder index Failed to write hash table Failed to write header Failed to write to temporary file when loading XBM imageFailed to write to temporary file when loading XPM imageFailure reading GIF: %sFatal error reading PNG image file: %sFileFile SystemFile System RootFile does not appear to be a GIF fileFile not found: %s FilesFinishingFol_dersFolder unreadable: %sFoldersFontFont SelectionFor portable documentsForget password _immediatelyFull VolumeGIF image was truncated or incomplete.GTK+ OptionsGTK+ debugging flags to setGTK+ debugging flags to unsetGammaGdk debugging flags to setGdk debugging flags to unsetGeneralGetting printer information failedGetting printer information...GhostScript pre-filteringHighHold the job until it is explicitly releasedIPAIcon '%s' not present in themeIcon has zero heightIcon has zero widthImage QualityImage file '%s' contains no dataImage format unknownImage has invalid width and/or heightImage has zero heightImage has zero widthImage header corruptImage too large to be saved as ICOImage type '%s' is not supportedIncomplete hostname; end it with '/'Increases the volumeInputInput _MethodsInsufficient memory to load PNG fileInsufficient memory to load PNM context structInsufficient memory to load PNM fileInsufficient memory to load XBM image fileInsufficient memory to load image, try exiting some applications to free memoryInsufficient memory to open JPEG 2000 fileInsufficient memory to open TIFF fileInsufficient memory to save image into a bufferInsufficient memory to save image to callbackInsufficient memory to store a %ld by %ld image; try exiting some applications to reduce memory usageInuktitut (Transliterated)Invalid URIInvalid UTF-8Invalid XBM fileInvalid XPM headerInvalid argument to CreateDCInvalid argument to PrintDlgExInvalid file nameInvalid handle to PrintDlgExInvalid header in animationInvalid header in iconInvalid pathInvalid pointer to PrintDlgExInvalid root element: '%s'Invalid type function on line %d: '%s'JPEG quality must be a value between 0 and 100; value '%d' is not allowed.JPEG quality must be a value between 0 and 100; value '%s' could not be parsed.JobJob DetailsJob PriorityKeysLandscapeLayoutLeft to rightLeft to right, bottom to topLeft to right, top to bottomLicenseLoad additional GTK+ modulesLocationLong Edge (Standard)LowMODULESMake X calls synchronousMake all warnings fatalManage Custom SizesManage Custom Sizes...Margins from Printer...Margins: Left: %s %s Right: %s %s Top: %s %s Bottom: %s %sMediumMiscellaneousModifiedMultipressMutedNAMENameName too longNeed user interventionNew FolderNew accelerator...No XPM header foundNo extended input devicesNo item for URI '%s' foundNo items foundNo matchNo pre-filteringNo printer foundNo recently used resource found with URI `%s'No theme index file in '%s'. If you really want to create an icon cache here, use --ignore-theme-index. No theme index file. NoneNot a valid icon cache: %s Not a valid page setup fileNot availableNot enough free memoryNot enough memory to composite a frame in GIF fileNot enough memory to load GIF fileNot enough memory to load ICO fileNot enough memory to load RAS imageNot enough memory to load animationNot enough memory to load bitmap imageNot enough memory to load iconNot enough memory to load imageOdd sheetsOn _holdOne SidedOnly local files may be selectedOp_acity:Open '%s'Opening %d ItemOpening %d ItemsOpening %sOr_ientation:Other...Out of paperOutermost element in text must be not <%s>Output TrayOutput a C header fileOutput t_ray:Overwrite an existing cache, even if up to datePDFPNG compression level must be a value between 0 and 9; value '%d' is not allowed.PNG compression level must be a value between 0 and 9; value '%s' could not be parsed.PNM file has an image height of 0PNM file has an image width of 0PNM loader expected to find an integer, but didn'tPag_es:Page %uPage OrderingPage SetupPage or_dering:PagesPages Per SheetPages per SheetPages per _sheet:Pages per _side:PaperPaper MarginsPaper SizePaper SourcePaper TypePaper _source:Paper _type:Password:Path does not existPausedPaused; Rejecting JobsPick a ColorPick a FontPlacesPortraitPosition on the color wheel.PostscriptPreparingPreparing %dPri_ority:PrintPrint DocumentPrint atPrint at timePrint to FilePrint to LPRPrint to Test PrinterPrinterPrinter '%s' has no toner left.Printer '%s' is currently off-line.Printer '%s' is low on at least one marker supply.Printer '%s' is low on developer.Printer '%s' is low on paper.Printer '%s' is low on toner.Printer '%s' is out of at least one marker supply.Printer '%s' is out of developer.Printer '%s' is out of paper.Printer '%s' may not be connected.Printer DefaultPrinter offlinePrinting %dProgram name as used by the window managerProvides visual indication of progressRAS image has bogus header dataRangeReally delete file "%s"?Received invalid color data Recently UsedRejecting JobsRemember _foreverRemember password until you _logoutRemoveRemove the bookmark '%s'Remove the selected bookmarkRename FileRename file "%s" to:Rename...ResolutionReverse landscapeReverse portraitRight to leftRight to left, bottom to topRight to left, top to bottomSCREENSVGSame as --no-wintabSans 12Save in _folder:Sc_ale:ScreenSe_lectionSearchSearch:SecretSelect A FileSelect the color you want from the outer ring. Select the darkness or lightness of that color using the inner triangle.Select which type of documents are shownSelect which types of files are shownSerialized data is malformedSerialized data is malformed. First section isn't GTKTEXTBUFFERCONTENTS-0001Short Edge (Flip)Shortcut %s already existsShortcut %s does not existShow GTK+ OptionsShow _Hidden FilesShow _Private ResourcesShow _Size ColumnSi_ze:SimpleSizeSole completionSome of the settings in the dialog conflictSpecify one or more page ranges, e.g. 1-3,7,11Specify the time of print, e.g. 15:30, 2:35 pm, 14:15:20, 11:46:30 am, 4 pmStandardStarting %sStatusStock labelBest _FitStock labelC_onnectStock labelCu_tStock labelDecrease IndentStock labelErrorStock labelFind and _ReplaceStock labelIncrease IndentStock labelInformationStock labelLandscapeStock labelPage Set_upStock labelPortraitStock labelPrint Pre_viewStock labelQuestionStock labelReverse landscapeStock labelReverse portraitStock labelSave _AsStock labelSelect _AllStock labelWarningStock labelZoom _InStock labelZoom _OutStock label_AboutStock label_AddStock label_ApplyStock label_AscendingStock label_BoldStock label_CD-RomStock label_CancelStock label_CenterStock label_ClearStock label_CloseStock label_ColorStock label_ConvertStock label_CopyStock label_DeleteStock label_DescendingStock label_DiscardStock label_DisconnectStock label_EditStock label_ExecuteStock label_FillStock label_FindStock label_FloppyStock label_FontStock label_FullscreenStock label_HarddiskStock label_HelpStock label_HomeStock label_IndexStock label_InformationStock label_ItalicStock label_Jump toStock label_Leave FullscreenStock label_LeftStock label_NetworkStock label_NewStock label_NoStock label_Normal SizeStock label_OKStock label_OpenStock label_PasteStock label_PreferencesStock label_PrintStock label_PropertiesStock label_QuitStock label_RedoStock label_RefreshStock label_RemoveStock label_RevertStock label_RightStock label_SaveStock label_Spell CheckStock label_StopStock label_StrikethroughStock label_UndeleteStock label_UnderlineStock label_UndoStock label_YesStock label, mediaP_auseStock label, mediaPre_viousStock label, mediaR_ewindStock label, media_ForwardStock label, media_NextStock label, media_PlayStock label, media_RecordStock label, media_StopStock label, navigation_BackStock label, navigation_BottomStock label, navigation_DownStock label, navigation_FirstStock label, navigation_ForwardStock label, navigation_LastStock label, navigation_TopStock label, navigation_UpTGA image has invalid dimensionsTGA image type not supportedT_wo-sided:Tag "%s" already definedTag "%s" does not exist in buffer and tags can not be created.Tag "%s" has invalid priority "%s"Tag "%s" has not been defined.Thai-LaoThe EMF image formatThe GIF image formatThe ICNS image formatThe ICO image formatThe JPEG image formatThe PCX image formatThe PNG image formatThe QTIF image formatThe Sun raster image formatThe TIFF image formatThe Targa image formatThe WBMP image formatThe WMF image formatThe XBM image formatThe XPM image formatThe attribute "%s" was found twice on the <%s> elementThe color you've chosen.The color you've chosen. You can drag this color to a palette entry to save it for use in the future.The cover is open on printer '%s'.The door is open on printer '%s'.The file "%s" resides on another machine (called %s) and may not be available to this program. Are you sure that you want to select it?The file already exists in "%s". Replacing it will overwrite its contents.The filename "%s" contains symbols that are not allowed in filenamesThe filename "%s" couldn't be converted to UTF-8. (try setting the environment variable G_FILENAME_ENCODING): %sThe folder contents could not be displayedThe folder could not be createdThe folder could not be created, as a file with the same name already exists. Try using a different name for the folder, or rename the file first.The folder name "%s" contains symbols that are not allowed in filenamesThe generated cache was invalid. The license of the programThe most probable reason is that a temporary file could not be created.The previously-selected color, for comparison to the color you're selecting now.The program was not able to create a connection to the indexer daemon. Please make sure it is running.There is a problem on printer '%s'.This function is not implemented for widgets of class '%s'Tigrigna-Eritrean (EZ+)Tigrigna-Ethiopian (EZ+)Time of printTop CommandTop SecretTop to bottomTop to bottom, left to rightTop to bottom, right to leftTransformed JPEG has zero width or height.Translated byTransparency of the color.Turn off verbose outputTurns volume down or upTwo SidedType a file nameType name of new folderUnable to end processUnable to find an item with URI '%s'Unable to find include file: "%s"Unable to load image-loading module: %s: %sUnable to locate image file in pixmap_path: "%s"Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "%s",UnclassifiedUnexpected character data on line %d char %dUnexpected start tag '%s' on line %d char %dUnhandled tag: '%s'UnknownUnknown Application (pid %d)Unknown error when trying to deserialize %sUnknown itemUnrecognized image file formatUnspecified errorUnsupported depth for ICO file: %dUnsupported image format for GDI+Untitled filterUp PathUrgentUsername:Validate existing icon cacheVietnamese (VIQR)VolumeVolume DownVolume UpWidth or height of TIFF image is zeroWindowWritten byX Input MethodX _tilt:X display to useX screen to useXPM file has image height <= 0XPM file has image width <= 0XPM file has invalid number of colorsY t_ilt:Yesterday at %H:%MYou can enter an HTML-style hexadecimal color value, or simply a color name such as 'orange' in this entry.Z Shell_Add_Add to Bookmarks_After:_All Pages_Billing info:_Blue:_Bottom:_Browse for other folders_Clear List_Device:_Domain:_End Process_Family:_Files_Folder name:_Format for:_Gamma value_Green:_Height:_Hue:_Left:_License_Location:_Mode:_Name:_New Folder_Now_Only print:_Open Link_Orientation:_Output format_Palette:_Paper size:_Password:_Places_Pressure:_Preview:_Red:_Remove_Remove From List_Rename_Rename File_Replace_Reverse_Right:_Saturation:_Save color here_Save in folder:_Selection: _Style:_Top:_Username:_Value:_Wheel:_Width:_X:_Y:abcdefghijk ABCDEFGHIJKcalendar year format%Ycalendar:MYcalendar:day:digits%dcalendar:week:digits%dcalendar:week_start:0default:LTRdefault:mmdifferent idatas found for symlinked '%s' and '%s' inchinput method menuNoneinput method menuSysteminput method menuSystem (%s)keyboard labelAltkeyboard labelBackSpacekeyboard labelBeginkeyboard labelCtrlkeyboard labelDeletekeyboard labelDownkeyboard labelEndkeyboard labelEscapekeyboard labelHomekeyboard labelHyperkeyboard labelInsertkeyboard labelKP_Beginkeyboard labelKP_Deletekeyboard labelKP_Downkeyboard labelKP_Endkeyboard labelKP_Enterkeyboard labelKP_Homekeyboard labelKP_Insertkeyboard labelKP_Leftkeyboard labelKP_Nextkeyboard labelKP_Page_Downkeyboard labelKP_Page_Upkeyboard labelKP_Priorkeyboard labelKP_Rightkeyboard labelKP_Spacekeyboard labelKP_Tabkeyboard labelKP_Upkeyboard labelLeftkeyboard labelMetakeyboard labelMulti_keykeyboard labelNum_Lockkeyboard labelPage_Downkeyboard labelPage_Upkeyboard labelPausekeyboard labelPrintkeyboard labelReturnkeyboard labelRightkeyboard labelScroll_Lockkeyboard labelShiftkeyboard labelSpacekeyboard labelSuperkeyboard labelSys_Reqkeyboard labelTabkeyboard labelUpmmnoneoutput.%spaper size#10 Envelopepaper size#11 Envelopepaper size#12 Envelopepaper size#14 Envelopepaper size#9 Envelopepaper size10x11paper size10x13paper size10x14paper size10x15paper size11x12paper size11x15paper size12x19paper size5x7paper size6x9 Envelopepaper size7x9 Envelopepaper size9x11 Envelopepaper sizeA0paper sizeA0x2paper sizeA0x3paper sizeA1paper sizeA10paper sizeA1x3paper sizeA1x4paper sizeA2paper sizeA2x3paper sizeA2x4paper sizeA2x5paper sizeA3paper sizeA3 Extrapaper sizeA3x3paper sizeA3x4paper sizeA3x5paper sizeA3x6paper sizeA3x7paper sizeA4paper sizeA4 Extrapaper sizeA4 Tabpaper sizeA4x3paper sizeA4x4paper sizeA4x5paper sizeA4x6paper sizeA4x7paper sizeA4x8paper sizeA4x9paper sizeA5paper sizeA5 Extrapaper sizeA6paper sizeA7paper sizeA8paper sizeA9paper sizeArch Apaper sizeArch Bpaper sizeArch Cpaper sizeArch Dpaper sizeArch Epaper sizeB0paper sizeB1paper sizeB10paper sizeB2paper sizeB3paper sizeB4paper sizeB5paper sizeB5 Extrapaper sizeB6paper sizeB6/C4paper sizeB7paper sizeB8paper sizeB9paper sizeC0paper sizeC1paper sizeC10paper sizeC2paper sizeC3paper sizeC4paper sizeC5paper sizeC6paper sizeC6/C5paper sizeC7paper sizeC7/C6paper sizeC8paper sizeC9paper sizeChoukei 2 Envelopepaper sizeChoukei 3 Envelopepaper sizeChoukei 4 Envelopepaper sizeDL Envelopepaper sizeDai-pa-kaipaper sizeEuropean edppaper sizeExecutivepaper sizeFanFold Europeanpaper sizeFanFold German Legalpaper sizeFanFold USpaper sizeFoliopaper sizeFolio sppaper sizeGovernment Legalpaper sizeGovernment Letterpaper sizeIndex 3x5paper sizeIndex 4x6 (postcard)paper sizeIndex 4x6 extpaper sizeIndex 5x8paper sizeInvite Envelopepaper sizeInvoicepaper sizeItalian Envelopepaper sizeJB0paper sizeJB1paper sizeJB10paper sizeJB2paper sizeJB3paper sizeJB4paper sizeJB5paper sizeJB6paper sizeJB7paper sizeJB8paper sizeJB9paper sizeMonarch Envelopepaper sizePersonal Envelopepaper sizePostfix Envelopepaper sizeQuartopaper sizeRA0paper sizeRA1paper sizeRA2paper sizeROC 16kpaper sizeROC 8kpaper sizeSRA0paper sizeSRA1paper sizeSRA2paper sizeSmall Photopaper sizeSuper Apaper sizeSuper Bpaper sizeTabloidpaper sizeUS Legalpaper sizeUS Legal Extrapaper sizeUS Letterpaper sizeUS Letter Extrapaper sizeUS Letter Pluspaper sizeWide Formatpaper sizea2 Envelopepaper sizeasme_fpaper sizeb-pluspaper sizecpaper sizec5 Envelopepaper sizedpaper sizeepaper sizeedppaper sizefpaper sizehagaki (postcard)paper sizejis execpaper sizejuuro-ku-kaipaper sizekahu Envelopepaper sizekaku2 Envelopepaper sizeoufuku (reply postcard)paper sizepa-kaipaper sizeprc 16kpaper sizeprc 32kpaper sizeprc1 Envelopepaper sizeprc10 Envelopepaper sizeprc2 Envelopepaper sizeprc3 Envelopepaper sizeprc4 Envelopepaper sizeprc5 Envelopepaper sizeprc6 Envelopepaper sizeprc7 Envelopepaper sizeprc8 Envelopepaper sizeprc9 Envelopepaper sizeyou4 Envelopepausedprint operation statusBlocking on issueprint operation statusFinishedprint operation statusFinished with errorprint operation statusGenerating dataprint operation statusInitial stateprint operation statusPreparing to printprint operation statusPrintingprint operation statusSending dataprint operation statusWaitingprinter offlineprocessing jobprogress bar label%d %%ready to printrecent menu label%d. %srecent menu label_%d. %stest-output.%sthrobbing progress animation widgetSpinnerunknownvolume percentage%d %%year measurement template2000Project-Id-Version: gtk+ HEAD Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gtk%2b&component=general POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-22 11:19+0000 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-04 16:32+0100 Last-Translator: Kibavuidi Nsiangani Language-Team: GNOME kikongo Team MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n>1; « %s » bu i sekola kio mu « %s » mu kalulu « %s » nkatu« %s » ka i nkumbu a betila ko« %s » ka i kalulu kia betila ko« %s » kena ya dedana ko ye kalulu « %s »« mpinda » a nitu.%1$s mu %2$s%H:%M%s, fisalu n°%d(nkatu)(wasalulua)(wazayula)---longi nkatu wunu--<%s> kinongo kiandi « %s », kena ya betila kokitini <%s> kikondolo kalulu kia « name », ye kia « id »kuunku dimosi dia <%s> disonamene kalabisonosono ka bina ye luve ko mu teekila binuatu kilala kimosi keka ye nkumbu a "%s". nga uzolele kio yiingasa?_mu :mambu mankaka ma %skiasalulawa dedumunayidikae mvuungayikilae nta yi kunae bisinsuyikilae nta « %s » kunae bisinsuvangila kio e ki_sinsuyikilae nta zozo kunae bisinsutaatesae nningumansiindambokimaluse mamokiamaliki (EZ+)zulu kua.kimbanzia kua.mbuaki kuakinuatu kimosi kikondolo nkumbu kimonekene idina vo binuatu bu bivangama nkatukonso kiniemakisalasalabifuanisu bia « %s » ka isaduluanga bobo ko muna tini <%s> kalulu « %s » usonamene nkumbu zole mu <%s>nsunzulafueti kisuunzula va %steka kisunzula muna vewa kilala mu %steka kisunzula muna vewa mafiuma ma konso fisaluteka kisunzula muna vewa mafiuma ma konso kiniemateka kisunzula muna vewa mafiuma ma fisalu « %s »teka kisunzula muna vewa mafiuma ma kiniema %sfueti kisuunzula muna sadilae kiniema kiantete kia %sfueti kisuunzula muna sadilae biniema bia %steka kisunzula muna niemae mukanda ku %sfueti kisuunzula muna niema « %s » wa nkandateka kisunzula muna niema mukanda « %s » ku %sfueti kisuunzula muna niema nkanda wuwufueti kisuunzula muna niema nkanda wuwu mu %s wa kiniemadiakisolanaki_tekila :tekilantalu« %s » bu katulua nkatu« id » ye « name » bimonekene mu <%s>banda ku ntandubanda ku ntandu, lumonso ku lumenebanda ku ntandu, lumene ku lumonsonkele kia burene egeinenkele burenekia kia nitubelontinta_vuka_vanga_matondoluse _didikinoso kitomene vangua. kifimpilu kikefulu nkatu mu nkubukulu a ntintakifimpilu nkatukifimpilu nkatukifimpilu kikekifimpilu nkatukifimpilu bu i sadila yo mu tanga kizidi kio kia XPM nkatunta yoyo bu yatanga yo nkatu kadi i nta ya nzenzafitumunu ye PID %d : %s bu i manisa kio nkatufitumunnu ye PID %d bu i kanga yo nkatu: kizeye vanga diambu diodio ko.kisongilu %s bukisadilua nkatunkubikulu a zintinta za XPM, bu i tanga yo nkatusedila_vunzunawayidikawazola solae ntinta umosi, sadila kisolantinta ibosi fina konso ntinta yi uzolele sadila.wazola sadilae nitu yi, sola yo mu yaaninu. mu soba yo, sielumunae nitu umosi evo fina lumene ye sola « ludisa nitu yi kuku ».vuka_nanitusolae nitulukongolotela _nitu nkumbu :nlongA nsikubiabingi bifuananemu lungisa...disuemivukana kondo kua kisenzokavukana _bonso :bandula mu PS ntindu ya 1bandula mu PS ntindu ya 2ntangununu zi_kua :ntanguunutanginina lukizi_tangininae kimbuka_tangininae mbukakidiimbu bu diyikilua nkatukifimpilu kike %sbu divunzuka mu lutaagulu nkatu« %s », bu ivanga kio nkatukilala ki bu itanga kio nkatu %skiteke kia « %s » bu kimoneka nkatu. mvuatu « %s » mpila mosi. meka wo kuna ntete. lendele vewa wo kuna : %skilala kio kia mbi kena, bu i tanga nkubu andi nkatukilala kio kia mbi kena, bu i tanga bunene buandi nkatukilendi tanga mambu ma « '%s' » ko: %s %s, bu disuungamene nkatubu itanga mu « %s » nkatubilala bia %s bu bimoneka katubilala bia nta yi bu bitangama katukidiimbu bu dikatuka nkatukiloko ki bu kivuzuka mu ndaandani nkatu%s bu kivutukila nkumbu andi %s nkatu: %s %s bu kibaka nkumbu andi %s nkatu: %s %s bu kibaka nkumbu andi %s nkatu : %s, ibobo ngieti katula %s. mafiuma ma kilala kiki bu mamoneka nkatu%s bu isolola kio nkatukilala ki bu isola kio nkatukiuvu bu kiyuvulua nkatumu songa lunzila nkatukinsosola ka yizolele tumama ko.kifimpilu nkatukifimpilu nkatukifimpilu nkatukifimpilu nkatukifimpilu nkatukifimpilu nkatukifimpilu nkatukifimpilu nkatuskifimpilu nkatukilendi kitula nkumbu a kilala kio ko%s bu ivanga kio nkatukifuanisu ki bu itanga kio nkatu %skilala bu itanga fio nkatufilala bu itanga fio nkatukilendi tanga mambu ma « '%s' » koilembane soka kiofisidi bu i niata fio nkatubu lundisae kilala nkatukilala ki bu inieema kio nkatu_nta a mpavangi_la mu nti :matondodiakaaluka %sx%sdeezo kiaku%ddeezo kiakukisirilikisongani_luumbae kilalasikaa nningukatula kilala kikisadilumalonga mankaka ma kifuanisu ki, makondolobiteezo bia kifuanisu ki kia tifi bisakidiwasasuluadisasuluele mumfiinda :yambula biuvu bia GDIindex.theme, kusolodi yo komafiuma ma bifuanisu, veengula mo mu nkosonzila bandakinongo kia « %s » mu longa dia %d weka mu longa %dkitini <%s> ka tuluanga ku mbanda ya <%s> kolunda masono mu GhostScript kakasokukidikilala « %s », bu ivanga kio nkatu: %si lembane songa binietamakilendi katula kilala « %s »  ko: %svilua wa StartDockifuanisu ki kia JPEG bu itanga kio nkatu (%s)i lembane songa binietamakilendi ziezola kiteke ko : %si lembane fimpa kikalulu --gdk-debugi lembane fimpa kikalulu --gdk-no-debugi lembane niemakifuanisu ki bu itanga kio nkatu %skilendi kitula nkumbu a kilala kia « %s » « %s » ko : %skilendi soba nkumbu a« %s » ko : %skilendi kitula nkumbu a kilala« %s » : %skilala: « %s », bu kivunzuna nkatumaluse manimamafiuma matiamukini mu kilala kibisinsubu nkele sokae kifuanisu ki, '%s' kayizolele kangama ko. nanga mafiuma mankaka mavididi:%sGdkPixbufLoader bu ivaanga yo nkatumafiuma mu kimbuazu ma kilala ki, bu itaga mo nkatukizidi kio kia TIIF bu itanga kio nkatukilendi tanga « %s » ko : nanga fuani kiki kiapatakasakiteke kilembane senzokakilendi tanga « '%s' » ko: %skilendi tanga « %s » ko : nanga fuani kiki kiapatakasakilendi tanga « '%s' » ko: %skizidi kio kia TIIF bu itanga kio nkatu« %s » bu dizibuka nkatu : %s kilendi tanga « '%s' » ko: %skilala kimvioka bu kizibuka nkatumpu bu itanga yo nkatukilala kimvioka bu i tanga kio nkatumpu bu isobua nkatu kifuanisu ki kia tif bu iniema kio nkatumafiuma ma tifi bu i niema mo nkatukinkoso bu kivangama nkatu : %s ntaangulu a nta yi, bu yisonama nkatu kisekokilu bu yi soba kio nkatu mpu bu yivangama nkatu bu itenge kifuanisu ki kia XBM, ndembane niatae kilala kiviokabuna izubidi kifuanisu kio kia XPM, kilala kivioka bu i niema kio nkatu%s: bu itanga kio nkatukizidi kio kia PNG bu itanga kio nkatu %skilalantimuanzikilala ki, ka kia gif kokilala %s kimonekene ko bilalanzengolo_ntanta %s bu itanga yo nkatu.ntamasonokisola masonomuna minkanda miannatinakukangi lu_suemi koteebisa nningukifuanisu ki kia GIF kizengolongilama za GTK+bendila muna londa GTK+ (usasila bio)bendila muna londa GTK+(ku sasila bio ko)kinsunganibendila biobio bia GDK, si sasila biobendila biobio bia GDK, kusasidi bio komamomambu ma kiniema bu ibaka mo nkatumu baka mafiuma ma kiniema...tekila kiyungulu kia GhostScriptyingisalu se kaniingama te utuma kioIPAkiteke « %s » nkatu muna mvuatu wuwunkubu a kiteki kio ya mpavala yinabunene bua kiteki kio wa mpavala yinaluwu lua kifuanisukilala kia kifuanisu kia %s kina ye kima kokizeye ntindu yi kia kifuanisu kokifuanisu ki, bunene/nkubu andi kena ya betila ko.kifuanisu ki, nkubu andi ya mpavalakizidi kiki, bunene buandi wa mpavala yenampu a kifuanisu kivuunzunikifuanisu ki kia nene kingi, bu ikitula kio ICO nkatukizeyi mpila kifuanisu ki %s kokizi kiki ka yi lungidi ko, fueti kio fukisa ye « / »diwokesangae nningubikotolo_masonokifimpilu nkatukifimpilu nkatukifimpilu nkatukifimpilu kikondolo muna tanga kifuanisu kio kia XPMkifimpilu nkatukifimpilu kike muna tanga kilala kio kia JPEGkifimpilu kike muna tana kilala kio kia TIFFkifimpilu nkatukifimpilu nkatukifimpilu nkatu mu sokae kifuaninsu ye teezo bia %ld x %ld.inukitikutilukizi luambika ki-UTF-8 kia betila kokilala ki kia XBM kia mbimpu yi ya XPM ya mbikiloko kiambi mu CreateDCkiloko kia mbi mu PrintDlgExnkumbu yi ka betila kokinongo kia mbi muPrintDlgExmpu ya mbimpu a kiteki wa mbi kenanzila yi kina ya mbote kokinsongi kiambi mu PrintDlgExmuanzi wa mbi  : « %s »kilalumunu kia mu nlonga ya %d : « %s » kena ya betila kobumpuenia bua JPEG i ntalu kati kua 0 ye 100. %d kena ya betila kobumpuenia bua JPEG i ntalu kati kua 0 ye 100. %s kena ya betila kokitumunumafiuma ma fisalumfunu a kisalu kikibuetolekesankubukululumonso ku lumenelumonso ku lumene, banda ku ntandulumonso ku lumene, ntandu ku bandaluwawanuyiikama mabalu ma nkaka ma GTK+mbukalubaanzi lua nenefiotimabalubokidila a mbokolo zi X Xyambula mu konso nduengosoluunda biteezo biakuluunda deezo biaku....nzaku za kiniema..nteendo : lumonso : %s %s lumene : %s %s ntaandu : %s %s mbanda : %s %skatikatimambu mankakansadululunkama simbana pizinankumbubula busakidingeye kaka fueti landila dionta a mpakinkufika kia mpa...mpu nkatubikonko bisoneka biampimpita nkatukiloko nkatu va mbuka wa« %s »kizi nkatunkatukuyungula kokiniema nkatumu biloko biwasadila mu bilumbu bibi, kavena mosi ko mu kizi kia « %s »kisasilu kia mvuaatu nkatu ku « %s ». nkatika vo zolele vaangae nkoso va fulu ki, sadilae --ignore-theme-index. kisasilu kia mvuaatu nkatu. nkatuka yi kisasilu kia mvuaatu kia mbote ko : %s kilala kiayidika luse kia mbinkatumfimpilu yikekifimpilu nkatunteesilu yikenteesilu yikekifimpilu nkatu muna tangae kifuanisu kia rasfifimpilu fikekifimpilu nkatunteesilu yikekifimpilu kikemaluse mantualamu _vingilantuala kakasola bilala bia nti yi kakante_munu:sadila « %s »kiloko ki %d ngieti zibulabiloko bi %d ngieti zibula%s mu zibukata_disa bue :kiankaka...bo nkatundaambu yina ku nsukinu ikalanga kaka ka <%s> komvayikiluvayikisae mpukilala ya C_vayikisa ku :yiingasa nkoso kakaPDFkonso ntaandani ufueti solua va kati kua 0 ye 9. %d kena ya betila ko. %s kena ya betila ko. konso ntaandani ufueti solua va kati kua 0 ye 9.kilala ki, nkubu andi i 0kilala ki, bunene buandi i 0yi ntalu ya mvimba, kitanga pnm keta vingila, kansi ka i monekene ko._maluse :luse %unkubukulu a malusenkubukululutaangulu lua maluse:malusemaluse makua ka lukayaluse muna lukayi kimosimaluse ma_kua ka lukaya:maluse mu _lubaanzi :bonsukunu za bodeezo kia bontukA bompila bokueyi i _bakae bo :nka _mpila bo :lusuemi :nzila yi kenani koniingamanediingamene ; mu sieenga bisalusoleti e nitusi solae masonombukatelamesakueyi mu lukongolo?Postscriptmu kubikamu kubika %d_mfunu :niemaniema mukandaniema muImprimer à l'heureniema kunae kilalaniema mu LPRniema mu kiniema kia mekamekakiniemadiinta dimenin muna « %s ».« %s » kitabukidi.ntiinta za « %s » bakutu manisa.maaka yike ku kiniema « %s ».fioti fisidi « %s » si kakondua nkanda.diinta dike mu « %s » wa kiniema.ntiinta umosi umeeni kuna « %s ».maaka nkatu ku kiniema « %s ». « %s » wa kiniema kikondolo minkanda.« %s » kimonekene ko.landila kiniemakiniema kikutulumu niema %dnkumbua kisalasala landila kilundaneladisonganga ngiendolo ku ntualua ya kisalumpu a kizidi ki, kena ya mbote kompuaniankatika i katula « %s » ?mafiuma ma ntiinta mambi biampamu tununuka bisalulunda_nga kakalunda lusuemi te nsuka ki_salukatulakatula kisinsu « %s »katulae siinsu kikivana kilala nkumbu anditele kilala « %s » nkumbu :biekulula...budedelekesa ye balulatelamasa ye balulalumene ku lumonsolumene ku lumonso, banda ku ntandulumene ku lumonso, ntandu ku bandamuinuSVGtomene fuanana ye --no-wintabsaN 12tula mu _nti :ntee_la :mboninudi_soluelesololasosola :nsuekisolae kilalasolaeti nitu yi uzolele sadila muna lukongolo ye nteemo andi muna kintotatu ki.nkia mpila minkanda uzolele monesa?nkia mpila bilala i songa owaumafiuma malandakane ka ma betila komafiuma malandakane ka ma betila ko. kapu diantete ka i GTKTEXTBUFFERCONTENTS-0001 ko.lubaanzi lafioti(balula)lukufama %s kekalukufama %s kenani koonga ngilama za GTK+monesa bilala bia_suekamasongae bima bia _baantusongae deezolo kia bilala_deezo :mpambadeezololusonokono kimosikaalulu mankaka ka mena madetila kozayikisae konso mpuania za maluse, p. ex. 1-3, 7, 11nkia ntangu uzolele niema, fuani 15:30, 14:15:20, ye bb.Standard%s mu tonakadilutoma taa_tanesa_bundana_zengawuungulampitakanisolola ye _yingasawuungaluzayikusuleekesa_sikidsa disonamenetelamasa_dianietikamakiuvulekesa ye balulabalulasuu_nzulasola _kiawonsononduengosoko_besaku_lulamambu manka_ka_yikila_tuma_mena_kobesa_sede_vangula_mudima_vunzuna_kanga_ntiinta_kaalula_tanginina_viidisa_menuna_yambula_bundumuna_sobulula_leemokesa_zadisa_solola_fipalati_masono_songilu kiamvimba_kinkelalusa_disu_mbangaki_tangulululu_zayikusu_tengamasa_dumuka kuka_tuka mu songilu kiamvimbaku lu_monsoki_bundu_vanga_nkatukideezo kia nk_ulu_tambula_ziezula_kotesa_nkalulu_niema_kalulu_sisa_vangulula_vutukila_katula_vutulaku _lume_ne_luundasongika _nsonika_yambula_wavuunzukavunzu_muna_keendayambu_la_ingeta_diingamaki_vitidi_vutukaku ntua_laki_yiingani_sika_bongulula_yambulaku _nima_baandakulu _muna_ntuku ntua_la_mukila_ntaandu_makateezo bia kifuanisu ki kabina badetila kompila yi ya kifuanisu, kizete yo ko_mabaanzi mole :kinuatu« %s » usonamene kalakinuatu « %s » nkatu mu nkoso ye mpe, binuatu bu bivangama nkatukinuatu « %s »kena ye kimfunu kia betila ko « %s »« %s », kinuatu ki kondolo a nsasulukitai-lawobizidi bia EMFbifuanisu bia GIFbifuanisu bia ICNSbifuanisu bia ICObifuanisu bia JPEGbifuanisu bia PCXbifuanisu bia pngbifuanisu bia qtifbizidi bia sunrasterbifuanisu bia tifibifuanisu bia taragabifuanisu bia WBMPbifuanisu bi WMFbizidi bia XBMbizidi bia XPMkalulu « %s » umonekene nkumbu zole mu kitini kia <%s>nitu i usoleleyi ntinta yi usolele. lendele yo sielumuna mu kisolantinta kiki, mpasi wasadila yo kuntuala.kiyabukulu kia « %s » kiena ya zibuka.« %s » wa kiniema wa zibuka kena.kilala kiki « %s » ku nti ankaka (nkumbu andi %s) yenina ye nanga ka isadulua ye nti aku ko. nga uzolele yo sola kaka ?kilala keka mu « %s ». ovo yiingase yo u si nga kitula mambu mandi mpe.nkumbu a kilala « %s », bisono bia mbi usonamene.nkumbu a kilala« %s » bu isekola yo mu ku-UTF-8 nkatu. (teka saasila G_FILENAME_ENCODING) : %sbilala bia nta yi bu i songa bio nkatunta bu divangama nkatunta bu divangama nkatu kadi wena ye ndoyi andi kala. teka tela nta yi nkumbu ankaka evo vilulae nkumbu a ndoyi kilala.nkumbu a « %s » usonamene ye bisono bia mbi.kikoso ki uvangidi, kena ya betila ko. luwawanu mu sadila kisalasala kioi mu leembolo vangae kilala kivioka kuandi.nitu yina yasoluele kala, wasuasisa yo ye nitu yi weti sola.kisalasala kilembane vukana ye kitaagulula. toma tala keti mu sala kena.« %s » wa kiniema ka yita sala ko.kilalumunu ki kena ya betila ko mu fianela fia belo « %s »kitigilina kia elitele(EZ+)kitigilina kia abisini (EZ+)lokola kianietamantumunu a topdisuemintandu ku bandantandu ku banda, lumonso ku lumenentandu ku banda, lumene ku lumonsokilala kia JPEG kisobolo, bunene/nkubu andi yi 0dibambukidi muntemokono a nitukatulae mafiuma ma bizayikusumu taatanesae nningumafula molesi sonekae nkumbu a kilalata nkumbu a nta yo ya mpantumunu bu ifukisua nkatubu dimonekae kiloko ye kisi « %s » nkatukilala kia « %s », bu kimoneka nkatubusongi mvuatu bu i namisa wo nkatu: %s: « %s »kifuanisu ki ki monekene ko mu nzila za zipixmaps : « %s »kisonganga binkuti kileembane moneka muna module_path : « %s »wayidulamu nlonga %d sono kia %d kina ya deetila ko« %s » kina nuatu ya deetila ko va nlonga wa %d, mu sono kia %dnuatu kia mbi : « %s »ka betila kokisalasala kia nzenza (PID %d)diambu dianisi bu ntezele landumunesa %skiloko kianzenzakizeyi mpila kifuanisu kiki kompitakani wankakampinda yi %d kena ya dedana ye kilala kia ICO ko.kifuanisu kia mpila yi, buibakisuanga mu GDI+ nkatukonso kiyungulunzila ntunzaki nzakiluziina :ntambudi nkoso a bitekekivietinami (VIQR)nningusikaa nninguwokesa nningukizidi kiki, evo bunene evo nkubu andi yena ya mpavalaneladisonamene munsonokono va X_lufumbumunu a :nkia kisongani kia X nkia muinu nkubu a kifuanisu kiki <=0bunene bua kifuanisu kiki <=0kilala ki kia XPM, nkubukulu a mbi kia ntinta yina yandilufumbu_munu o :zuzi mu%H:%Mva wau, ledele sonekae konso ntinta mu kinonga kiandi mu busampanu, evo mu nkumbu andi (lala).nkele Z_yikilavangila kio e ki_sinsumbo_ki :_maluse mamo_ma mfuta :_zulu :mba_nda :_landila nta zankaka_vunzae lutaangulu_lukonko :_mfinda :_fukisae ntumunu_nkanda :_bilala_nkumbu a nta :_yidika mu :nsungani_kimbanzia :_bula :_ntiinta :_lumonso :_luwawanu_mbuka :_nsalulu :_nkumbu :_nta mpa_bubuniema _kaka :_ziezolae lubuka_tadisa ku :_niemono_yaanunulu :_deezo kia :lu_suemi :_mbuka_lukamunu :_siinsa :_mbuaki :_katula_katula mu lutaangulu_kitula nkumbu_tela kilala nkumbu a nkaka_yiingasa_balulalu_mene :_ngolo:_lundisa nitu kokotula _mu kilala:_bisoluele : _nsonama :_ntu :mbieko:_ntalu :_kivindumuka :_bunene :_a :_o :mu nzila kongo mbakidi lubamba luame ye i vana zanga. basidi ma nima malala ma ntama beta dia ye batinini e badidi ntoto ye kala za va nsi 0123456789.%Ymanaki:MY%d%dmanaki:week_start:1default:LTRdefault:mmbifiuma bimonekene muna « %s » ye « %s » nlembonkatulundombelundombe (%s)Sobaku nimalubantikulunduvidisabandansukapamukatukusivikotisano_tukuno_vidisano_bandano_mfokoNo_kotano_tukuno_kotesaNo_lumonsono_landino_kulumunano_makano_nimano_lumeneno_mpondanino_yabuno_ntandulumonsonziungabueto _nkamasadila _binongokulumukama_kakinganiemamvutukalumenedingamae _mwinuza kimbangumpondaninsisilundoyabukazulufiafu fia nlankatunduukulu.%skizungulu #10kizungulu #11kizungulu #12kizungulu #14kizungulu #910x1110x1310x1410x1511x1211x1512x195x7kizungulu 6x9kizungulu 7x9kizungulu 9x11A0A0x2A0x3A1A10A1x3A1x4A2A2x3A2x4A2x5A3A3 ekisitiraA3x3A3x4A3x5A3x6A3x7A4A4 ekisitiraA4 TabA4x3A4x4A4x5A4x6A4x7A4x8A4x9A5A5 ekesitiraA6A7A8A9Arch AArch BArch CArch DArch EB0B1B10B2B3B4B5B5 ExtraB6B6-C4B7B8B9C0C1C10C2C3C4C5C6C6/C5C7C7/C6C8C9kizungulu Choukei 2kizungulu Choukei 3kizungulu Choukei 4kizungulu DLDai-pa-kaiEdp ya mputuegezekitivifanfolde ya mputuwa wiisa FanFold kia gelemaniFanFold USIn-folioIn-folio spnkanda wa wiisa kia luyaalunkanda wa luyaalukinsasa nlembo 3x5kinsasa 4x6 kisongolo 4x6 extkisongolo 5x8kizungulu kiantumisalupetakizungulu kia italiaJB0JB1JB10JB2JB3JB4JB5JB6JB7JB8JB9kizungulu Monarchkizungulu kiampensakizungulu PostfixIn-quartoRA0RA1RA2ROC 16kROC 8kSRA0SRA1SRA2fizidikia Akia BetabloyidiLégal USUS Legal ExtraUS LetterUS Letter Extrausa Letter Pluskia nenekizungulu a2asme_fb-pilusickizungulu c5deedpfhagakijis execjuuro-ku-kaikizungulu kahukizungulu kahu2oufuku (lukanda wa mvutu)pa-kaiprc 16kprc 32kkizungulu prc1kizungulu prc10kizungulu prc2kizungulu prc3kizungulu prc4kizungulu prc5kizungulu prc6kizungulu prc7kizungulu prc8kizungulu prc9kizungulu you4dingamenengiambudi mu diambu dimosimfokolemfokole ye mpitakanimu vangulula binsamunsamukalulu a ntetekubika mu niemamu niemamu tuma minsamu nsamumu vingilakiniema kikuikudimu sala%d %%kubamene mu niema%d. %s_%d. %snietama mu mekameka %skimvukumunadianzenza%d %%2000